[ENGLISH] Problem with DSmod installation


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Hi! First of all, sorry for writing in english, but I don't speak German. The answer to my problem probably exists in the forum, but it is a bit difficult for me to find it with babelfish! So, sorry again!

I own a FRITZ!Box Fon Annex A, Firmware version 06.04.24 (English).
I followed the steps in "Howto_ds-mod_cygwin.pdf" file that I found in the forum (I used the file "ds-0.2.9-p6.patch.bz2" I found here: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=85371.
In the last step ("make") the first time I run it, an "error 3" message came allong (I dit not saved it). I run "make" again and got this message:

unpacking firmware image
splitting kernel image
unpacking hidden squashfs
unpacking filesystem image
unpacking var.tar

applying patches
make: *** [firmware] Error 2

What's wrong?
Thanx in advance!
In menuconfig, Advanced Options turn on verbose mode (2). Probably there are some patches that have to be updatet.

Greets, Oliver
Thanx! Well, I did that. Now there is a new error:
applying patches
  applying patches (fon-en)
    patching file etc/profile
    patching file usr/bin/system_status
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.net
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.voip
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    patching file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_fon.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 60 (offset 1 line).
    can't find file to patch at input line 14
    Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
    The text leading up to this was:
    |diff -ruN usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_help.html.orig usr/www/avme/e
    |--- usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_help.html.orig     2006-02-22 20:13
:43.000000000 +0100
    |+++ usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_help.html  2006-03-20 00:31:53.1085
10968 +0100
    File to patch:
    Skip this patch? [y]
    Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored
    patching file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_home.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 10.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/men
    patching file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2.inc
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 7.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/men
    patching file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_internet.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 77 (offset 4 lines).
    patching file usr/www/avme/en/html/en/menus/menu2_system.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 87 (offset 21 lines).
make: *** [firmware] Error 2
I think my guess was right. The Patches have to be actualized.

Greets, Oliver
Ok... the thing is... I dont know how to do that... Can you tell me how or give me a link (even in German)!

thanx again!
I think I found sth, but I don't know witch patch to choose... I 've found these:

ds-0.2.9-p6.patch.bz2 (~11K)
ds-0.2.9-p6.1.patch.bz2 (~2K)
ds-0.2.9-p2.patch.bz2 (~9K)

I will try the 1st one (the largest)
As far as I remember I don't have actualized the Patches for English-Firmware in this patch.

Greets, Oliver

edit: It seems so that the Patch -p6 is the right one.
OK, I overcame the problems I had, and came up with a new one!

A made the "firmware_fon.en.image" file, and when I try to update the firmware, the following error occurs:

"The firmware update failed:
An unspecified error occurred during the update."

What am I doing SO wrong?

My box is: FRITZ!Box Fon Annex A, Firmware version 06.04.24
(this one: http://www.avm.de/en/Produkte/FRITZBox/FRITZ_Box_Fon/index.html##)

These are the settings I have chosen:

Source version: (04.06)
Firmware type (Fon)
Firmware version (en - international)
Annex (A)

--- Brandings
[*] avme
--- Patches
[*] Remove help
[*] Remove assistant
[ ] Remove cdrom.iso
[*] Patch enum
--- Mod
Lanquage (en - english)

I also chose some packages than support English
and at the "advanced options" I left the default settings, except for the "Verbosity level", witch is set to 2.

What is wrong???
When the message appears on the Webinterface you have to open telnet. In /var/tmp you can find some logfiles with the exact error message. In most cases it has something to do with "tar".

Greets, Oliver
Nop... There is nothing like that in /var/tmp. I tried to load the image, the error message showed up. At that moment telnet cannot be opened. I restarted the box and opened telnet, but didn't find any log file... I opened every file in /var/tmp but nothing...

I will try to downgrade to 04.06.01 and then load the image...
After restart the files are deleted.

Greets, Oliver
And you are right once more... Thanx for the replies, Oliver!

I opened telnet before making the update.

After the update (attempt) was made, the following appeared on the telnet screen:

# Mar  5 20:47:24 firmwarecfg[532]: sign_wrapper_init - lib loaded
Mar  5 20:47:25 firmwarecfg[532]: voipd: stopped.
Mar  5 20:47:25 igdd[345]: POLLHUP
Mar  5 20:47:25 igdd[345]: POLLHUP
Mar  5 20:47:28 dsld[387]: igddev_api_checkserver: igd server not running
Mar  5 20:47:28 firmwarecfg[532]: igdd: stopped.
Mar  5 20:47:29 firmwarecfg[532]: multid: stopped.
Mar  5 20:47:30 firmwarecfg[532]: ctlmgr: stopped.
Mar  5 20:47:35 firmwarecfg[532]: dsld: stopped.
telefon: SIGTERM received!
Mar  5 20:47:36 igdd[542]: not running
Mar  5 20:47:37 dsld[545]: not running
Mar  5 20:47:37 multid[546]: not running
Mar  5 20:47:37 cltmgr[547]: not running
Mar  5 20:47:50 firmwarecfg[532]: MakeLanguagePath html=../html tail=tools/update_result.html -> ../html/tools/update_result.html

And there was the file "update_error.log":

tar: Unrecognised file type
You have to use an older version of tar. Perhaps you can find some suggestions over the search function.

Greets, Oliver
Ok olistudent! I ve done it! Thank you very much! I couldn't have done it on my own!
Hi again!

I 've go another question, whitch is not exactly on-topic, but I chose not to make a new thread!

I have installed dropbear on my fritzbox fon. The router can be accessed via SSH from the pc. Is it possible to be accessed from the internet? If yes, how? I have not found any help on the web!

Thanx in advance!
x-treme schrieb:
I have installed dropbear on my fritzbox fon. ... Is it possible to be accessed from the internet?
you have to look for "port weiterleitung" aka "portforwarding" or similar in this forum.
in general you will have two solutions:
a) use virtual ip package and define port forward rules in avm webinterface
b) manually "nvi /var/flash/ar7.cfg" and add a custom forwarding rule there.

i personally use method b since it is more reliable.
Ok knox, I 've done it! Thax a lot! That really troubled me!

Thanx again!

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