FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 (fs) annex b de


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31 Jul 2010
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hello guys
thx for the great forum..
I have German model FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 (fs) Firmware-Version 29.04.80 annex b
I am very happy with him except language is big problem for me so before i make something stupid
my question is can i flash with rutool english annex b firmware version
and wich number version
thx in advance
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
thank you very much for your reply
Just in case you want to flash your 7170 to an English Annex A firmware: There's a good manual in English language describing how to flash a FB7170 using the ruKernelTool with the FW 58.04.82-AnnexA-en.
HTML-Version: CLICK, pdf-Version: CLICK.

This manual can of course also be used to flash an AnnexB Firmware, you just have to select an appropriate FW, e.g. the 58.04.82-AnenxB-en and select "Annex B" in the Upload-Parameters.

thx also for info Andi
I read that pdf and whant to use same metod to flash 29.04.82 english annex B becouse i didnt know that 58.04.82 Annex A can be transformed in Annex B
thx in advange
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