Dropbear + putty + ...... = possible??


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19 Aug 2008
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I guys i have a new (i hope not too stupid :p:p) question...

I use often dropbear with putty and its "tunnel" configuration because with this option i have a nat through putty and its ssh2 connection with dropbear..
So for example i can use telnet or my ftp server on a remote pc behind my fritz box from everywhere..
My question is: "it's possible to play a game online with putty's tunnel??"

In my opinion an online game, works in the same way: is always a sort of "nat" on a specific port..

So, do you think this is possible or this is a stupid question? And please, if the right answer to my question is the second one :p, can i know why..??

Many thanks for yor time.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I think there is a chance that your game works. But this tunnel might have too slow ping times for a game. Give it a try...


please take into account that SSH can only tunnel TCP connections, no UDP and no ICMP. UDP is often used by online games.
I've tried with world of warcraft 3.
It use a tcp connection on the port 6112.

My putty's configuration is:
SOURCE PORT: 6112 (this is the random port that you can choose for the localhost service)
DESTINATION: my_local_ip:6112

(the same configuration on my others home services work perfectly..)

I've tried to change the random port on putty and-or the game's port but with no result.. Putty connection work with no problem but in the lan configuration of warcraft i can't see the other player...

Any other idea..? May be a protocol problem as suggest by frank..??
According to Blizzard, port 6112 is not sufficient.
I reckon you are playing Warcraft III rather than World of Warcraft (might be difficult to host games thereof).
Very good suggestion :p
First of all i want to specify that i play at warcraft 3 regin of chaos so not on battle.net but only with my friends.
So i have to configure putty with:

Warcraft III:
- Allow port 6112 TCP out and allow established sessions in
- Allow port 6112 TCP in (hosting custom games)
- Allow port 6113-6119 TCP out and in (hosting custom games if you've changed the default port in the Options/Gameplay screen)

I've controlled putty right now and seems to be possible a multiple nat configuration with the tunnel option... Tomorrow i will try to play at my first remote lan game :p:p

For now many thanks itzy
Nothing to do, i can't play online with putty...
I've tried many kind of putty's configuration:

DESTINATION PORT my_local_ip:6612

DESTINATION PORT my_local_ip:6612

DESTINATION PORT my_local_ip:6612
DESTINATION PORT my_local_ip:6612

But with no result.. I've changed the game port in only one and or in both my pc's but with no results....

At this point i think that may be a protocol problem as suggest by frank, but it's strange that in the warcraft "tech support" i've finded only tcp port that must be open...

Do you know any other dropbear's client that i can use for my scope..???

Many thanks guys :p
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