Converting FB7270 v1 to English


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20 Sep 2006
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hello all

I read on these fora that the image required for the international firmware is larger than 8MB. And indeed it is, the image I have just created using Freetz is 11MB.

does this mean that it is impossible to change a FB7270 v1 (hw revision 122) to international using a firmware flash? or is it simply that i will have to do so manually via the adam2 bootloader or a manual layout in /var ?

I have just tried the following:

1. build the image with freetz.
2. open the telnet interface
3. mount -o bind /var/tmp /tmp
4. mkdir /var/tmp/tmp
5. cd /var/tmp/tmp
6. wget to grab the newly created image
7. untar the image
8. cd ./var
9. mv ./tmp/* /var/tmp/
10. rm -rf ./tmp
11. mv ./* /var
12. change the interface string to avme in /proc/sys/urlader/environment
13. sh -x /var/install

i get an error message
install type not korrect [followed by a long string] indicating that it is expecting an 8MB version.

this seems to be the end of the line. but i am left with some hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel as i suspect that the freetz application would not permit an image to be made for the FB 7270 v1 that was in excess of its permitted requirements.

any help would be very much appreciated.

can anyone help on this, please? even perhaps to suggest another site that could provide guidance?
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