I am looking for a way to enable ICMPv6 replies (ie ping6 reply) for the machines connected to the fritzbox.
A lenghty search on google found no answer. Apparently, the user interface does not provide an option for this (only UDP and TCP port opening on the IPv6 firewall), and ar7.cfg can not be edited in a way to enable it. Some "grep" to avm binaries revealed nothing.
With tcpdump, likewise I see nothing arriving on dsl, but what looks like the request and the replies on adsl (it is a bit garbled - I suppose due to pppoe)
If I manually create a sit1 interface as a 6to4 for sixxs.net, and if I enable it (some echos 0> in proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit1), then it does not respond to ping6, since it is not handled by the usual avm bridge.
Even then, the clients still receive "Administratively prohibited" anyway, which let me think it must come from daemons like dsld since I can just see with tcpdump the incoming icmpv6 echo request for the non responding local ipv6 address.
I would welcome any solution to this issue, since being able to ping6 my devices from the internet would be very handy.
The iptables solutions proposed for another problem http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=231938&page=1 could be interesting, but I fear it will only serve to block more traffic, not to enable some already blocked traffic such as icmpv6, if it simply adds another layer.
I really wonder how it is blocked by the avm firewall - to the best of my understanding, dsld just reads and write to adsl, and only expose to dsl the parts he did not block.
I am looking for a way to enable ICMPv6 replies (ie ping6 reply) for the machines connected to the fritzbox.
A lenghty search on google found no answer. Apparently, the user interface does not provide an option for this (only UDP and TCP port opening on the IPv6 firewall), and ar7.cfg can not be edited in a way to enable it. Some "grep" to avm binaries revealed nothing.
With tcpdump, likewise I see nothing arriving on dsl, but what looks like the request and the replies on adsl (it is a bit garbled - I suppose due to pppoe)
If I manually create a sit1 interface as a 6to4 for sixxs.net, and if I enable it (some echos 0> in proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit1), then it does not respond to ping6, since it is not handled by the usual avm bridge.
Even then, the clients still receive "Administratively prohibited" anyway, which let me think it must come from daemons like dsld since I can just see with tcpdump the incoming icmpv6 echo request for the non responding local ipv6 address.
I would welcome any solution to this issue, since being able to ping6 my devices from the internet would be very handy.
The iptables solutions proposed for another problem http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=231938&page=1 could be interesting, but I fear it will only serve to block more traffic, not to enable some already blocked traffic such as icmpv6, if it simply adds another layer.
I really wonder how it is blocked by the avm firewall - to the best of my understanding, dsld just reads and write to adsl, and only expose to dsl the parts he did not block.