edit html file


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25 Feb 2008
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Hey I am new and i need your help
I want to edit a html file in my fritzbox fon
the file is /var/html/html/index_inhalt.html
the problem is that i cant save it because is readonly filesystem what can i do?
Fritzbox fon doesn;t have usb port!!!
Hi and welcome,

try this:
cat /var/html/html/index_inhalt.html > /var/index_inhalt.html
mount -o bind /var/index_inhalt.html /var/html/html/index_inhalt.html
and edit /var/index_inhalt.html
will i have to edit it every time i reboot??
everything i store in var is safe(not deleted with rebbot)?
It's not safe. You have to edit your /var/flash/debug.cfg with nvi to make an automated modification after reboot. It's a shell script. You can use wget to load the html's from a webserver or something.

Another way would be to use freetz and flash any modifications directly to the filesystem.
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