MRTG-Alternative? (Daten sammeln + anzeigen mit rrdtool und collectd)

what packages do I need for this?
only rrdtool from the make menuconfig -> packages ?
yes, only rrdtool is needed (which automatically includes the necessary libraries such as libpng).
hey ramik,
after i created all files of your zip by hand(copying over samba doesn't work) runs.
Now i wanted to run to register the page, but the following error apears:
ln: /usr/mww/stats: Read-only file system
since /usr/mww is a read-only filesystem I can call the Stats-page, but the images are not visible to. :( I can see them in the folder on my stick, but not in the Webpage.
I think you have mini_fo installed and therefor you can create the link.
Do I have to create the link by hand during my firmwarebuild or is there an other possibility?

Now I have created the link during an firmwarebuild via fwmod_custom and it works great. May it is possilbe to make a package out of it.
For the wan-nterface I set dsl, is this ok?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ah yes, you are right, i use mini_fo, and since first dsmod build i started using it and forgot that changes depend on it too...

about the wan interface, if you see that the dsl is the one that reflect the real usage of your internet then ok. to know which one is the correct one try to monitor with ifconfig all interfaces, download a big file and see which counter increases by the size of the file.

for now i run it stand-alone, if it is stable enough and can be converted into a package, then why not :)
I try to write in English, but please be patient my English is not the best.
Well, i tried to install this fantastic package, too. But unfortunately my mini_fo dont work, so i tried to edit the fwmod_custom and add the lines there, like matze1985.
The second softlink works, but while the compiling the first one gives an "file or directory dont exist" error.

Perhabs anybody can help me =)

Thans in advance ...

ah btw: here is my fwmod_custom

all() {
       ln -s ./filesystem/var/media/ftp/uStor01/rrd/rrdstat-cgi ./filesystem/mod/usr/lib/cgi-bin/FritzStats
       ln -s ./filesystem/var/media/ftp/uStor01/rrd/www-stats ./filesystem/usr/mww/stats
I don't know exactly what to do if mini_fo doesn't work, but what's wrong with it (mini_do)?
you need to enable it first time from telnet/ssh by:
/etc/init.d # ./rc.mini_fo help
Usage: rc.mini_fo [on|off|status|store [ram|jffs2]|nostore]
mini_fo root mount script - can only be called as an 'init' replacement.
  status  - check status of mini_fo root; returns 'running' if mini_fo mount on
           '/' is active, 'stopped' otherwise.
  on      - activate replacing 'init' by 'rc.mini_fo' -> boot with mini_fo root,
            Adds something like 'init=/etc/init.d/rc.mini_fo' to bootloader
            environment variable 'kernel_args'.
  store   - store changed data storage location in bootloader environment for
            later use with 'mount'. Adds variable 'mini_fo' to bootloader
            environment, setting its value. If called without parameter, this
            option prints the current 'mini_fo' values.
  nostore - remove mini_fo variable from bootloader environment. Even though it
            does no harm to have the variable around in the environment all the
            time, you may optionally remove it again using this option.
  off     - deactivate replacing 'init' by 'rc.mini_fo' -> boot without mini_fo
            root. Removes 'init' from bootloader environment variable
  - rc.mini_fo on
  - rc.mini_fo store jffs2
  - rc.mini_fo store
  - rc.mini_fo status
  - rc.mini_fo off
  - rc.mini_fo nostore
/etc/init.d # [COLOR="Red"]./rc.mini_fo store ram[/COLOR]
Thank you very much, very nice. Now mini_fo works, i thought mini_fo would do this alone ...

But now i have an other error in my way to install your cool package :(

When i try to run the script it says

-sh: ./ not found

but a ls -Al shows

/var/media/ftp/uStor01/rrd # ls -Al
-rwxrwxrwx    1 ftpuser  root          405 Feb 22 16:52
-rwxrwxrwx    1 ftpuser  root          316 Feb 22 16:52
drwxrwxrwx    2 ftpuser  root        32768 Feb 22 16:53 polling
-rwxrwxrwx    1 ftpuser  root          467 Feb 22 16:52 rc.custom.import
drwxrwxrwx    2 ftpuser  root        32768 Feb 22 16:53 rrdstat-cgi
drwxrwxrwx    2 ftpuser  root        32768 Feb 22 16:53 stats
drwxrwxrwx    2 ftpuser  root        32768 Feb 22 16:53 www-stats

Perhabs anybody have an Idea?

Thanks in advance :p
Perhaps you have DOS line feeds in your

Greets Oliver
Then please show us the content of your

Greets Oliver

p.s. Don't make full quotes. Admins don't like that. ;-)
yeah, your right. I seen it with mcedit, everywhere dos line feeds oder something else :p

I edit it by hand and remove every line and now it works great, wohoo :p

Thank you very much, i love freetz and those nice packages ^^
Nice Weekend everybody ...

PS: sorry for full quotes =)
PPS: Perhabs Olistudent can integrate it into the svn build? :D
just for the record, the fwmod_custom should look like this:
ln -s /var/media/ftp/uStor01/rrd/www-stats ./filesystem/usr/mww/stats
PPS: Perhabs Olistudent can integrate it into the svn build? :D

I look to be able to include this package in the freetz build, but it needs to have a webui for config, or some kind of config to allow users to select what modules to monitor, and where to put the collected data and generated graphs.
I still didn't understand the steps to create a webui that saves config files to flash and how to make sh scripts read config from flash (wiki guide is in german)
Good Morning :p

I must change some things in this package to work proper for me.

(1. Change my WANINTERFACE to wan)

2. Change a little bit code in rrdstat.cgi, otherwise the download and upload stats for my ADSL interface where interchanged.



changed to:


DEF:in=$FILE:in:AVERAGE		        \
DEF:out=$FILE:out:AVERAGE		\

Perhabs you can show me the url for the wiki guide, so i try to help u ...

I changed a few things, otherwise i get many Zombies. So just the would load every time i restart the box. To load the i installed a cron which runs every x min an started the
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks arved85, works perfect in ata mode!
Zusammenfassung des Stands der Dinge bitte in Post 1


ich habe von Seite 1 bis 3 gelesen, dann auch 5 gesprungen und jetz in egnglisch?
Könnte mal jemand in Post 1 einen Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Stand der Dinge schreiben?

Mir geht es darum zu wissen ob ich schon Daten sammeln und auswerten kann und wie?

ja es geht, und wie steht auf den letzten beiden seiten :)
ich hab die logarithmic Option ausprobiert um meinen Traffic besser darstellen zu können. Ganz zufrieden bin ich damit aber nicht (siehe angehängte Bilder). Kennt jemand einen Weg dies zu verbessern?

Ich hab mir einen Patch gebastelt um das ganz gleich ins Image zu compilieren (ohne logarithmic). klick
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zuerst besten Dank für Deine Arbeit. Wir sind ein tolles Stück weiter.

Persönlich mag ich es besser, wenn in/out getrennt aufgezeichnet werden, damit nicht plötzlich der Graph vom download hinter dem upload unsichtbar wird, wenn ich's zu doll treibe mit dem Esel oder den Servern. Im Post 67 sind die entsprechenden Bilder. Da ich sie gegen eine lineare Ordinate aufgetragen habe, ist der upload kaum leserlich; dem grossen "A" in ADSL sei Dank.

Mit der Log-Skala sieht die Sache ausgewogener aus, aber der einfache Vorzeichentrick zieht nicht. Mit dem Reziprokwert (1/upload) und ein wenig begleitender Mathe wäre es möglich, eine Log-Darstellung zu bekommen.

Aber bevor ich endlos schwafel, was genau möchtest Du bei Deiner Darstellung verbessert haben? Trick
Mich stört halt an der Darstellung, dass meine Internetverbindung ein par MB/s schafft, ich aber meist nicht soviel übertrage. So sehe ich in der linearen Darstellung nur die Peeks. Die logarithmische Darstellung ist aber auch nicht so aussagekräftig wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe

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