misdn manchmal belegt


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Mitglied seit
7 Mai 2007
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Hallo in die Runde,

manchmal passiert es auf meiner 8fach Beronet Karte, das ein Telefongespräch nicht zustande kommt.

Aufbau eines Gespräches:
IAX -> Asterisk -> misdn Beronet Port1 -> alte Tel Anlage

Folgendes hab ich im Log mitgeschnitten:
    -- Executing [7383@out-internal:123] Dial("IAX2/dundi-12055", "mISDN/g:incoming_int1678_b/<deleted>83,30,go") in new stack
P[ 1] Group [incoming_int1678_b] Port [1]
P[ 1] portup:1
P[ 1] * Queuing chan 0x2aaaaf17a960
P[ 1] read_config: Getting Config
P[ 1] config_jb: Called
P[ 1]  --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp:
P[ 1]  --> TON: Unknown
P[ 1]  --> LTON: National
P[ 1]  --> CTON: Unknown
P[ 1] * CALL: g:incoming_int1678_b/<deleted>83
P[ 1]  --> * dad:7383 tech:mISDN/0-u48906 ctx:incoming_int1678_b
P[ 1]  --> * adding2newbc ext 7383
P[ 1]  --> * adding2newbc callerid 73613
P[ 1]  --> pres: 2 screen: 0
P[ 1] I SEND:SETUP oad:73613 dad:<deleted>83 pid:4462
P[ 1]  --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1]  --> channel:0 mode:NT cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1]  --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1]  --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0
P[ 1]  --> screen:0 --> pres:2
P[ 1]  --> addr:0 l3id:80010000 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1]  --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None
P[ 1]  --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1]  --> bc:0x2aaab003bbb0 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] find_free_chan: req_chan:0
P[ 1]  --> found chan: 1
P[ 1] set_chan_in_stack: 1
P[ 1]  -->  found channel: 1
P[ 1]  --> new_l3id ff09
P[ 1]  --> * SEND: State Dialing pid:4462
    -- Called g:incoming_int1678_b/<deleted>83
P[ 1]  --> lib: prim 30581 dinfo ff09
P[ 1]  --> lib: Event_ind:SETUP CONFIRM [NT] : new L3ID  is 8004ff09
P[ 1] I IND :CC_SETUP|CONFIRM: old l3id:ff09 new l3id:8004ff09
P[ 1] I IND :NEW_L3ID oad:73613 dad:<deleted>83 pid:4462 state:CALLING
P[ 1]  --> channel:1 mode:NT cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1]  --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1]  --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0
P[ 1]  --> screen:0 --> pres:2
P[ 1]  --> addr:0 l3id:8004ff09 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1]  --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None
P[ 1]  --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1]  --> bc:0x2aaab003bbb0 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1]  --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED

asteriskb1*CLI> misdn show channels
* Pid:4462 Prt:1 Ch:1 Mode:NT Org:* dad:<deleted>83 oad:73613 rad: ctx:incoming_int1678_b state:CALLING
  --> astname: mISDN/0-u48906
  --> ch_l3id: 8004ff09
  --> ch_addr: 0
  --> bc_addr: 0
  --> bc_l3id: 8004ff09
  --> display:
  --> activated: 0
  --> state: BCHAN_CLEANED
  --> capability: Speech
  --> echo_cancel: 0
  --> notone : rx 1 tx:1
  --> bc_hold: 0

P[ 1] * IND : HANGUP    pid:4462 ctx:incoming_int1678_b dad:<deleted>83 oad:73613 State:CALLING
P[ 1]  --> l3id:8004ff09
P[ 1]  --> cause:16
P[ 1]  --> out_cause:16
P[ 1]  --> state:CALLING
P[ 1] release_chan: bc with l3id: 8004ff09
P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:73613 dad:<deleted>83 pid:4462
P[ 1]  --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1]  --> channel:1 mode:NT cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
[Jan  9 14:54:07] NOTICE[30887]: chan_misdn.c:2637 misdn_hangup: release channel, in CALLING/INCOMING_SETUP state.. no other events happened
P[ 1]  --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1]  --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0
P[ 1]  --> screen:0 --> pres:2
P[ 1]  --> addr:0 l3id:8004ff09 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1]  --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None
P[ 1]  --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1]  --> bc:0x2aaab003bbb0 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1]  --> Channel: mISDN/0-u48906 hanguped new state:CLEANING
  == Spawn extension (out-internal, 7383, 123) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/dundi-12055'
    -- Hungup 'IAX2/dundi-12055'
P[ 1]  --> lib: prim 3f182 dinfo 8004ff07
P[ 1] *HOLDER: find ffffffff8004ff07
P[ 1] *HOLDER: find nothing
P[ 1]  --> CC_RELEASE_CR: Faking Realease_cr for 41000101 l3id:8004ff07
P[ 1]  --> Didn't found BC so temporarly creating dummy BC (l3id:8004ff07) on this port.
P[ 1]  --> Removing Process Id:7 on this port.
P[ 1]  --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:8004ff07
P[ 1] *HOLDER: find ffffffff8004ff07
P[ 1] *HOLDER: find nothing
P[ 1]  --> Didn't found BC so temporarly creating dummy BC (l3id:8004ff07) on this port.
P[ 1]  --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 8004ff07
P[ 1] I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad: pid:0 state:none
P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:0
P[ 1] $$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :0

Der Anrufende Gesprächspartner hatte nur ein Freizeichen und danach ein besetzt.
Der Angerufende Gesprächspartner hatte ein klingeln im Telefon. Nach dem abnehmen konnte er selbst nichts hören und legte wieder auf.

Hat jemand eine Idee woran es liegen könnte? Und was diese Fehlermeldung zu bedeuten hat:
[Jan  9 14:54:07] NOTICE[30887]: chan_misdn.c:2637 misdn_hangup: release channel, in CALLING/INCOMING_SETUP state.. no other events happened

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