New FW Versions


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22 Okt 2006
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Hi, I see that there is someone in the forum who get 0.62 version. Where is download for that? I have a FBF 7050 with FW version 14.04.20 and 0.61 doesn't work for me.
Thank You
There is no download for JFritz 0.6.2 because it has not yet been released.

You may check out the source from CVS and compile it by yourself. An german howto is available at
An english translation is not yet available.

New CVS version does work ok with 7050 14.04.20. You may compile CVS source with "ANT" and run with some Java runtime eg. or 1.6.
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Thanks all for help. I compiled new cvs version (I didn't think that I could be able to do it) and it works very well and stable.
You will need to download the java 1.5 jdk package in order to compile jfritz correctly. This can be downloaded here: jdk-1.5_09

I am working on translating pages from the jfritz wiki, its still going to take me a bit though.

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