I can`t enter to configuration


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29 Dez 2007
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Please Help me I cant enter to my configuration fo opening the port, please somebody taht can hel me It is very importan fo me, I hav a router zyxel 2602 HWN D7A, when I want to enter, Only It give me the optin for write the password.... but I don`t know what it is, and I never have changed this passwor.... also I can DSL whi o2 company plese help me..

press reset 10 seconds, connect to router 1 minute later via LAN cable (, enter 1234 and enjoy
thank you, so I ask you.... If I do it, I will have to write my DNS or my router will take automaticlly....

I look forward to getting an answer from you as soon as possible...

thank again...
If somebody have the password that o2 save in the configuration for entering to the configuration of the router, please give it to me for tray to enter in ny router, becuse I don't know what I have to introduce in the configuration of muy router, please It is very importan...

thnak you for the answer, but if I reset my router, how do I set up my router again...??? or Can I set up my router with the cd that come with my router pack??? It is pack was sent by o2...

thank... and please excuse me for doing a lot of question.... but I do it because I will go to spain and I want to make it because I can download from p2p net very well...

All what you want to know is described in message #5

Why you ask several times the same question? :wiejetzt:

Don´t feed the troll

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