Pingtunnel: how to setup?


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17 Feb 2010
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I tried to run a pingtunnel server on Freetz, but as far as I can tell the pings are consumed by an AVM component, so I was wondering if anyone has got this working and willing to share how to. I will write a wiki page as soon as I get it working.
Which interfaces did you try?
./ptunnel -x password -c lan -v 4
With this setup I could connect from my PC internally.

Of course I had to mention that connecting internally works, but connecting externally does not.
ptunnel -c adsl
Please try the lan interface for external connections too. Perhaps you have to open the connection port. Listening on this dsl, adsl interfaces doesn't work.

Using lan and eth0 does not work too. The pings do not arrive on the server, but the client reports they are being received. So I still think the AVM dsl component does consume the pings without sending them to the local net.

Ping does not use ports, so I am not sure what you mean by opening ports.
Ping does not use ports, so I am not sure what you mean by opening ports.
Sorry, my fault. I was mislead because of the port setting on the client...

It's possible that dsld doesn't forward icmps.

If this is the case pingtunnel is useless as external proxy. Maybe this should go into the wiki so people do not spent time on trying this.
I recently tried with iptables logging to see if external pings go to the internal net somewhere, but they don't.
Is there somewhere a setting to change this?
Is is possible to forward ICMP requests like normal TCP or UDP traffic? (AVM firewall)

Edit: if this can't work, my proposition is to remove the package from Freetz.
Ich habe pptp-vpn auf meiner Box laufen. Dazu muss ich u.a. das Protokoll "GRE" Freigeben. GRE ist ISO/OSI Layer 4. TCP, UDP und ICMP sind auch Layer 4. Vielleicht funktioniert es analog dazu (ar7.cfg):

forwardrules = "gre 0 # FB_GRE",
                   "tcp 0 # FB_VPN";

Kann man nicht die Firewall komplett abschalten? "Exposed host" oder ähnlichem?

EDIT: In der ar7.cfg gibt es einige "reject icmp" Einträge
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I have tried it and it is working!
(ICMP is flowing to the local net, I have to try PTunnel yet).

This is what I added to ar7.cfg

"icmp 0"

This should be an option in AVM firewall CGI too.

Edit: I have made a patch to add icmp forwarding to AVM-Firewall.
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