Mein Eintrag von der englischen Forum:
Nowhere in the world are no any resellers listed. I checked it by more than 20 Betamax and Dellmont brands and by more than 15 countries. Everywhere appears only a dumb 'Select country' from a non-existent list of countries.
The whole thing began Monday at 12PM UTC with a slow down and asynchronism of the Recent money transfers list. Then some of the resellers disappeared and reappeared in the listing. In the evening it was only a low percentage of the resellers listed. On Tuesday morning there was a short hickup (6:25AM UTC) by the login and the SIP servers. Later in the morning hours it seemed that somebody are working on the reseller listing problem because from time to time different resellers was listed, sometimes only the new ones, sometimes the bronzes, sometimes only a few but from all reputation categories. Then in the afternoon all resellers are disappeared and aren't present until then to this time too. The resellers reputation symbols are also disappeared synchronously with the disappearing the resellers from the lists.
I received many calls from the customers about this phenomenon. Some users hadn't any acceptable payment method available except the most expensive. I had a down by at least 30 percent in my sales within this days.
There is a problem with the ranking system which is causing this fault. Development department is working on the problem. They will do the best to solve the problem as fast as possible. Unfortunaly no runtime is given.
The problem should now be solved. Please report any malfunction so we can report it again to betamax.