IP telephone as a Telephony Device ? 3 channels ?


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15 Nov 2009
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I did see a FB can also make a IP telephone as a Telephony Device.
Its a sip account on the FB. Question how many IP telephone's can
be used at the same time ? I know normal FON device's the 1 2 and 3
can only be maximum used like 3 voice chanels at the same time. Hardware restriction of the FB. But is this also if you connect those IP telephone as a Telephony Device ? Are will those device be controlled by the soft phones or ATA devices who login as a SIP device on the FB ? :confused:
FB design provides for 3 parallel IP-phones, plus 2 simultaneous/parallel ISDN phones, or 1 POT.
FB design provides for 3 parallel IP-phones, plus 2 simultaneous/parallel ISDN phones, or 1 POT.

Just like i thought 3 maximum simultaneous voice channels ?
I just was wondering when you use a indirect device like a ATA or softphone
connected to the FB as a IP phone then is it not maybe different ? Because then you use the ATA and or softphones channels right ? So wondering has sombody experience with a setup like that ? Or i need to ask support of AVM.
Well thanx for your answer.

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