dnsmasq & config files


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Mitglied seit
24 Feb 2008
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Hello *,

After built a properly firmware with dnsmaq. I'm trying to bind MAC addr. and IP address with dnsmasq.
My issue is: when I am checking on the filesystems, I found several occurrences of dnsmasq.conf or default_dnsmasq.
I have tried to modified these files but unsuccessful or after a reboot my settings disappeared.
Someone should point me the right file in order to add my Mac and Ip?

Dnsmasq uses the hosts file for binding an IP to a MAC. You can edit the hosts file in freetz-webinterface.
Hi Beetlejuice,

I have tried to use the web interface in order to modify the exhosts file.
The binding doesn't occur but the name resolution yes...

I put this: 00:1f:f3:d5:xx:xx * imac

So if you have any clue in order to help me?

Thanks a lot
Ok so after a Fritz reboot all seems to be ok...

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