Do the AVM DECT phones on a 7270 "green" ?


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11 Nov 2007
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Hi all,
If I buy an avm dect phone for my 7270, would that communicate with the base all the time as the older systems, or not?
Is there any other phone that would support eco mode with the fritz?
Fritz!Box can be set to eco, so the dect-power is always the same but reduced.
Then it reaches only about 1 or 2 rooms.

Because this and many other problems (sound, caller-lists, usage) it is better to use a ISDN-Gigaset and switch off the Fritz!Box DECT.

That supports also ECO to reduce the base-power (but with more reach that is enough for normal usage) and the handsets reduce the power automatically as needed.
The handsets don't send DECT, if they are not in use.
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