Integrate AVM mediaserver into 7170 Annex A?


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9 Okt 2008
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Dear all,

I have a Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7170 Annex A International Edition.

I've succesfully played around with Freetz installing several packages. I had to update the firmware version in from 56 to 57 to make it work. For some reason in in the stable branch the English versions were still at 56 while the German ones were already at 57. So far no problems.

Now I want to install a mediaserver, preferably the AVM one. According to the WIKI

the mediaserver can be extracted out of the Labor firmware, and integrated into other firmwares, but I cannot find an option in menuconfig for this (only an option to remove it altough it isn't there). I've also tried the patch in

but that no longer works. Could somebody please explain to me how to do this?

Best regards,
Mediaserver is integrated into your firmware. However AVM disables it in rc.conf for OEM avme. Though I don't know if this has an impact. If you can't activate it in the webinterface you could have a close look to your ar7.cfg. There should be a line starting with "media.enabled".

The feature "mediaserver isn't available anymore"...

Hello Oliver,

Thanks for your answer.

In the English version I can't activate the Mediaserver in the webinterface. In my ar7.cfg there is no line starting with media.enabled, but media.enabled indeed is no.

/ # echo media.enabled | ar7cfgctl -s

I found the script /sbin/start_mediasrv, and tried to start the Mediaserver manually. It appears that from the English (en) firmware some of the Mediaserver files like MediaServerDevDesc-template.xml are missing.

I installed the German Annex A (a-ch) firmware on my box. Now I have a working Mediaserver (and lots of other nice features that the English firmware lacks).

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
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