How would a 6660 be upgraded to labor without System > Update


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26 Jun 2020
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Sorry for my bad German, I am able to read it. I am looking for a way to upgrade a brand new Fritz!Box 6660 (retail) with an upgrade image from

In the manual is written that when the interface is put in "Advanced", under the menu "System" the option "Update" should appear. This is not the case on my box which is running FRITZ!OS: 07.15.

My second "tiny" problem is that while this is a DOCSIS device, I am not running it over a cable connection. I have many difficulties to convince this device that the static route could be used for all internet traffic. Lets say that upstream DNS queries run over this route, but for example the NTP service is not started. Is there any tip to get this device "online"? Edit: to get the device online I have used USB tethering, which does seems to do the trick, but does not bring any other menus.

I am able to get into the ADAM2 FTP, but given that I am uncertain which parts of the image should (or better: could) be applied. One thing I found was that I was not able to download the existing mtd0.
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I am able to get into the ADAM2 FTP
The information of the EVA/ADAM2 environment are at the begining in support-data.txt file you can enable and download at:
...its a good start before changing anything blindly ;)

In this file you can search also for desired information about the mtd's.

The information of the EVA/ADAM2 environment are at the begining in support-data.txt file you can enable and download at:
...its a good start before changing anything blindly ;)
The support file is something that I already downloaded, when I read about other devices and minimum BIOS version ;-)

[    0.000000] DMI: Intel Corporation PUMA 7 C0 PLATFORM/TBD, BIOS CGM2.86C.627075.R.1910091214 10/09/2019

mtd0    0x0,0x4800000
mtd1    0x4800000,0x5100000
mtd2    0x5100000,0x5300000
mtd3    0x5300000,0x5B00000
mtd4    0x0,0x0
mtd5    0x5B00000,0xDB00000
mtd6    0xDB00000,0xEE00000
mtd7    0xEE00000,0xF300000
mtd8    0x0,0x0
mtd10   0x0,0x0
mtd11   0xF300000,0x13B00000
mtd12   0x13B00000,0x14400000
mtd13   0x14400000,0x15700000
mtd14   0x15700000,0x15C00000

In this file you can search also for desired information about the mtd's.
Still, how would one download it if the "get" give something like "not supported". I can try to come up with the true error message.
If your brand new Fritz!Box 6660 (retail!) does not have the Update option which is written in the manual, then I would immediately return it to the dealer because the box is faulty.
If your brand new Fritz!Box 6660 (retail!) does not have the Update option which is written in the manual, then I would immediately return it to the dealer because the box is faulty.
That would be AVM directly. Which would be also interesting :)
Also you can not GET most partitions, that's not how this is designed to work. On most (if not all) partitions you can just PUT.

Last but bot least the way the System sees the partition is not always (probably something like "never" would be more appropriate here) how the bootloader sees the partitions.
@KunterBunter AVM was helpfull to state that the serialnumber was infact an international cable version, not the retail version. It is in the proces of being sorted out.

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