/var/tmp # ./heyu help
Usage: heyu [options] <command> (Run 'heyu help' for commands)
-v Enable verbose mode
-c <pathname> Specify full configuration file pathname
-s <pathname> Specify full schedule file pathname
-0 ... -9 Config file is in subdirectory /0 ... /9
of standard location, e.g., $HOME/.heyu/3/x10config
[Administrative commands (H = Housecode)]
heyu info Display CM11A registers, clock, and upload status
heyu help [category|command] This screen [category or command]
heyu help help Explain help usage
heyu start Start Heyu background processes (daemons)
heyu stop Stop Heyu background processes
heyu restart Reconfigure running Heyu background processes
heyu engine Start the (optional) Heyu state engine daemon
heyu aux Start the (optional) Heyu auxiliary RF input daemon
heyu monitor Monitor X10 activity (end with <BREAK>)
heyu date Return date in date(1) input format
heyu erase Zero CM11A EEPROM, erasing all events and macros
heyu syn Display built-in synonyms for direct commands
heyu <label> Execute a scene or usersyn defined in the config file
heyu show <option> (Enter 'heyu show' to see options)
heyu script_ctrl <option> Launch scripts disable|enable
heyu initstate [H] Zero entire state table or just housecode H
heyu initothers Zero cumulative address table
heyu reset [H] Reset interface to housecode H or default
heyu setclock Set CM11A clock to system clock (per schedule)
heyu readclock Display CM11A and system clocks (per schedule)
heyu newbattery Reset CM11A battery timer to zero
heyu purge Cancel pending CM11A delayed macros
heyu clear Clear CM11A registers
heyu list Display Lock, Spool, and System base directory names
heyu upload [check|croncheck] Upload schedule to CM11A or check schedule file
heyu upload status|cronstatus Display status of uploaded schedule
heyu catchup Emulate uploaded Timers from 0:00 to current time today
heyu trigger Hu on|off Emulate Trigger in uploaded schedule
heyu macro <label> Emulate Macro in uploaded schedule
heyu utility <option> (Enter 'heyu utility' to see options)
heyu logmsg <"text"> Display text message in log file and/or monitor
heyu wait [timeout] Wait until macro execution is completed
heyu cm10a_init Initialize CM10A interface. (For CM10A only!)
heyu arm [parameters] Set security flag to armed
heyu disarm Set security flag to disarmed
heyu restore_groups Restore extended group and xconfig settings
heyu logtail [N] Display tail [N lines] of log file
heyu launch <parameters> Launch script. Enter 'heyu launch' for usage
heyu version Display the Heyu version and exit
[State commands (H = Housecode, u = Single unit) - require heyu engine]
heyu enginestate Display 1 if state engine is running, else 0
heyu armedstate Bitmap: 1 = armed, 2 = home, 4 = armpending, 8 = tamper
heyu sensorfault Bitmap: 1 = low battery, 2 = inactive, 8 = tamper
heyu flagstate n Boolean state of flag n
heyu nightstate Boolean state of night flag
heyu darkstate Boolean state of dark flag
heyu sunstate Bitmap: 1 = night, 2 = dark
heyu statusstate H[u] Status-pending bitmap of H or Boolean Hu
heyu onstate H[u] On-state bitmap of H or Boolean Hu
heyu dimstate H[u] Dim-state bitmap of H or Boolean Hu
heyu chgstate H[u] Changed-state bitmap of H or Boolean Hu
heyu addrstate H[u] Addressed-state bitmap of H or Boolean Hu
heyu statestr H State mini-bitmaps of all units as ASCII string
heyu dimlevel Hu Brighness level of module Hu as 0-100%
heyu rawlevel Hu Native level (0-210, 1-32, or 0-63) of module Hu
heyu memlevel Hu Stored level 0-100% for module Hu with memory
heyu rawmemlevel Hu Stored native level for module Hu with memory
heyu heyu_state Hu Heyu script environment state bitmap (as integer)
heyu heyu_rawstate Hu Heyu script raw environment state bitmap (as integer)
heyu xtend_state Hu Xtend script environment state bitmap (as integer)
heyu rcstemp H RCS compatible temperature (stored value)
heyu fetchstate See man page heyu(1)
[RFXSensor state commands (H = Housecode, u = Single unit) - require heyu engine]
heyu rfxtemp Hu Temperature
heyu rfxrh Hu Relative Humidity
heyu rfxbp Hu Barometric Pressure
heyu rfxpot Hu Potentiometer setting
heyu rfxvs Hu Supply Voltage
heyu rfxvad Hu A/D Voltage
heyu rfxvadi Hu Internal A/D Voltage
heyu rfxlobat Hu Low Battery state (Boolean)
heyu rfxtemp2 Hu Second Temperature
[RFXMeter state commands (H = Housecode, u = Single unit) - require heyu engine]
heyu rfxpower Hu Watt-Hour meter reading
heyu rfxpanel [n] Total Watt-Hours for Power Panel [n]
heyu rfxwater Hu Water meter reading
heyu rfxgas Hu Gas meter reading
heyu rfxpulse Hu Pulse meter reading
heyu rfxcount Hu Raw counter of any meter
[DigiMax state commands (H = Housecode, u = Single unit) - require heyu engine]
heyu dmxtemp Hu DigiMax current temperature (C)
heyu dmxsetpoint Hu DigiMax setpoint temperature (C)
heyu dmxstatus Hu DigiMax On/Off status (1 = On)
heyu dmxmode Hu DigiMax Heat/Cool mode (1 = Heat)
[Oregon state commands (H = Housecode, u = Single unit) - require heyu engine]
heyu oretemp Hu Oregon sensor Temperature
heyu orerh Hu Oregon sensor Relative Humidity
heyu orebp Hu Oregon sensor Barometric Pressure
heyu ore_emu Hu <func> <data> Enter data in Oregon emulation module
[Direct commands (H = Housecode, U = Units list)]
heyu on HU Turn units ON
heyu off HU Turn units OFF
heyu bright HU <level> Brighten units by <level> (1-22)
heyu brightb HU <level> Brighten units by <level> (1-22) after full bright
heyu dim HU <level> Dim units by <level> (1-22)
heyu dimb HU <level> Dim units by <level> (1-22) after full bright
heyu obdim HU <level> Dim units by <level> (1-22) after full bright
heyu lightson H Turn All Lights ON
heyu lightsoff H Turn All Lights OFF (**)
heyu allon H Turn Units 1-16 ON
heyu alloff H Turn All Units OFF
heyu turn HU <command> Change state on|off|up|down [vv]
heyu preset HU <level> Preset units to <level> (1-32) (*)
heyu mpreset HU <linked> Limited Preset for macros - see manpage
heyu preset_level <level> Preset to <level> (1-32) (function only)
heyu status HU Request ON/OFF status (two-way modules)
heyu status_on HU Status Acknowledge ON
heyu status_off HU Status Acknowledge OFF
heyu hail [H] Hail other devices
heyu hailw [H] Hail other devices, await ack (*)
heyu hail_ack [H] Hail Acknowledge
heyu data_xfer H Data Transfer (function code 0xC)
heyu xon HU Extended Turn Units Full ON (LM14A)
heyu xoff HU Extended Turn Units Full OFF (LM14A)
heyu xpreset HU <level> Extended Preset <level> (0-63) (LM14A)
heyu xallon H Extended All Units ON (LM14A)
heyu xalloff H Extended All Units OFF (LM14A)
heyu xstatus HU Extended Status Request (LM14A)
heyu xconfig H <mode 0-3> Extended config auto status mode (LM14A)
heyu xpowerup HU Extended module power-up signal (LM14A)
heyu xgrpadd HU G Include in Group (G = 0-3) at current level
heyu xgrpaddlvl HU g <level> Include in Group (g = 0-3) at <level>
heyu xgrprem HU g[,g,...] Remove HU from one or more Groups (g = 0-3)
heyu xgrpremall H g[,g,...] Remove H from one or more Groups (g = 0-3)
heyu xgrpexec H G Execute extended Group G function (LM14A)
heyu xgrpstatus HU G Extended Group G Status Request (LM14A)
heyu xfunc <T/F> HU <Data> Extended command - general
heyu xfuncw <T/F> HU <Data> Extended command - general, await ack (*)
heyu address HU [HU [...]] Send Housecode|Units addresses only (*)
heyu function <command ...> Send command function only
heyu kill_all_hc Send All_Units_Off to All Housecodes
heyu pause N.NNN Pause for N.NNN seconds (*)
heyu sleep N.NNN Sleep for N.NNN seconds (*)
heyu rcs_req <query_command> Request RCS compatible status (*)
heyu temp_req <query_command> Request temperature (RCS compatible) (*)
heyu vdata HU <byte> Write data (0-255) to virtual module (*)
heyu setflag n[,n...] Set one or more flags (n = 1-16) (@) (*)
heyu clrflag n[,n...] Clear one or more flags (n = 1-16) (@) (*)
heyu settimer N <hh:mm:ss> Set countdown timer N (1-16) to hh:mm:ss (@) (*)
heyu clrtimers Reset all countdown timers 1-16 to zero (@) (*)
heyu clrstatus H[U] Clear status-pending flags (@) (*)
heyu clrtamper Clear security tamper flags (@) (*)
heyu setcount N <count> Set counter N (1-16) to <count> (0-64K) (*)
heyu inccount N Increment counter N (1-16) by 1 (*)
heyu deccount N Decrement counter N (1-16) by 1 (*)
[Shutter (Extended Type 0) direct commands (H = Housecode, U = Units list)]
heyu shopen HU <level> Open shutter to level (0-25) and cancel limit
heyu shopenlim HU <level> Open shutter to level (0-25), enforce limit
heyu shsetlim HU <level> Set limit (0-25) and open shutter to limit
heyu shopenall H Open all shutters fully and cancel limit
heyu shcloseall H Close all shutters fully
[CM17A "Firecracker" commands (H = Housecode, U = Units list)]
heyu freset Reset CM17A device (*)
heyu fon HU Transmit RF On (*)
heyu foff HU Transmit RF Off (*)
heyu fbright H[U] <count> Transmit RF Brights [after On] (*)
heyu fdim H[U] <count> Transmit RF Dims [after On] (*)
heyu fdimbo HU <count> Transmit RF Dims after Off (*)
heyu flightson H Transmit RF All Lights On (*)
heyu flightsoff H Transmit RF All Lights Off (**) (*)
heyu falloff H Transmit RF All Units Off (*)
heyu farb xx xx <count> Transmit RF Arbitrary 2-byte hex code (*)
heyu farw xxxx xxxx ... Transmit RF multiple 16-bit hex words (*)
heyu flux <parameters> Special for UX23A/UX17A - see manpage (*)
heyu ffbright H[U] <count> Transmit RF Brights [after On] (#) (*)
heyu ffdim H[U] <count> Transmit RF Dims [after On] (#) (*)
heyu ffdimbo HU <count> Transmit RF Dims after Off (#) (*)
heyu ffarb xx xx <count> Transmit RF Arbitrary 2-byte hex code (#) (*)
heyu ffarw xxxx xxxx ... Transmit RF multiple 16-bit hex words (#) (*)
heyu fflux <parameters> Special for UX23A/UX17A - see manpage (#) (*)
[Internal engine precommands (See man pages)]
@setflag n[,n...] Set one or more flags (n = 1-16) (@) (*)
@clrflag n[,n...] Clear one or more flags (n = 1-16) (@) (*)
@settimer N <hh:mm:ss> Set countdown timer N (1-16) to hh:mm:ss (@) (*)
@clrtimers Reset all countdown timers 1-16 to zero (@) (*)
@clrstatus H[U] Clear status-pending flags (@) (*)
@vdata HU <byte> Write data (0-255) to virtual module (*)
@setcount N <count> Set counter N (1-16) to <count> (0-64K) (*)
@inccount N Increment counter N (1-16) by 1 (*)
@deccount N Decrement counter N (1-16) by 1 (*)
@decskpz N Decrement counter N and skip if Zero (*)
@decskpnz N Decrement counter N and skip if Non-Zero (*)
(*) Not available for use in uploaded macros.
(**) Many modules do NOT support this command.
(#) Fast CM17A command - see man x10cm17a(5) for configuration.
(@) Ignored unless state engine is running.
Man pages:
heyu(1), x10config(5), x10sched(5), x10scripts(5), x10aux(5), x10cm17a(5), x10rfxsensors(5), x10rfxmeters(5), x10digimax(5), x10oregon(5).
/var/tmp #