Configure SixxS subnet


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20 Feb 2009
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currently I'm using gw6 + radvd on the fritzbox to have a global ipv6 on all my machines.

I would switch this (slowly) configuration to sixxs but I encountered some problems.. I already have a subscription to sixxs with a tunnel and a subnet, the tunnel works fine on my fritzbox. However I can't set up the subnet in any way and I haven't ipv6 connectivity on my computers
How I can do it?
You have to add /64 to the subnet prefix instead of /48 in your radvd.conf
in my sixxs page I've these info:
IPv6 Prefix 2001:1418:***:***::1/64
PoP IPv6 2001:1418:***:***::1
Your IPv6 2001:1418:***:***::2
Prefix 2001:1418:***::/48

In radvd config page:
IPv6 interface: lan
IPv6 address: 2001:1418:***:***::2/64
IPv6 prefix: 2001:1418:***::1/64

If I set in radvd config 2001:1418:***::1/48 my Linux machine says that it receive a wrong prefix. If I set 2001:1418:***::1/64 I get no errors and my machine get an ipv6 address but I can't ping any site (neither my fritz!)
IPv6 prefix: 2001:1418:***::1/64

Try removing the 1 in your prefix, so it will look like that:
IPv6 prefix: 2001:1418:***::/64

How does the routing table on your fritzbox look like?
Try removing the 1 in your prefix, so it will look like that:
IPv6 prefix: 2001:1418:***::/64
I also removed /64 in IPv6 address (as in your howto)
How does the routing table on your fritzbox look like?
/var/mod/root # route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface   *      UH    2      0        0 dsl
151.48.**.***   *      UH    2      0        0 dsl   *      UH    2      0        0 dsl   *      UH    2      0        0 dsl   *        U     0      0        0 eth0         *        U     0      0        0 tap0     *        U     0      0        0 lan     *          U     0      0        0 lan
default         *              U     2      0        0 dsl
/var/mod/root # route -A inet6
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                                 Next Hop                                Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
::1/128                                     ::                                      U     0      0        1 lo      
2001:1418:***:***::/128                     ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
2001:1418:***:***::2/128                    ::                                      U     0      18       2 lo      
2001:1418:***:***::2/128                    ::                                      U     0      32       1 lo      
2001:1418:***:***::/64                      ::                                      U     256    1        0 sixxs   
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::21f:3fff:fed7:3c47/128                ::                                      U     0      0        1 lo      
fe80::21f:3fff:fed7:3c47/128                ::                                      U     0      0        1 lo      
fe80::21f:3fff:fefa:5506/128                ::                                      U     0      2        1 lo      
fe80::1418:***:***:2/128                    ::                                      U     0      0        1 lo      
fe80::4cd3:bfff:fe9b:b6c9/128               ::                                      U     0      0        1 lo      
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 wifi0   
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 ath0    
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 lan     
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 tap0    
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 sixxs   
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 wifi0   
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 ath0    
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 lan     
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 tap0    
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 sixxs   
::/0                                        2001:1418:***:***::1                    UG    1024   306       0 sixxs   
/var/mod/root #
Hmm, my inet6 routing table looks like this:
/var/mod/root # route -A inet6
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                                 Next Hop                                Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
::1/128                                     ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
2001:6f8:****:****::/128                      ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
2001:6f8:****:****::1/128                     2001:6f8:****:****::1                     UC    0      10       0 sixxs   
2001:6f8:****:****::2/128                     ::                                      U     0      798       2 lo      
2001:6f8:****:****::/64                       ::                                      U     256    1        0 sixxs   
2001:6f8:****::1/128                        ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
2001:6f8:1357:****:****:****:****:550a/128      2001:6f8:1357:****:****:****:****:550a      UAC   0      2777       0 lan     
2001:6f8:1357::/48                          ::                                      UA    256    0        0 lan     
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::215:cff:fefe:270b/128                 ::                                      U     0      261       2 lo      
fe80::215:cff:fefe:270b/128                 ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::4f8:900:729:2/128                     ::                                      U     0      0        2 lo      
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 eth0    
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 lan     
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    0        0 sixxs   
ff02::1/128                                 ff02::1                                 UC    0      2        1 lan     
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 eth0    
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 lan     
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    0        0 sixxs   
::/0                                        2001:6f8:****:****::1                     UG    1024   10041       0 sixxs
Default routing table:
/var/mod/root # route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface   *      UH    2      0        0 dsl
91.***.***.***    *      UH    2      0        0 dsl   *      UH    2      0        0 dsl     *        U     0      0        0 lan     *          U     0      0        0 lan
default         *              U     2      0        0 dsl

Looks like there are some inet6 related routings missing in your tables.
Looks like there are some inet6 related routings missing in your tables.

very strange... if I ping an ipv6 from my fritzbox it works:

/var/mod/root # ping6
PING (2001:4860:a003::68): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:4860:a003::68: seq=0 ttl=53 time=34.297 ms
64 bytes from 2001:4860:a003::68: seq=1 ttl=53 time=34.547 ms
64 bytes from 2001:4860:a003::68: seq=2 ttl=53 time=37.131 ms
64 bytes from 2001:4860:a003::68: seq=3 ttl=53 time=33.505 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 33.505/34.870/37.131 ms
/var/mod/root #
very strange... if I ping an ipv6 from my fritzbox it works:

This means, your tunnel is up and working properly. But there seem to be a routing issue, because you cannot reach an ipv6 host from your internal LAN.
Your radvd settings should be fine now. Strange, that your routing is not working....:confused:
Similar problem with ipv6 and gw6

Hi forum,

I have a similar problem on my Fritz!Box fonwlan 7113 (UI). I've set up my freetz image with IPv6, gw6 and radvd from the actual trunk revision 3921.

So far:
IPv6 works on router. If I connect my Laptop through wlan0 I can't ping for example
But if I set the route manually on my Laptop wlan0 device to go through the router to ::/0 then I can ping6 or and so on.

So we can concentrate on radvd. I guess I put in the prefixes and adresses correctly.
There is also another thing:
If I connect through eth0 (cable) then radvd gives this device (eth0 on my Laptop) the correct routes through route soliciaton or route advertising.

So I believe, the problem is something with the "lan" device which gets the router address.

I googled very hard and I could find a few similar cases, but also with no solution.

What could this be? And how can we solve this?

PS: I found out that the "lan" device on the box uses the same MAC address as the ethernet device to autoconfigure ff80::/64.
I tried to add an address to "lan" generated from the MAC of the wlan device of the box but this happended to change nothing. But maybe just because I don't know how to create the right address(es).


What is your lan / wlan configuration? Do you use bridged lan/wlan (same ip range) or do you split lan / wlan to separate ip ranges / routed segments in the AVM interface.

You can try to establish a layer 2 - bridge via brctl (if you have it in your freetz package), then the routing should work in both wlan and lan the same way.

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