Freetz 1.1.1 - 7270 v2 International - Flash fails with "Kernel checksum error"


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15 Jul 2007
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Despite searching a lot through trac, the faq and the forum I am coming up against this problem and have not seen any reference to it. The following image is failing with INSTALL_KERNEL_CHECKSUM

"The firmware update failed:

After the firmware was loaded an incorrect check sum was detected (kernel). "

The strange thing is my 7270 is telling me on the status/home page that
"Firmware version 54.04.76
Changes not supported by manufacturer: additional information"

ie it thinks the flash was successful?? I'm a little worried by this.

Derived image name:

curent firmware version: 54.04.76
Fritzbox 7270 International edition

I have enabled only Firewall web management and have chosen "en" for Firmware language and Mod language.

The whole make process goes fine with no errors.

Would welcome a pointer in the right direction :)
gismotro had replied then the mod must have deleted that post..

gismotro asked if I was sure that I had a 7270 v2. Well I was going by the details in the wiki, ie my firmware (Firmware version 54.04.76) wasn't 74.x.x so it showed that I couldn't have a v3. Maybe I'm wrong on that front.

I did choose "Fon WLAN 7270 (v1 and v2 only)" in menuconfig.

From my serial number, and the wiki, I have the following:
307 - HWrev 139 (16MB) - AVME branding international version
gismotro had replied then the mod must have deleted that post..
Sorry, I deleted it by my self, because Ì wasn't sure im right with my question.

Please look on the backside of your Box and there you'll find the right version of yor Box. If there isn't a remark how shows 7270_v3 you didn't have a V3.

Also you can look in the Mainmenu auf yor Fritzbox with firmeware is installed:
Firmware 54.04.xx in the main-menu tells you that you have a v1 or v2.
Firmware 74.04.xx in the main-menu tells you that you have a v3

curent firmware version: 54.04.76
Fritzbox 7270 International edition

I think you habe a V1 or V2
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
We had similar errors in the past. We think that it has to do with the build environment. In the trunk this was addressed (fixed?) by using busybox tar instead of tar.
Perhaps you give the trunk a test. Or you try to unpack and pack your image again using tools/busybox tar.

Sorry, I deleted it by my self, because Ì wasn't sure im right with my question.

Please look on the backside of your Box and there you'll find the right version of yor Box. If there isn't a remark how shows 7270_v3 you didn't have a V3.

no problem, like I say I definitly have a v2
We had similar errors in the past. We think that it has to do with the build environment. In the trunk this was addressed (fixed?) by using busybox tar instead of tar.
Perhaps you give the trunk a test. Or you try to unpack and pack your image again using tools/busybox tar.


I'll have a go with the busybox tar binary, thanks for the hint.
Here's a heads up - it looks like the problem isn't fixed in trunk either.

3 attempts failed:
Trunk and system tar,
trunk and busybox tar
freetz-1.1.1 and busybox tar

Failing with either Kernel checksum error, or Filesystem checksum error

The only way I got it working was to use stinkylinux, where everything went fine! :) Obviously this isn't ideal though as I'd rather use my own Linux desktop for firmware modification.
You should test freetz-Linux for firmware modification. I think it's the better way to build a freetz.

Download-Link for Freetz-Linux: klick me

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