Diva Server in Asterisk einbinden


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Mitglied seit
15 Aug 2009
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Ich versuche mich zur Zeit an einem Asterisk 1.6 auf CentOS mit einer Dialogic 4-Port BRI-Karte. An die Karte sollen 3 ISDN-Endgeräte angeschlossen werden + 1 Anlagenanschluß.
Jetzt habe ich zwei Treiber gefunden, einen (OpenSource?) von Melware und den originalen von Eicon. Welchen sollte man nutzen?
Kann ich trotz Eicon-Treiber den Melware chan_capi nutzen? Außerdem würde ich gerne die alten ISDN4Linux-Treiber entfernen, ohne den Kernel neu zu kompilieren, kann mir da jemand helfen?

Danke im voraus,

Ich habe jetzt den Melware-Treiber und das entsprechende chan_capi installiert. Die entsprechenden Ports habe ich auf "NT", Point-to-Point gestellt.

Kann ich jetzt ein ISDN-Telefon einfach an den Port anschließen oder muß ich das Kabel kreuzen? Schließe ich das Telefon nicht-gekreutzt an, kriege ich bei einem einfachen rauswählen per console dial 3000 folgendes:

 ISDN4#30: CAPI INFO 0x3301: Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol)
  == ISDN4#30: CAPI Hangingup for PLCI=0xdead0000 in state 4
    -- No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0)

meine extensions.conf dazu:
exten => 3000,1,Dial(CAPI/ISDN4/contr4)
Alles klar, Dankeschön!

Hab das System jetzt eingerichtet mit Asterisk, chan_capi 1.1.4, Diva-Treiber v3 von Melware und einem ISDN-Telefon an Port1 (im NT-mode, PtMP) der Diva mit gekreuztem Kabel und Endwiderständen. Außerdem habe ich zu Debian Lenny gewechselt. Jetzt habe ich noch Probleme (mit dem Dialstring?). Hier meine Extensions.conf

exten => s,1,Playtones(dial)
exten => s,n,Progress()
exten => s,n,StopPlaytones

exten => 2000,1,Dial(CAPI/ISDN1/0/b)

Da sowieso nur ein Gerät pro Port angeschlossen wird, möchte ich alle MSNs anwählen, geht das mit der "0"?

Hier meine capi.conf (interfaces)

; CAPI config

; general section

nationalprefix=0        ; or for example "+49"
internationalprefix=00  ; or for example "+"
;subscriberprefix=+4969 ; prefix including area code (some lines need this)
rxgain=1.0       ;linear receive gain (1.0 = no change)
txgain=1.0       ;linear transmit gain (1.0 = no change)
language=de      ;set default language
;ulaw=yes        ;set this, if you live in u-law world instead of a-law

;jb.....         ;with Asterisk 1.4 you can configure jitterbuffer,
                 ;see Asterisk documentation for all jb* setting available.
;mohinterpret=default ;Asterisk 1.4: default music on hold class when placed on hold.

; interface sections ...

[ISDN1]          ;this example interface gets name 'ISDN1' and may be any
                 ;name not starting with 'g' or 'contr'.
                 ;Use one interface section for each ISDN port!
ntmode=yes      ;if the ISDN card operates in NT-mode, set this to 'yes'
isdnmode=did     ;'MSN' (point-to-multipoint) or 'DID' (direct inward dial)
                 ;when using NT-mode, 'DID' should be set in any case
incomingmsn=*    ;allow incoming calls to this list of MSNs/DIDs, * = any
;defaultcid=123  ;set a default caller ID to that interface for dial-out,
                 ;this caller ID will be used when the dial option 'd' is set.
;controller=0    ;ISDN4BSD default
;controller=7    ;ISDN4BSD USB default
controller=1     ;CAPI controller number of this interface/port
group=1          ;dialout group
;prefix=0        ;set a prefix to the calling number on incoming calls
softdtmf=on      ;enable/disable software DTMF detection, recommended for AVM cards
relaxdtmf=on     ;in addition to softdtmf, you can use relaxed DTMF detection
faxdetect=off    ;enable faxdetection and redirection to EXTEN 'fax' for incoming and/or
                 ;outgoing calls. (default='off', possible values: 'incoming','outgoing','both')
faxdetecttime=0  ;Only detect faxes during the first 'n' seconds of the call.
                 ;(default '0' meaning for the whole duration of the call)
accountcode=     ;PBX accountcode to use in CDRs
;amaflags=default;AMA flags for CDR ('default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation')
context=isdn-in  ;context for incoming calls
;holdtype=hold   ;when the PBX puts the call on hold, ISDN HOLD will be used. If
                 ;set to 'local' (default value), no hold is done and the PBX may
                 ;play MOH.
immediate=yes   ;DID: immediate start of PBX with extension 's' if no digits were
                 ;     received on incoming call (no destination number yet)
                 ;MSN: start PBX on CONNECT_IND and do not wait for SETUP/SENDING-COMPLETE.
                 ;     info like REDIRECTINGNUMBER may be lost, but this is necessary for
                 ;     drivers/pbx/telco which does not send SETUP or SENDING-COMPLETE.
;echosquelch=1   ;_VERY_PRIMITIVE_ echo suppression. Disable it before you start recording voicemail
                 ;or your files may get choppy. (you can use capicommand(echosquelch|no) for this)
;echocancel=yes  ;Dialogic(R) Diva(R) (CAPI) echo cancellation (yes=g165)
                 ;(possible values: 'no', 'yes', 'force', 'g164', 'g165')
;echocancelpath=1;Dialogic(R) Diva(R) (CAPI) echo cancellation path
                 ;(possible values: default '1' - E.1/T.1/S0, '2' - IP, '3' - both)
echocancelold=yes;use facility selector 6 instead of correct 8 (necessary for older eicon drivers)
;echotail=64     ;echo cancel tail setting (default=0 for maximum)
;echocancelnlp=1 ;activate non-linear-processing; this improves echo cancel ratio, but might
                 ;incorporate variable gain in the signal path.
;bridge=yes      ;native bridging (CAPI line interconnect) if available
;callgroup=1     ;PBX call group
;pickupgroup=1   ;PBX pickup group (which call groups are we allowed to pickup)
;transfergroup=1 ;Controller(s) where a transfer on native bridge is allowed to.
;language=de     ;set language for this device (overwrites default language)
;disallow=all    ;RTP codec selection (valid with Dialogic(R) Diva(R) Media Boards only)
;allow=all       ;RTP codec selection (valid with Dialogic(R) Diva(R) Media Boards only)
devices=2        ;number of concurrent calls (B-Channels) on this controller
                 ;(2 makes sense for single BRI, 30/23 for PRI/T1)
;jb.....         ;with Asterisk 1.4 you can configure jitterbuffer,
                 ;see Asterisk documentation for all jb* setting available.
;mohinterpret=default ;Asterisk 1.4: default music on hold class when placed on hold.
;qsig=1           ;enable use of Q.SIG extensions. ECMA Variant
;qsig_prnum=1234  ;enable inbound bridging - this should be an QSIG-network-wide unique number

Was genau hat es mit dem immediate auf sich? Ist es richtig gesetzt, wenn ich ein ISDN-Endgerät anschließe?
Wenn ich jetzt von einem Sip-Client die 2000 anrufe passiert (mit Verbose=5 und capi debug) folgt:

*CLI> core set debug 5
Core debug was 0 and is now 5
*CLI> capi debug
CAPI Message Debugging Enabled
*CLI> [Sep 10 11:46:56] NOTICE[20793]: chan_sip.c:20743 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 2000
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [2000@default:1] Dial("SIP/2000-086d4728", "CAPI/ISDN1/0/b") in new stack
       > data = ISDN1/0/b format=8
       > parsed dialstring: 'ISDN1' 'NULL' '0' 'b'
       > capi request for interface 'ISDN1'
  == ISDN1#02: setting format alaw - 0x8 (alaw)
       > parsed dialstring: 'ISDN1' 'NULL' '0' 'b'
       [COLOR="Red"]> capi: peerlink -1 allocated, peer is unlinked[/COLOR]
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/0 is 'In use'
  == ISDN1#02: Call CAPI/ISDN1#02/0-0 with B3  (pres=0x00, ton=0x00)
CONNECT_REQ                ID=002 #0x000c LEN=0050
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x1
  CIPValue                        = 0x1
  CalledPartyNumber               = <80>0
  CallingPartyNumber              = <00 80>2000
  CalledPartySubaddress           = default
  CallingPartySubaddress          = default
   B1protocol                     = 0x1
   B2protocol                     = 0x1
   B3protocol                     = 0x0
   B1configuration                = default
   B2configuration                = default
   B3configuration                = default
   GlobalConfiguration            = default
  BC                              = default
  LLC                             = default
  HLC                             = default
   BChannelinformation            = <00 00>
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default
   SendingComplete                = <01 00>

    -- Called ISDN1/0/b
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x02 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x000c NCCI=0x00000401
CONNECT_CONF               ID=002 #0x000c LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  Info                            = 0x0

    -- ISDN1#02: received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x401
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x0000 NCCI=0x00000401
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8001
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401

    -- ISDN1#02: info element ALERTING
CONNECT_B3_REQ             ID=002 #0x000d LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  NCPI                            = default

    -- ISDN1#02: sent CONNECT_B3_REQ PLCI=0x401
    -- chan_capi queue frame: TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Unknown control '14' (14) ] [ISDN1#02]
    -- chan_capi queue frame: TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Ringing (3) ] [ISDN1#02]
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/0 is 'In use'
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#02/0-0 is making progress passing it to SIP/2000-086d4728
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#02/0-0 is ringing
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x82 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x000d NCCI=0x00080401
CONNECT_B3_CONF            ID=002 #0x000d LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401
  Info                            = 0x0

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x83 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x0002 NCCI=0x00080401
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND      ID=002 #0x0002 LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401
  NCPI                            = default

CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP     ID=002 #0x0002 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401

       > ISDN1#02: too much voice to send for NCCI=0x80401
       > ISDN1#02: too much voice to send for NCCI=0x80401
       > ISDN1#02: too much voice to send for NCCI=0x80401


        > ISDN1#02: too much voice to send for NCCI=0x80401
[COLOR="red"]Wenn ich vom SIP-Client auflege:[/COLOR]
  == ISDN1#02: CAPI Hangingup for PLCI=0x401 in state 5
    -- ISDN1#02: activehangingup (cause=0) for PLCI=0x401
DISCONNECT_B3_REQ          ID=002 #0x01e5 LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401
  NCPI                            = default

       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/0 is 'Not in use'
  == Spawn extension (default, 2000, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2000-086d4728'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/0 is 'Not in use'
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x84 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x01e5 NCCI=0x00080401
DISCONNECT_B3_CONF         ID=002 #0x01e5 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401
  Info                            = 0x0

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x84 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x02ce NCCI=0x00080401
DISCONNECT_B3_IND          ID=002 #0x02ce LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401
  Reason_B3                       = 0x0
  NCPI                            = default

DISCONNECT_B3_RESP         ID=002 #0x02ce LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x80401

DISCONNECT_REQ             ID=002 #0x01e6 LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  AdditionalInfo                  = default

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x04 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x01e6 NCCI=0x00000401
DISCONNECT_CONF            ID=002 #0x01e6 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  Info                            = 0x0

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x02cf NCCI=0x00000401
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x02cf LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  InfoNumber                      = 0x804d
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x02cf LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401

    -- ISDN1#02: info element RELEASE
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x04 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x02d1 NCCI=0x00000401
DISCONNECT_IND             ID=002 #0x02d1 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401
  Reason                          = 0x3490

DISCONNECT_RESP            ID=002 #0x02d1 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x401

       > ISDN1#02: CAPI INFO 0x3490: Normal call clearing
  == ISDN1#02: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x401

Dazu das diva1.log

debian-asterisk:~# cat /var/log/diva1.log 
INITIAL XLOG:  CARD:1, Dialogic Diva 4BRI-8 PCI v2 SN:8386 - PORT 1, STARTED AT: Do 10. Sep 02:15:33 CEST 2009
Package Build: 3.1.4-109.75-1

    0:0063:209 - Instance(0)=0x80356000 image_start=0x80000000, shared_memory=0xa0001000 card=53
    0:0000:000 - Diva Server 4BRI-8M 2.0 (2620)
    0:0000:000 - Protocol: 'TE_DMLT, Build 109-76, Protocol 6.03(V19) 108-1 [F#01FF]'
    0:0000:000 - DSP task 6: DIVA Server BRI 2M Kernel Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:000 - DSP task 15: DIVA Server BRI 2M SoftIP Kernel Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:000 - DSP task 100: HSCX Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:000 - DSP task 104: HSCXBR Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:000 - DSP task 107: HSCX Small Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 110: PIAFSD Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 200: V.110 Kernel Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 201: V.110 Overlay (600) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 202: V.110 Overlay (1200) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 203: V.110 Overlay (1200/75) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 204: V.110 Overlay (75/1200) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 205: V.110 Overlay (2400) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 206: V.110 Overlay (4800,9600,19200,38400) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 207: V.110 Overlay (7200,14400,28800) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 208: V.110 Overlay (12000,24000) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 209: V.110 Overlay (48000) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 210: V.110 Overlay (56000) Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 225: V.110 Kernel Task BRI 2M Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 504: VOICEBR Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 510: DTMF Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 512: DTMFBR Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 520: SIG.MDM Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 532: TONEBR Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 542: MEASBR Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 552: LECBR Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 590: Conferencing Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 600: TIKRNL81.F34 Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 624: SIG Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 604: FSK OWN Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 607: V8.F34 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 608: INFO Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 609: V.34 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 622: INFOH.F34 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 623: HV34.F34 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 610: DIAL/FSK/FAX.F34 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 611: DIAL.F34 Partial Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 612: FSKFAX.F34 Partial Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 613: FAX.F34 Partial Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 614: V.22/V.32 LEC Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 615: V.32 Partial Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 618: V.90 DPCM Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 619: V.90 APCM Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 625: V.22FC Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 629: V.22bis FC Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 627: V.29FC Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 620: V.18 OWN-LK Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 621: V.OWN Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 702: VKRNLBR.SEC Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 709: VKRNL Small Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 703: G.711 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 704: RTP G.711/G.726 Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 706: RTP GSM Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 711: RTP G.729AB Overlay Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - DSP task 722: CKRNLBR.SEC Task Version 1.00 Build 109-789
    0:0000:001 - Conf: DLI21st=1,MWIREG=1,ECTA=1,ECTF=1
    0:0000:002 - Conf: S2=1,Tei=0,NT2=1,Perm=0,WDog=0,LowCh=0,L1Hunt=0x0
    0:0000:002 - Conf: Loop=0,DidLen=0,Law=0,nosig=0,AlertTO=0xffff,PDisc=0
    0:0000:002 - Conf: Prot=1,PVer=0,NT=1,Lim=0,RTone=0,L2_Links=8
    0:0000:002 - Conf: XConn=0/6,ClkM=1/128/4096,ClkP=0000/0/0
    0:0000:002 - SN:8386-0 0 1 1 0 0
    0:0000:003 - Initialize Softmodem!!
    0:0000:003 - sysCreateDpc: handler=0x80142eb0, context=0x805f822c
    0:0000:003 - sdp_dpc_init: check dpc 0 0x8035f0e8
    0:0000:003 - sdp_dpc_init: assign dpc 0 0x8035f0e8
    0:0000:003 - sysCreateDpc: handler=0x80142eb0, context=0x805fb574
    0:0000:003 - sdp_dpc_init: check dpc 0 0x8035f0e8
    0:0000:003 - sdp_dpc_init: check dpc 1 0x8035f0f4
    0:0000:003 - sdp_dpc_init: assign dpc 1 0x8035f0f4
    0:0000:003 - ddal_load_time_init: link instance 0 to ddal
    0:0000:003 - task 0: sdp module not present! (own_gp=0x0, sdp_gp=0x0)
    0:0000:003 - ddal_load_time_init: link instance 1 to ddal
    0:0000:003 - task 1: sdp module not present! (own_gp=0x0, sdp_gp=0x0)
    0:0000:003 - ddal_load_time_init: sdp module 0 not present!
    0:0000:003 - ddal_load_time_init: sdp module 1 not present!
    0:0000:003 - Initialized 0 instances:
    0:0000:006 - init_bulk_buffers 4 65536 28672 2
    0:0000:068 - Set_LineClock_OpMode: Set to 0x0000
    0:0000:069 - [0] Starting kernel...
    0:0000:071 - [0] DSP OK
    0:0000:071 - [1] Starting kernel...
    0:0000:073 - [1] DSP OK
    0:0000:073 - Initialize IPACX in NT mode
    0:0000:073 - Hardware Initialisation done.
    0:0000:076 - PSI: init
    0:0000:076 - PSI:set etsi interface
    0:0000:076 - CREATEID ok: context:0 assigned Id:1 freeIds=ef
    0:0000:076 - manufacturer features: 0xaf307f94
    0:0000:076 - D2Assign 0 d_id=01
    0:0000:076 - MDL: init
    0:0000:076 - MDL: init 0x8055d368 to entry 0
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 1 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055d684 to entry 1
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 2 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055d9a0 to entry 2
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 3 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055dcbc to entry 3
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 4 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055dfd8 to entry 4
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 5 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055e2f4 to entry 5
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 6 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055e610 to entry 6
    0:0000:077 - D2Assign 7 d_id=01
    0:0000:077 - MDL: init 0x8055e92c to entry 7
    0:0000:078 - PCI DMA test: write 32 bytes system(0xa036142c) -> pci(0x36fae000)
    0:0000:086 - PCI DMA test: read 32 bytes pci(0x36fae000) -> system(0xa036144c)
    0:0000:086 - PCI DMA test OK
    0:0000:086 - PCI DMA write transfer 163840 bytes in 8 mSec
    0:0000:093 - PCI DMA read transfer 163840 bytes in 6 mSec
    0:0000:385 - CREATEID ok: context:ff assigned Id:2 freeIds=ee
    0:0000:402 - DELETEID ok: deleted Id:2 freeIds=ef
    0:0000:406 - CREATEID ok: context:ff assigned Id:3 freeIds=ee
    0:0000:406 - Use management combined indications, limit=4096
    0:0000:520 - L1_UP

Was stimmt hier nicht? Danke für eure Hilfe und Gruß

Was mich auch noch wundert ist die Ausgabe von lspci, obwohl die Karte eine Rev.2 ist, wird sie als Rev.1 angegeben!?

debian-asterisk:~# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Broadcom CMIC-LE Host Bridge (GC-LE chipset) (rev 31)
00:00.1 Host bridge: Broadcom CMIC-LE Host Bridge (GC-LE chipset)
00:00.2 Host bridge: Broadcom CMIC-LE Host Bridge (GC-LE chipset)
00:03.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL (rev 27)
00:04.0 RAID bus controller: Compaq Computer Corporation Smart Array 5i/532 (rev 01)
00:05.0 System peripheral: Compaq Computer Corporation Integrated Lights Out Controller (rev 01)
00:05.2 System peripheral: Compaq Computer Corporation Integrated Lights Out  Processor (rev 01)
00:0f.0 ISA bridge: Broadcom CSB5 South Bridge (rev 93)
00:0f.1 IDE interface: Broadcom CSB5 IDE Controller (rev 93)
00:0f.2 USB Controller: Broadcom OSB4/CSB5 OHCI USB Controller (rev 05)
00:0f.3 Host bridge: Broadcom CSB5 LPC bridge
00:11.0 Host bridge: Broadcom CIOB-X2 PCI-X I/O Bridge (rev 05)
00:11.2 Host bridge: Broadcom CIOB-X2 PCI-X I/O Bridge (rev 05)
01:01.0 Network controller: Dialogic Corporation 4BRI [COLOR="Red"](rev 01)[/COLOR]
04:02.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5703X Gigabit Ethernet (rev 02)
Na, wegen der Version kann ich dich verwirren :)
Schau mal in dein diva1.log, da steht es in den ersten paar Zeilen mehfach drin, V2!
Ich würde dem Treiber glauben und nicht der lspci Ausgabe, die greift auf eine kernel-eigene
Datei zu und gibt zu der ID den passenden Text aus.

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