dtmfbox Kurzwahlproblem, ruft sich bei *121# selbst an?


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Mitglied seit
21 Feb 2008
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Benutze dtmfbox v0.5.0-rc3, habe alles wie in der Anleitung beschrieben für die Kurzwahl bei analogen Anschlüssen konfiguriert (über SIP-Registrar), komischerweise jedoch wird die dtmfbox wenn ich am Telefon *121# (egal ob mit oder ohne Kurzwahl danach) eingebe einfach angerufen, also es leutet ein paar mal und dann kommt der Anrufbeantworter.

Hier mal mein Logfile:

05:40:54 dtmfbox 0.5.0 (rc3)
 05:40:54 PJSIP 1.0.1
 05:40:54 Init VoIP ...
 05:40:54 Resolve local IP ...
 05:40:54 Use IP:
 05:40:54 UDP server listening on port 5061
 05:40:54 Conference bridge created [8000/16/1]
 05:40:54 Allocate 11 connections with 4 RTP/RTCP transports
 05:40:54 RTP/RTCP:
 05:40:54 RTP/RTCP:
 05:40:54 RTP/RTCP:
 05:40:54 RTP/RTCP:
 05:40:54 RTP/RTCP media transport created
 05:40:54 VoIP initialized!
 05:40:54 Init CAPI ...
 05:40:54 CAPI controller: 5
 05:40:54 Found controller #1 with 2 B-channel(s)
 05:40:54 Found controller #2 with 2 B-channel(s)
 05:40:54 Found controller #3 with 2 B-channel(s)
 05:40:54 Found controller #4 with 1 B-channel(s)
 05:40:54 Found controller #5 with 3 B-channel(s)
 05:40:54 Start VoIP listen loop ...
 05:40:54 CAPI registered (ApplID: 6, B-Channels: 10)
 05:40:54 Build a-law/pcm table buffer
 05:40:54 RX-REQUEST 852 bytes Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19 (rdata0x52428c) from UDP
 05:40:54 Found credentials -> user: user, realm: fritz.box
 05:40:54 Client authorized for account 1234567 1
 05:40:54 Status: 200 (OK)
 05:40:56 CAPI initialized!
 05:40:56 [plugin.menu] 29 entries loaded!
 05:40:56 [plugin.menu] Initialized!
 05:40:56 #1 - Plugin "libmenu.plugin.so" loaded!
 05:40:56 (0x3ff) - Listen to CAPI controller 1 ...
 05:40:56 (0x3ff) - Listen to CAPI controller 4 ...
 05:40:56 (0x3ff) - Listen to CAPI controller 3 ...
 05:40:56 (0x3ff) - Listen to CAPI controller 5 ...
 05:40:56 Start CAPI listen loop ...
 05:42:13 [type=capi/inc conid=0 accid=1] (IND) CAPI_CONNECT
 05:42:13 Make VoIP call by client (<sip:0#[email protected]:5061;uniq=2FD4D53D0EEA3BFAD3C94B9C715C2> -> <sip:[email protected]:5060;uniq=2FD4D53D0EEA3BFAD3C94B9C715C2>) ...
 05:42:13 Initialize outgoing call from '<sip:0#[email protected]:5061;uniq=2FD4D53D0EEA3BFAD3C94B9C715C2>' to '<sip:[email protected]:5060;uniq=2FD4D53D0EEA3BFAD3C94B9C715C2>'
 05:42:14 [type=voip/out conid=1 accid=1] Call state changed to CALLING
 05:42:14 Ignoring connection for unknown account. CalledParty=0#81, CallingParty=0#08981
 05:42:14 [plugin.menu] Action: script:action_wrapper (acc=1 con=1)
 05:42:14 [plugin.menu] Script: /var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh(/var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh, "CONNECT", "USER", "INCOMING", "1", "0", "unknown", "[email protected]:5060;uniq=2FD4D53D0EEA3BFAD3C94B9C715C2", "1", "", "") (acc=1 con=1)
 05:42:14 [plugin.menu] Action: script:action_wrapper (acc=1 con=0)
 05:42:14 [plugin.menu] Script: /var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh(/var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh, "CONNECT", "CAPI", "INCOMING", "0", "1", "unknown", "0#08981", "1", "", "") (acc=1 con=0)
 05:42:22 [type=voip/out conid=1 accid=1] Call DISCONNECTED (reason=486, Busy Here)
 05:42:22 CAPI client disconnected [0]
 05:42:22 [plugin.menu] Action: script:action_wrapper (acc=1 con=1)
 05:42:22 [plugin.menu] Script: /var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh(/var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh, "DISCONNECT", "USER", "INCOMING", "1", "-1", "unknown", "[email protected]:5060;uniq=2FD4D53D0EEA3BFAD3C94B9C715C2", "1", "", "486") (acc=1 con=1)
 05:42:25 CAPI 0x3490 - Normal call clearing
 05:42:25 [type=capi/inc conid=0 accid=1] (IND) CAPI_DISCONNECT
 05:42:25 [plugin.menu] Action: script:action_wrapper (acc=1 con=0)
 05:42:25 [plugin.menu] Script: /var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh(/var/dtmfbox/script/action.sh, "DISCONNECT", "CAPI", "INCOMING", "0", "-1", "unknown", "0#08981", "1", "", "13456") (acc=1 con=0)

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar, hab schon einiges probiert und leider nichts erreicht!
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