[Gelöst] freetz-ng samba share problem


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17 Mai 2021
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hi, i need a hand for a fritzbox 7590 with freetz-ng.
my problem is this: everytime i reboot the router, the samba shares don't start, i have to go into freetz and restart samba. it seems that the usb hard drives are mounted after samba starts. hope someone can help me, thanks.
Firmware: 154.07.27 rev88306
freetz-ng 18312-19d2d42b9
sorry for my poor english.
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Reaktionen: gismotro
at this point I don't know your specific problem.
Is it possible that you simply forgot to start the service automatically? Probably not!?
Are the usb-drives not mounted before you startup of samba services?
And by the way... why you don't use the original samba/YNQ-services v3?
Sorry for my bad english as well.
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Reaktionen: ziofester70
@ziofester70 : I can´t help you, but i have the same problem at a 7530 (alien7520). SAMBA works fine, but after a reboot the share is not usable. Did I make a restart of samba-smbd all share are usable again.

@FischersFreetz : Das mit SAMBA beobachte ich schon seit der 7.2x auf meiner 7520. Ich dachte schon ich bin zu blöd weil außer mir keiner das Problem hat.

Anzeige nach Rebbot:
Also ist der USB-Stick nutzbar
Nach einem :
Stopping Samba-smbd ... done.
Starting Samba-smbd ... done.
Ist die Freigabe wieder erreichbar

Edit : Problem gemeldet : https://github.com/Freetz-NG/freetz-ng/issues/302
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Reaktionen: ziofester70
In diesem Zusammenhang erinnere ich mich auch an eine "Macke" vom freetz(-ng) samba mit einer neueren Firmeware-Version (7.25 ? oder 7.27 ?). Ich konnte auf mindestens auf eine Datei nicht zuverlässig zugreifen. Das habe ich aber nicht intensiv weiter ergründet, sondern...
Ich habe das für mich gelöst, indem ich nun den originalen Samba Dienst/YNQ-Dienst v3 nutze.
Und ob das nun im Zusammenhang mit den hier beschriebenen Problem steht, weiß vielleicht der Wind, aber ich nicht.

One idea as a workaround could be: Restart the smb-service after a specific time by a scipt "restart_smbd.sh":
Rich (BBCode):
sleep 120
/etc/init.d/rc.smbd restart
Use it in the rc.custom as follow:
nohup /path/to/restart_smbd.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
First of all, thanks for the replies! I have removed samba from freetz (I use samba from the fritzbox) and now I have no more problems with the usb mount.
Just one more question, is it possible to rename shared folders?
Thank you very much!!!!
How, when, why, ...... : oops: the fritzbox names the folder USB30-Storage-01 and USB30-Storage-11, I'd like to call them disk01 end disk02.
Thank you FischersFreetz
Can you help me? I don't know how?
thanks a lot.
Which filesystem (ext3, ntfs, ...) do your usb-drives have?
You have to use a tools to manage partitions. Do you have such a tool?
And by the way... What is your mother tongue?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Which filesystem (ext3, ntfs, ...) do your usb drives have?
You have to use a tools to manage partitions . Do you have such a tool?
And by the way ... What is your mother tongue?
I thought that the label was written by the fritzbox, how stupid I am, now I have connected the disks to a virtual machine and with gparted I have changed the name.
I would also like to thank you for the little script to start samba, modifying it I will try to rescan minidlna, because even minidlna seems to start before the disks are mounted. i write from Italy.
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Reaktionen: gismotro
Non sei stupido. Tutto il meglio...
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Reaktionen: ziofester70

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