Phone book?


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Mitglied seit
18 Apr 2008
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FBF callmonitor couldn't run on my computer. Therefore I installed JFritz. It runs smoothly, but I found something strange. I am not sure whether I understood correctly or not:
JFritz can not fetch the phone book from Fritz box and can not push it to Fritz box as well. Is it true?
At my case, the phone book in JFritz has entries which are definitely not from the Telefonbuch in Fritz Box. I don't know where they come from.

I am sorry to use English here, but my German is very poor. Could anybody explain something for me? Thank you in advance!

you are absolutely right. Currently JFritz can not import the phonebook from the FritzBox. There have been many feature requests for this feature. I will implement this for JFritz 0.7.4 because I want to release JFritz 0.7.3 next week.

The entries you see in the phonebook of JFritz are obtained by reverse lookup the phone numbers in your caller list.

Best regards,
Thanks a lot for your explanation! It is clear to me now.
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