OpenVPN chroot problem


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20 Feb 2009
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Yesterday I recompiled freetz-trunk to include openvpn. I need to connect 3 computers to fritz!box so I used a certificate based configuration. For some unknown reason with fritz setting I can connect from other pc to my fritzbox, I receive the ip from "openvpn dhcp", but I can't ping or connect any machine thought the tunnel. Instead copying freetz's openvpn.conf and commenting out the line: "chroot /tmp/openvpn" solve the problem and I can use the tunnel successfully.

Why with chroot doesn't works?
Do you have a connect script?
Is there a difference in the routing tables?

No, but I found the problem.
It's not the chroot option but "bridge to LAN" that is executed in the init.d script, unmarking it everything works fine!
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