Fritz Box Fon Freenet.edition Annex B to Annex A


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8 Feb 2008
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Hi all
Sorry for writing in English but if I will translate with a commercial program I don’t know if you will understand my problem.
I deem that this forum is the only solution for my Annex B Fritz Box Fon Freenet.edition.
I ‘m trying to change this router to Annex A and if is feasible to English Language.
I tried to change the firmware unsuccessfully and is appeared the red letters (see the attached file) also I tried to upgrade the firm with the pseudo_update.tar , fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar ,, clear_debug.tar .Nothing changed.
Maybe I use wrong files. Please look the attached file to understand what exactly my router is. I’m interesting to see your proposals.


  • Fritz Fon freenet.jpg
    Fritz Fon freenet.jpg
    123.6 KB · Aufrufe: 226
... Annex B Fritz Box Fon Freenet.edition.
I ‘m trying to change this router to Annex A and if is feasible to English Language. ... wrong files ...
  1. Use the LAN-connection only to update firmware
  2. Generate the required files from here, unfortunatly it is in German. If the link helps, do not forget to keep it alive by spending some money there.
  3. I don't know about the conversion to English, IMHO it is not possible.
BTW - welcome to the forum.
Here are two choices .Which is the right????

Eigenes Image erstellen
Was möchten Sie machen?
1. Ich möchte einen oder mehrere Mods installieren.
2. Ich möchte die 'debug.cfg' leeren, um alle auf meiner Fritz!Box Fon installierten Mods zu löschen.

I selected the second and downloaded the Pseudo-Update erstellen (clear_debug.tar )
The router did the process and after I saw the same results (the red letters, version 6.4.33 , Internet/DSL-Informationen/ writes Annex B)
Also I cannot load the fritz.box_fon.06.04.33.image nor a previous image (
I suppose that the red letters immediately below "system" appeared only after you had unsuccesfully tried to install "another firmware"? In fact you charged your FB with a total of 4 different tar-files and images! Sorry, but after this I can only conclude that you should have read a lot more about annex changing, firmware, branding and language versions before interfering the inside of your FB. If these letters appeared before your intervention that would mean that some owner before you had already made changes unknown to you. But even if only you caused these letters it is unfortunately not so much better or easier to help you out because after your "4 in a row" no one will know what your poor, badly treated FBFon accpeted or not of all your "firmware" fire.
The link in the comment above can be helpful in certain situation but will most probably not help you at this stage.

If your firmware BEFORE had been 04.33 the box can only have eccpeted the first or the last of the 4 archives/images you mentioned.

As to the actual facts: There is NO english firmware version higher than 04.26. If you had a firmware version not higher than 04.26 it had been possible to change to English firmware. As you are now at 04.33 it means that you would have to downgrade to 04.26 before changing to English (called branding avme). Sounds easy but is extremely difficult because at firmware 04.30 AVM changed the kernel of their firmware partitioning the flash memory different to all versions before.

I feel there are only two ways for you to try successfully: The one would be the "telnet method" (which would include the website of ""). This is not extremely difficult but as I suspect you rather a beginner than something more I would recommend the simplier method which generally leads to success with firmware 04.33. You should download this file to your PC and then upload it to your Fritzbox:
fritz_as_avm_annex_a_kernel_args_new.tar.You can find this archive for download in thread #1057 by telefonicus in chapter " FritzBox auf AVM oder 1und1 setzen, ANNEX umsetzen".

Of all the pseudo image alternatives the only one you should download before the before mentioned archive is the branding change. All other ones do not help or interfere in your problem

Please public the result here in this thread. If unsuccessful you would have to try the more difficult "telnet method"

good luck
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When I try to degrade to a previous firmware appears this message and doesn’t allow me to apply the firmware.

Das Firmware-Update ist fehlgeschlagen:

Die angegebene Datei enthält eine Firmware-Version, die älter ist als die momentan aktive Firmware.

Tomorrow I will search for another version that I haven’t tried yet.
Thank you indeed for your help
Good night
Please do not follow loeben's advices! They will serve you a lot of problems as they are totally wrong! You won't reach the web interface of your box after modding as told by loeben!

Your box has a branding. This is the (fs) after the firmware version. fs stands for freenet. You may remove the branding by changing it to avm by a pseudo update from But I don't see any reason to do this. And please don't change the branding to avme. This means setting it to english. As your firmware doesn't have an english web interface and as there is no easy way to install an english firmware, your box won't give you any web interface at all.

If you want to change language to english, you will have to downgrade your box first to a firmware version lower than 06.04.30. The reason is that there is only firmware version 06.04.24 in english Annex A. With firmware version 06.04.30 the bootloader has changed and the box uses kernel 2.6 now instead of 2.4. So there is no easy way back to older firmware. Search for the downgrade instructions if you really want to do it (you will have to write an old backup of mtd2 flash part by ftp in first place and then recover your box). If you want to get an english web interface: Don't try to change any settings like branding or Annex before successful downgrade to a firmware version lower than 06.04.30!

If you just want to change Annex and don't want to change web interface language, follow these instructions. If you need translation, feel free to ask.
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marsupilami is right. I did not want to comment loebens answers this harsh way. The procedure described by marsupilami is the "telnet way" which is effective but -my experience- often it is not that easy to access telnet by dialing the numbers by telephone and telnet had to be opened by another more complicated mway.

Lately I have changed successfully around a dozen of different FB models using mainly two methods (telnet and the "telefonicus"-archive), three of them FBfon with firmware 06.04.33. In each of the FBFon cases I did this downloading the archive I described in my answer above.
My friends
While I was preparing my response to your expert and useful comments, I tried my last firm upload with flor’s comments;). And the miracle….Annex A on board!!!!
The modem works in the same firmware and Annex A. It functions properly with the ADSL line.
My first precedence was to transform it to Annex A and I will stay here. By the case I will start to learn German in order to manage the options of the web interface.
I have to set it up because my first view is that is slower than the Alice modem I have till now
Thanks all indeed for your valued comments and if there are any tips to improve the performance of the router, are welcome.
... change this router to Annex A and if is feasible to English Language. ...
There is a new development in the English version:

For Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7170, 7140 are new versions **.04.47 available. Each version for annex A and annex B.

There is also a new model, Fritz!Box Fon 5124, with the new version. Next to 4 LAN connectors there is also an USB-Host connector.

Specific to the new firmware: it features an HTTPS access that allows remote access to the FRITZ!Box, no VPN required. Details fo the announcement are here.
New Features:
- Further improved DSL Driver
- Remote HTTPS access (in Expert Mode)
- Optimized compatibility of USB Host
- Improved compatibility with different VoIP providers
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Has anyone tried to install this new English firmware yet, and convert it to Annex A with the Telnet method ?
You could get a more competent advice if you would inform on which fw and language version your fb is working now
Please Help me to change my 7170 from annex B to A

I've just received my used FRITZBOX 7170 from Germany purchased on ebay.
As I am in Portugal I need to change it to Annex A. I've already tryed to read lots of posts in this forum but almost all are in german and I don't understand a word.
So I'm asking if someone is avilable to help (in english).
Fritzbox: 7170
Firmware version: 29.03.97 Annex B
Please indicate me the simplest way (and the recomended file(s)) to make it work in Annex A. I am an ignorant in Linux.
Thank you all.

EDIT: after some twicks the box is now with firmware 29.04.40 and is already Annex A"
Now I need to know how to put it in english.
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