FB7170: no dialtone (sometimes)

Edward Velo

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31 Mai 2006
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Sorry for writing in English, but I can not speak German...

I am using the 7170 for long time without problems. However, since a few months it is acting strange: a few times per week, I have no dial-tone (on none of the 3 Fon exits). However, I can still dial numbers, and people hear me speak - but I can not hear them. I solve it by power off and power on the box. But it's annoying, as this happens a few times per week.

I always update to the latest (beta) firmware (currently 29.04.67), so I was thinking that that was the problem (as it only started a few months ago). So I tried to do a fresh "restore to default settings" + entering all the data manually again, but the problem remains :-( I also tried with a *completely different* 7170, and the problem still persists!

Anyone knows what this could be? I think it's very strange, because it

- happens on all my phones -> phones are ok
- even happens with another 7170 -> so 7170 must be ok
- even with resetting of all settings -> so settings can not be corrupt (because of firmware upgrades or so)

Thanks for any help!
... no dial-tone ... people hear me speak - but I can not hear them ... - happens on all my phones -> phones are ok
I agree
- even happens with another 7170 -> so 7170 must be ok
I disagree - could be a software bug
- even with resetting of all settings -> so settings can not be corrupt ...
- unless you reimport the settings be using the previous config file. One way to make sure would be to key the settings in manually after a reset to factory setting, followed by power off with all cables removed for at least 5 minutes (PoR).

However, the problem is not unknown and seems mostly related to VoIP.
I agreeI disagree - could be a software bug -
Yes, but I assume more people should have that problem then? And I couldn't find described it here (although my German is not so good).

loeben schrieb:
unless you reimport the settings be using the previous config file. One way to make sure would be to key the settings in manually after a reset to factory setting, followed by power off with all cables removed for at least 5 minutes (PoR).
At first, I tried the 2nd 7170 with the imported config file. But since the problem persisted, I tried a "reset to factory settings" (that's what I (maybe not so clearly) meant with "restore to default settings") and manually entered everyting in it again. But still the same problem.

However, I did not power it off for 5 minutes, and removed all cables. Could that make a difference?

loeben schrieb:
However, the problem is not unknown and seems mostly related to VoIP.
I see. Can you please explain in what circumstances this odd behavoir is known to occur? Any solutions? I am using the internal fax, internal answering machine, several voip providers, and the fixed phone line. Maybe I should try to disable them one by one, to see if it helps...

Thanks for your reply!
... I did not power it off for 5 minutes, and removed all cables. Could that make a difference?
Not neccesseraly, however, in some (quite different) cases it did. I would give it try.
... in what circumstances this odd behavoir is known to occur? Any solutions? ...
I wish I knew. A quite famous German IT-magazin (c't) has been writing about it in 22'2008 in the editorial, essentially saying that this behaviour is owned to the very nature of VoIP - or possibly your specific provider?

Anycase, complaints of the kind of yours are common place, e.g. here, here,...
Which codec are you using? The second link hints that a codec might influence this behaviour.
Is your hardware a single FRITZ!Box only or are other machines involved as well? Any additional NAT converter might have caused this effect.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

I found out that if I disable the internal answering machine, that is it working stable again! (at least for 4 days now, so that looks good)

Thanks for your help.

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