Help fritz 7140 aol firmware 30.04.02


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23 Aug 2006
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Ok sorry if I write in english, but anyway, I ask if someone can help me to convert this Fritz Wlan 7140 annex B AOL with firmware version 30.04.02 on board in Annex A and then in english?
If possible to have the procedure, I read about a procedure that you have to change the bootloader, but if I understood this procedure should work only with fritz 7140 firmware up to version 30.04.30/31 or 33 is this right?
I will thank you in advance anybody answers or will give some indications, also in PM.
OK, her you can get the english verison for your Box:

Select your Firmware and you get on the next page the download for Anex-A or Anex-B.
I hope you know how to install the firmware :p
That's nice, but doesn't help much. There are some more steps necessary. Furthermore I would suggest to look at for actual firmware images and recover versions. Doesn't make any sense to use that web gui view.

Here are the steps you need to take:
  1. a) Modify your box to Annex A.
    (Make sure this step was successful. Is there a DSL information page in AOL web interface? Then there should be stated which Annex version is being used.)
    b) Modify your box to english.
    (Attention: Web interface will probably work no more after the modification to english branding (avme). That's why I suggest to change to Annex A first.)
  2. Recover your box. You can not use a firmware version x.04.30 or above if you the firmware version on the box is older than this. Use 30.04.26, english, Annex A, recover version for this step. Afterwards you should have a working web interface which should be english. It should tell you on the DSL information page that it is Annex A version.
  3. Now you should be able to update to firmware version 30.04.34 without any problems. In future every update with english and Annex A for 7140 should just work without further modfication.

Some more advices:
  • As the firmware version which is now running is quite old, the modifications of step 1 should work as described in this thread. (That's why you should not update your firmware before making the modifications.)
  • You can't find older firmware and recover versions on AVM servers. The only place in this forum where asking for firmware images is allowed, is here. Ask for recover program for 7140, english, Annex A, version 30.04.26 (or older).
  • The DSL modem may work as Annex A. But the hardware is optimized for Annex B. So you might not be able to make much use of it.

Good luck!
Loosed maybe, I tried to send the script to take away the aol enbrandet the I try to change into annex A and was ok in dsl information, after I tried to change language nothing more, no telnet and also no ftp entry looks possible, I tried many times, the only thing that I can do is to do a recovery from the original AOL cd with version 30.04.02 in German, but after I finish the recovery looks that everything goes ok I still can not get in the webinterface with, also after 2/3 minuts that power/dsl led flashes not so fast almost normal after starts also the led of the wlan but it is fixed and also if I try to close it with the button on the back of the fritz, nothing happends, still open and fixed.
The only thing also happend is if I put it in dhcp get this ip numbers:
phisical number mac: 00-a0-d1-29-89-bd
subnet mask:
and nothing else no gateway etc.etc.
What happend can steel a chance?
Please any body could help will be very kind.
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