Elmeg T484 - Direct exchange line access delay


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31 Jan 2018
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Hello, I bought recently an Elmeg T484 PABX with DSP 4 Module to be able to have my old rotary phone working with my SIP VoIP line. This because the T484 is supporting pulse dialing and hardware supporting it on the market are not so common.

I was able to configure the line and it's working well but I've still a question. If I'm not enabling the "Auto outside line" in the line access tab in the professional configurator I need to dial one more 0 to go outside which is normal, so I've enabled this option to go outside directly without any digit but I'm getting the tone after 5-6s which is a bit long...

Do you know if there is any setting to minimize this delay to zero?
Hello, any help on that one ? did anyone encounter this issue ?
Hi there.

Technically you should be able to set this delay to 0, but I guess you will not be able to get any outbound connections anymore.
SIP dials the whole number at once while PSTN goes digit by digit.
With the delay the T484 waits 5 seconds to make sure the number is complete before it dials out via SIP. If you have a little break of 5 or more seconds in your dial action the PBX only dials the digits it got until the break, which usually ends up in a busy tone since the destination does not exist.
In some cases the delay must even be increased. Some HP faxmachines start dialing after about 5 seconds, when the PBX already tried to dial what it got so far - in this case nothing.

So: the delay is annoying but neccessary.
Hi Thanks for your answer !
Actually I wasn't referring to the delay you have to wait once you finish to dial, and indeed I understand the PABX has to wait such delay to understand the number is complete, and yes I checked it's set to 5s.
I was referring to the delay I have to wait before getting the tone and start to dial.
It's weird, because I have two SIP lines on my T484, one with a DECT handset and therefore configured in DTMF and I don't have this delay when I unhook the phone, tone is directly there, while for the other line with my rotary phone in pulse dial, I have to wait around 5s to have the dialling tone. So far I did't find any setting to avoid that.

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