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Mitglied seit
12 Sep 2006
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We have faced the problem that different companies have got different comprehension of the same voip processes and decided to make some common rules that are going to regulate the work between the different companies with different approaches to the routing.
Please take some time to look it through as here are examined the general matters for all VoIP traders. We would like to create the universal document that will not allow any unclear spots in the VoIP process and will protect both the provider's and user's rights. Here is the link for the documents we made:

Your comments will be much appreciated.

P.S. Dear admin, please note that this is not an advertising. Hereby we are trying to help the whole voip society to avoid the general mistakes and mutual accusations.

e-mail: [email protected]
ICQ: 101-476-107
MSN: [email protected]
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