Fritz!box FON WLAN


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21 Jul 2009
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Hey, one question. My Fritz!box FON WLAN from Germany.
Firmware 04.34.
Tried to configure it to ANNEX A through FTP.
As a result the device has died.
Now after reboot pinged 3-4 seconds, and it is possible to logon thru FTP.
But telnet does not answer,thru HTTP don't load anything.
If reboot device again, and in the first seconds not to be connected on FTP device reboots itself, and so on a circle.
How it is possible to recover it?

I was tried to launch
And result:

Version erfolgreich ermittelt!
Hardware: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN
Urlader: 1203
Firmware: 08.04.34
Flashbereich (mtd1)
Lösche Flashbereich (mtd1)
Restauriere Flashbereich (mtd1)
Überprüfe Flashbereich (mtd1)
Überprüfen der Partition mtd1 fehlgeschlagen! WinError -4

Help me please to recover device!
Tried 08.04.34:

FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN suchen an:
Eine Anlage gefunden! - Ermitteln der aktuellen Version.
Version erfolgreich ermittelt!
Hardware: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN
Urlader: 1203
Firmware: 08.04.34
Firmware der FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN ist mit der Recover-Firmware inkompatibel
Tell us the status before you tried to change to Annex A?
firmware version:
Annex version:
language version:
What exactly did you do to "Tried to configure it to ANNEX A through FTP"?
After recover failed, please check the settings of yout box in FTP:
quote GETENV HWRevision
quote GETENV ProductID
quote GETENV annex
quote GETENV firmware_version

Actually i was tried to change variables HWRevison, ProductID, annex, firmware_version.

Now values of this variables:

230 User adam2 successfully logged in
ftp> quote GETENV HWRevison
501 environment variable not set
ftp> quote GETENV ProductID
ProductID Fritz_Box_WLAN

200 GETENV command successful
ftp> quote GETENV annex
annex B

200 GETENV command successful
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_version
firmware_version avme

200 GETENV command successful
I think, if you set it back to AVM instead of AVME the box will be able to boot.

How can i to do this?

I was tried, but:

230 User adam2 successfully logged in
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_version
firmware_version avme

200 GETENV command successful
ftp> quote SETENV firmware_version,avm
501 Syntax error: Invalid number of parameters
I've done this long time ago.
Try this:
quote SETENV firmware_version avm
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