Internetanrufe ohne Rufnummer nicht abweisen weiterleiten?


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1 Jan 2006
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Is it possible to defer internet calls without caller identifikation to another number? (Where I have a voicemail message waiting?

I use a 7050 with freetz.
You can use the call forwarding function. In the field "call from" you have to enter a "#" and the SIP number as it's shown on the internet telephony page of your box (e.g. #12345678 ). This means every call without identification at number 12345678. You can compare the function of the # sign with an @.

On the other hand a rule "0987654321#12345678" in the "calls from" field forwards only calls from 0987654321 at 12345678 to the other number with a voicemail system. A rule "0987654321" (without #12345678 ) in the "calls from" field forwards every call from this number at every SIP-account or landline to the voicemail system.

Gruß Telefonmännchen


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