[Error] Transmission not starting: permission denied reading settings.json


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3 Mai 2007
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I configured a new NAS storage harddisk on my network (Sitecom MD-255), formatted the harddisk with its format utility (which used ext2 as filesystem), and connected it with my Freetz 7140 (build 'freetz-devel-5130'), and it went all ok, well quite: cifsmount can mount the disk partition onto the freetz, and configured transmissions base directory to a new folder on the NAS, first run all went ok.

the problem is that if i try to restart transmission, it will not start, upon starting i will see a bunch of chown commands failing with "permission denied" for all the files being downloaded, and as a last command, i get that it is unable to read the file "settings.json".

here is the listing of the config folder:
drwxrwxrwx    2 99       99               0 Jun 29 18:54 blocklists
-rwxrwxrwx    1 99       99             454 Jun 30 07:58 dht.dat
drwxrwxrwx    2 99       99               0 Jun 30 08:46 resume
-rwx-w--w-    1 99       99            2034 Jun 30 08:02 settings.json
-rwx-w--w-    1 99       99             152 Jun 30 08:46 stats.json
drwxrwxrwx    2 99       99               0 Jun 29 21:28 torrents

to make it start again i have to reset the chmod the settings.json files to 777, like this it will start, but immediately after that it will be set back to -rwx-w--w- and the next start i have to repeat the procedure.

is it my nas disk problem or more generic for ext2? maybe i should format the nas as FAT32 instead of ext2?
any help would be appreciated...
So is there a solution? having the disk formatted as fat32, i will not have permissions as on linux filesystem? or is there an alternative to cifs?
Have a look in the init script, especially the chowns/chmod. Is it the same user which has read/write access to the files on your cifs-share?

edit: a solution is_ adjust your access rights or use an alternate filesystem like nfs, which can handle different user rights.
The cifs filesystem does not support operations like chown. Maybe you can try the unix extensions for cifs, in case both ends support them.
You may be able to do the mount for the transmission user.
currently i have the samba on the nas configured to public access, no authentication needed, but i'll try later to format with FAT32.... as the nas i got supports ntfs in readonly :(
I am not ignoring answers:
i understood that it is cifs problem, so i will look into this now.

cifs does not support chown, ok, but how can i add the unix extensions? i am using freetz latest builds.

i want to try fat32 as a first thing because ext2 filesystem supports chown, and having the nas disk offer its content from ext2 may be in some way messing the permissions, but if i have fat32 filesystem, which does not have any kind of permissions on files might solve the problem....

i can't try the other solutions, as my NAS disk is a simple one, supports only 'samba' and 'ftp' servers.
Doesn't matter which filesystem your nas uses, the problem is the cifs, so you have to modify your startup-scripts in a way, it doesn't change dir and file rights an ownerships and mount your dirs per cifs in a way, transmission can handle.
Remains the problem that i am using Freetz, which has cifs and transmission built in it.

everything starts as Freetz services, i have no control on under what user the cifs mount the NAS, or even change the script of transmission to remove the chmod, i can make a copy of the rc.transmission and remove the chown stuff, but can't be made automatic...

transmission for freetz takes in consideration that the disk is connected to USB port of fritz itself?
Seemed to have solved the issue by simply formatting the disk with FAT32.

and it seems that cifs in some way transfer chown commands, as to convert o moved the disk to a linux machine, copied all the content to another partition to reformat, but the files settings.json and the other settings files were owned by owner:group (99:99), i have to chown before copying...
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