mich würde interessieren , was da für ein DSP/prozessor drin steckt, ich tippe mal auf centrality chipsatz ....
die bedienungsanleitung is echt nett , sieht aus als wenn das gerät sehr gut für anfänger geeignet ist
Zitat gefällig ? :
2.4 Software Installation
The software distribution includes a bin/ directory with tools and ROM images, and a doc/
directory with Release Notes and this User’s Guide.
To install your software, use the following steps:
1. Follow the steps in the preceding section on installing and connecting to the parallel port
dongle and connecting to the host PC parallel port.
2. Install the software distribution onto a local disk.
3. Make sure that the file bin/tpi is owned by root (and can be executed as a root-owned file).
This can be done as follows:
• login as superuser (su)
• type "chown root tpi"
• type "chmod +s tpi"
• logout as superuser
4. Make sure that the bin/ directory can be written, as temporary files will be generated during
the installation.
5. Type "setenv TPIPARPORT 1" if you are using parallel port LPT1, or "setenv
TPIPARPORT 2" if you are using parallel port LPT2.
6. Burn the ROM images using the bin/t2burn application. The arguments to the t2burn
application are as follows:
t2burn <downloader> <application> <config> <platform>
<downloader> is the downloader ROM image e.g. "downldr.r0".
<application> is the application ROM image e.g. "sip.r0".
<config> is a text file containing the configuration variables.
<platform> is “0235v001” (for LR8051V2) or “0236v001” (for LR8060).
You can also enter “NONE” or “CLEAR” for any combination of <downloader>,
<application>, or <config> to skip writing or to erase that section of the on-board ROM.
For details on the config file contents, refer to Section 6, “ROM Configuration Variables”.
To erase the configuration variables, use an empty config file