Freetz & 7113


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Mitglied seit
31 Jul 2011
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When I try to update the firmware to a freetz-version (I followed the manual) I get this problem:

The specified file does not contain firmware released for this device by AVM.
When I press "Continue update" i get:
The firmware update failed:

The specified file does not contain any valid firmware for your device.

I have found much information, but no solution. Anyone?

HWRevision	162
ProductID	Fritz_Box_7113_AnnexA
SerialNumber	0000000000000000
annex	A
autoload	yes
bootloaderVersion	1.629
bootserport	tty0
country	032
cpufrequency	125000000
firstfreeaddress	0x946C1194
firmware_version	avme
firmware_info	90.04.83
flashsize	0x00800000
language	en
maca	BC:05:43:51:65:B0
macb	BC:05:43:6A:DD:F6
macwlan	BC:05:43:6A:DD:F7
macdsl	BC:05:43:6A:DD:F8
memsize	0x02000000
modetty0	38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1	38400,n,8,1,hw
mtd0	0x90000000,0x90000000
mtd1	0x90010000,0x90780000
mtd2	0x90000000,0x90010000
mtd3	0x90780000,0x907C0000
mtd4	0x907C0000,0x90800000
prompt	Eva_AVM
req_fullrate_freq	125000000
sysfrequency	125000000
tr069_passphrase SECRET
tr069_serial	00040E-BC05435165B0
urlader-version	1629
usb_board_mac	BC:05:43:6A:DD:F9
usb_rndis_mac	BC:05:43:6A:DD:FA
usb_device_id	0x0000
usb_revision_id	0x0000
usb_device_name	USB DSL Device
usb_manufacturer_name	AVM
wlan_key SECRET
wlan_cal	0037,03FC,0029,00CC,010A,00E0,010A,0319,0370
Please attach your .config.

You have an international 7113 (lang en) with Annex A, so you can't use a "german only" firmware. Select in "make menuconfig" the english version.
You have an international 7113 (lang en) with Annex A, so you can't use a "german only" firmware. Select in "make menuconfig" the english version.

In menuconfig:
Under "general" - "Firmware language" I can only select german language.
Under "mod" - "Language" I can select english or german. No matter what language I select, I get the above error.

It works now and I have to say I am impressed... really.

Danke schön!

PS One possible glitch that I have encountered is that after the installation showed telnetd as stopped, while in fact it was running.
Did you start telnet over phone? So you have to disable it over phone and switch the service to automatic. Otherwise it's not possible to show the correct status.
Did you start telnet over phone? So you have to disable it over phone and switch the service to automatic. Otherwise it's not possible to show the correct status.

Indeed, was a bit quick on that one. All the rest is working just fine. Thanks!
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