Image too big


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2 Nov 2009
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I would like to update my freetz and to test some package(not all needed) so when i tried to compile it as suspected the image was too big..
I found the idea of externalizing some of the components very interesting.. Using an usb to store some packages will result in a slow responding box? What else should i know about this process? Any advices?
The advice everyone should give you is: have a look at our wiki, try the search function and maybe translate your results by Your requested information is lying around in several threads, wiki-pages an howtos.

edit: fix typos. touchsceen handsets are not really useful
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@flame23: It will not be slow, if you will externalise only 3-5 Binaries. But please do not assume, that you do not have limits, if you use an external usb media. The RAM of your box and its processor power are also limited and it is not recommended to start 20-30 additionaly daemons in parallel, since your box will be very slow (processor power) or will be reboot (watchdog, RAM-overflow).
You can use SWAP for extending of your RAM. In this case you can avoid RAM-overflow-caused reboots, but the performance of SWAP is very low and your Box will be slow, during it use SWAP.

Best regards,
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