Edit menu webinterface


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3 Nov 2008
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I would like to edit the menu structure of the webinterface of the Fritz!Box 7170.
When i edit a file in the /usr/www/avme/en/html/ directory i get an errormessage: File is read only

How can i edit these files or change the file permissions?

Thanks in advance! :)
As you just learned ;-): All files are stored in a read-only flash filesystem. Yon can not directly alter them.
Nevertheless there are two possible ways to change the pages:
First you can copy a page into the "RAM disk" of the box, change the file and mount it over the existing page e.g.:
cp /usr/www/avme/en/html/index.html /var/tmp/
mount -o bind /var/tmp/index.html /usr/www/avme/en/html/index.html
# now you may edit /var/tmp/index.html and you will see the result in /usr/www/avme/en/html/index.html
# you can also load prepared pages or even directories to the box and then mount them over existing ones
You may make these changes "semi permanent" by putting the necessary steps in the script /var/flash/debug.cfg.

The second possibility is to do permanent changes to the HTML pages by generating a modified firmware with the changed pages (e.g. with "freetz").

Hi Fritsy!

by using the followig commands you can determine the correct locations for the files used by the web interface:
cd /usr/www/html/html
This will show the path depending on the branding of the box.
Therefor I woud prefer using the following command to place a copy of the desired file to the tmp directory. :rolleyes:
cat /usr/www/html/html/index.html > /var/tmp/indes.html

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The second possibility is to do permanent changes to the HTML pages by generating a modified firmware with the changed pages (e.g. with "freetz").

Thanks, i tried to copy, edit and mount the files and that sort of worked but it would be a lot better if i could create a complete firmware image that contains the changed pages.
I installed freetz but that doesn't do the trick for me. Is there an easier (or better) way to create the firmware image?
You can use freetz just to modify your image, as described in [How-To] Manuell Firmware entpacken, modifizieren, packen in german but I think should be straight forward.

Unpack your image with
./fwmod -u -d <unpacked_folder> <original FRITZ.Box.image>

Modify the pages in "<unpacked_folder>/original/filesystem "

repack your new firmware with

./fwmod -p -d <unpacked_folder> <original FRITZ.Box.image>
(yes, you will need the original firmware file name again, just a small drawback)

If you need to do this again, you must remove the "modified" folder before packing a new firmware or do your changes there instead....

Hope this helps.


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