[EN] Fritz 7270 conversion German to International


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5 Nov 2006
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I have Fritz 7270 with old German interface (Annex B).
I tried to upload new Inernational Firmware, but I got error that my box does not support this firmware.

1) Is it possible to run English language in my Fritz?
2) Is it possible to use Annex A or Annex A&B (like in International version)?

With kind regards,
1) Is it possible to run English language in my Fritz?
2) Is it possible to use Annex A or Annex A&B (like in International version)?
Yes, it is possible.
Just to help you understand:

1) To load MultiLanguage FW 54.04.67_en-de-it-es you must only change an environment parameter: "firmware_version" must be set to "avme"

2) To use newest german FW 54.04.76 with AnnexA it is somewhat tricky. You must use freetz or "speed-to-fritz" by Jpascher. I recommend you the latter - it is easier.

The "how to" is described in different threads here in the forum.

Good luck!


Your link dedicates to change from AnnexB to AnnexA in general.
With the FB7270 it is a little different.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Stiefel schrieb:
I've already seen it. There's a lot of information about 7170 and I can't find any helpful for me and my FB 7270.
There is also a big mess.

1) So I should do: ?

i) ftp
quote SETENV firmware_version avme

ii) Use recover: http://download.avm.de/fritz.box/fritzbox.fon_wlan_7270/x_misc/english/?
Or do not use recover? (You didn't write about it)

iii) And then upload http://download.avm.de/fritz.box/fritzbox.fon_wlan_7270/firmware/english/FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.en-de-es-it.54.04.67.image?

2) I didn't clearly expressed myself.
I want to change "FB Annex B German" to "FB Annex A&B English" or "FB Annex A English" (if A&B not possible).
If I change to English (International?), there will be also Annex A&B? Or I need to change Annex in other way?
i) ftp; quote SETENV firmware_version avme
That is correct.
The FB will be temporarily not accessible - dont worry!

ii) Use recover: FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.en-de-es-it.54.04.67
That is correct, too

iii) And then upload FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.en-de-es-it.54.04.67
That is not necessary

If I change to English (International?), there will be also Annex A&B?
International MultiLanguage FW 54.04.67_en-de-it-es includes MultiAnnex A&B

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