NEED HELP Please!! Fritz!BOX Fon became Fritz SL!!!


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28 Nov 2006
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Hello to all, sorry because I donìt speak german so I hope anyone could help me with my problem. This is the first time I have a Fritz router, I have upgraded the firmware once successfully, but the last time I tried to upgrade my Fritz!box Fon ANNEX A English version, it was fine till I have rebooted it, after reboot, the overview says:
"Boot Error: running as FRITZ!Box SL, Firmware version 10.04.20"
Seems that the box became a SL.... When I use the recovery tool it says that it can not recover because this is not a compatible image....
How can be possible that the upgrade messed up all the router?...
Is there a possibility to do in windows a recovery or a forced recovery to recover my router?... I will be glad if there is someone that can helps me in english! This is wired version!

Thanks a lot for your help!
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