möchte demnächst meinen betagten Zyxel Prestige 314 in Pension schicken und mir einen Linksys WRT54GS zulegen.
Habe nun auf éiner Seite von DynDNS.org
über Probleme mit der Zusammenarbeit mit Linksys Routern gelesen. Zitat aus obiger FAQ-Seite:
My Linksys router says "DDNS Server Is Currently Closed" whenever I try to set it up to update my hostname - what gives?
Linksys chose to ignore our published specifications when writing the update software that they built into their routers. As such, their products became broken as soon as we made a change to our underlying infrastructure, which would have been transparent had they followed our guidelines. You should disable the update functionality of your router, complain to Linksys, and use a software client until such a time that Linksys chooses to fix their product
Läuft der Service von DynDNS mit dem WRT54GS problemlos? Mit meinem Zyxel benutze ich DynDNS seit Jahren ohne jegliche Probleme.
Habe nun auf éiner Seite von DynDNS.org
über Probleme mit der Zusammenarbeit mit Linksys Routern gelesen. Zitat aus obiger FAQ-Seite:
My Linksys router says "DDNS Server Is Currently Closed" whenever I try to set it up to update my hostname - what gives?
Linksys chose to ignore our published specifications when writing the update software that they built into their routers. As such, their products became broken as soon as we made a change to our underlying infrastructure, which would have been transparent had they followed our guidelines. You should disable the update functionality of your router, complain to Linksys, and use a software client until such a time that Linksys chooses to fix their product
Läuft der Service von DynDNS mit dem WRT54GS problemlos? Mit meinem Zyxel benutze ich DynDNS seit Jahren ohne jegliche Probleme.