Problem Rufnummern übermittlung Cisco 2811 ISDN


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Mitglied seit
22 Jan 2010
Punkte für Reaktionen

wir haben in unser Firma die alte Octopus gegen eine Cisco 2811 mit 2x VIC2-2BRI-NT/TE ausgetauscht. Die Verbindung in die (Telefon-)Welt erfolgt über die BRIs direct an 4 NTBA (Anlagenanschluss).
Nun haben wir aber gemerkt, das manchmal die die dirkte Durchwahl nicht klappt weil die Called Number gestückel ankommt d.h. ich wähle von extern die Nummer 868624 die Cisco erkennt 86862.
Manchmal wird fehlende Nummer hier die 4 als separate Nummer gewertet manchmal ganz unterschlagen.

Apr 25 08:06:37.367: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x01
        Bearer Capability i = 0x9090A3
                Standard = CCITT
                Transfer Capability = 3.1kHz Audio
                Transfer Mode = Circuit
                Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
        Channel ID i = 0x89
                Exclusive, B1
        Progress Ind i = 0x8283 - Origination address is non-ISDN
        Calling Party Number i = 0x2183, 'xxxxxxxxx'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:National
        Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '[COLOR="Blue"]86862[/COLOR]'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
Apr 25 08:06:37.375: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: TX -> SETUP_ACK pd = 8  callref = 0x81
        Channel ID i = 0x89
                Exclusive, B1
Apr 25 08:06:37.403: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 0x81
Apr 25 08:06:37.419: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: TX -> ALERTING pd = 8  callref = 0x81
        Progress Ind i = 0x8188 - In-band info or appropriate now available
Apr 25 08:06:37.471: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: RX <- INFORMATION pd = 8  callref = 0x01
        Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '[COLOR="Blue"]4[/COLOR]'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
Apr 25 08:06:40.903: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x01
        Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing
        Progress Ind i = 0x8283 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Apr 25 08:06:40.907: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x81
        Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing
Apr 25 08:06:41.015: ISDN BR0/0/1 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x01
Nach unseren Recherchen sollte die Telekom schuld sein. Auch unser Telekom Ansprechpartner sagte ja Problem bekannt die Tel Nummer wird in 5er Blöcken übertragen und muss nur auf 6er Blöcke umgestellt werden. Also hat sich mein Kollege ans Telefon gehängt und hat sich bis zu einem ECHTEN Techniker durchgekämft :groesste:. Der hat seine Anlage geprüft und alles freigschaltet bzw. gesagt es sind keine Blöcke sondern die Nummer wird komplett Übertragen.

Aber das Problem besteht weiterhin.
Ich hoffe, von euch hat jeman eine Idee. Vieleicht irgend ein Timing das die Anlage länger auf die komplette Nummer wartet.

Danke schon mal


version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname cme
logging message-counter syslog
no logging buffered
enable password xxxxxx
no aaa new-model
clock timezone GMT 1
clock summer-time Berlin date Mar 28 2010 2:00 Oct 31 2010 3:00
network-clock-participate wic 0 
network-clock-participate wic 1 
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type basic-net3
voice service voip 
 allow-connections h323 to h323
 allow-connections h323 to sip
 allow-connections sip to h323
 allow-connections sip to sip
 supplementary-service h450.12
voice register global
 mode cme
 max-dn 144
 max-pool 42
voice translation-rule 10
 rule 1 /^86860.*/ /14/
 rule 2 /^8686\([1-9].\)$/ /\1/
 rule 3 /^8686\([1-9]\)$/ /14/
voice translation-rule 15
 rule 1 /^0/ //
voice translation-rule 16
 rule 1 /^\([1-9].\)$/ /012348686\1/
voice translation-profile IN
 translate called 10
voice translation-profile OUT
 translate calling 16
 translate called 15
voice-card 0
 no dspfarm
 log config
no ip ftp passive
translation-rule 20
 Rule 1 ^.% 00 national national
 Rule 2 ^.% 000 international international
 Rule 3 ^.% 0 subscriber subscriber
translation-rule 5
 Rule 1 8686.% 012348686 subscriber subscriber
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface BRI0/0/0
 description TCom1
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 5000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn incoming-voice voice
 isdn static-tei 0
interface BRI0/0/1
 description TCom2
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 5000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn incoming-voice voice
 isdn static-tei 0
interface BRI0/1/0
 description TCom3
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 5000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn static-tei 0
interface BRI0/1/1
 description TCom4
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 5000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn static-tei 0
voice-port 0/0/0
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom1
 bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 0/0/1
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom2
 bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 0/1/0
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom3
 bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 0/1/1
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom4
 bearer-cap Speech
dial-peer voice 1 pots
 description IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern .T
 incoming called-number 8686[1-9].
 port 0/0/0
dial-peer voice 2 pots
 description IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern .T
 incoming called-number 8686[1-9].
 port 0/0/1
dial-peer voice 3 pots
 description IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern .T
 incoming called-number 8686[1-9].
 port 0/1/0
dial-peer voice 4 pots
 description IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern .T
 incoming called-number 8686[1-9].
 port 0/1/1
dial-peer voice 5 pots
 description OUT
 translation-profile outgoing OUT
 destination-pattern 0T
 port 0/0/0
 forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 6 pots
 description OUT
 translation-profile outgoing OUT
 destination-pattern 0T
 port 0/0/1
 forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 7 pots
 description OUT
 translation-profile outgoing OUT
 destination-pattern 0T
 port 0/1/0
 forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 8 pots
 description OUT
 translation-profile outgoing OUT
 destination-pattern 0T
 port 0/1/1
 forward-digits all
no dial-peer outbound status-check pots
num-exp 86860 14
num-exp 86861 14
num-exp 86862 14
num-exp 86863 14
num-exp 86864 14
num-exp 86865 14
num-exp 86866 14
num-exp 86867 14
num-exp 86868 14
num-exp 86869 14
 timer receive-rtp 1200
 no auto-reg-ephone
 load 7914 S00105000300
 load 7960-7940 P00308000600
 load ata ata030203sccp051201a
 max-ephones 42
 max-dn 144
 ip source-address port 2000
 timeouts interdigit 3
 cnf-file perphone
 user-locale DE
 network-locale DE
 time-zone 23
 time-format 24
 date-format dd-mm-yy
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 multicast moh port 2000
 transfer-system full-consult
 secondary-dialtone 0
 after-hours pstn-prefix 4 4
 night-service code *1234
 night-service day Sun 00:00 23:59
 night-service day Mon 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Tue 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Wed 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Thu 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Fri 17:00 07:00
 night-service day Sat 00:00 23:59
 create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Apr 23 2010 15:28:23
ephone-template  1
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 login local
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp update-calendar
ntp server maxpoll 12 minpoll 8 source FastEthernet0/0
Imho matchen deine Translation Rules zu früh. Daher schlägt der T302 Timer nicht an.

Würde deine Regeln folgendermaßen überarbeiten:
voice translation-rule 10
 rule 1 /^86860/ /14/
 rule 2 /^8686\([1-9].\)/ /\1/

Deine ganzen anderen Tests mit der normalen Translation Rule, num-exp, etc. würde ich auch rauswerfen bzw. gegen eine Voice Translation Rule ersetzen. Zusätzlich würde ich die ausgehenden Anrufe noch über einen BRI Trunk laufen lassen. Gibt da noch einige Punkte... aber das Teil soll ja zuerst mal generell laufen.

Wenn es noch weitere Probleme gibt, lass uns doch mal einen ccapi (am Besten auch mit translation) Trace zukommen.
THX Tweety für die schnell Antwort. Ich habe leider noch ander "wichtigere" Projekte am laufen und kann mich leider nur selten mit der Anlage beschäftigen ;(. Ich konnte deine Vorschläge leider auch noch nicht umsetzen. Asche auf mein Haupt.

Die Rule 3 in der voice translation-rule 10 habe ich gemacht damit die Anrufer deren Nummer abgeschnitten wird überhaupt irgendwo bei uns landen. Wir verwenden sonst nur zweistellige Durchwahlen bis auf die 0 die auf der 14 landen soll.
Meinst du mit ccapi Trace das -> debug voip ccapi inout
Melde mich wieder sobalt ich wieder Zeit für die Anlage hatte spätestens am Wochenende.

Vielen Dannk nochmal Jan
Hallo Tweety,
ich habe etwas an der Config geschraubt siehe unten. Leider hatte ich mit nichts erfolg (Debug Outputs unten).
Da mir (uns) das nötige Knowhow und die Zeit fehlen :( uns intensiv mit dem Problem zu beschäftigen, hättest Du (oder jemand anderes) Interesse, uns persönlich - gegen Bezahlung selbstverständlich - bei unserem Problem zu helfen? Falls ja, schick(t) mir bitte eine PM.

Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung.


Geänderte Config:

! Last configuration change at 18:04:18 Berlin Sat May 1 2010 by rup
! NVRAM config last updated at 15:44:31 Berlin Thu Apr 29 2010
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname cme
logging message-counter syslog
no logging buffered
enable password ******
no aaa new-model
clock timezone GMT 1
clock summer-time Berlin date Mar 28 2010 2:00 Oct 31 2010 3:00
network-clock-participate wic 0 
network-clock-participate wic 1 
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool cme
   import all
   option 150 ip 
   lease 0 0 5
ip domain name
ip name-server
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type basic-net3
trunk group  rup
voice service voip 
 allow-connections h323 to h323
 allow-connections h323 to sip
 allow-connections sip to h323
 allow-connections sip to sip
 supplementary-service h450.12
voice register global
 mode cme
 max-dn 144
 max-pool 42
voice translation-rule 10
 rule 1 /^86860/ /14/
 rule 2 /^8686\([1-9].\)/ /\1/
voice translation-rule 15
 rule 1 /^0/ //
voice translation-rule 16
 rule 1 /^\([1-9].\)$/ /012348686\1/
voice translation-profile IN
 translate called 10
voice translation-profile OUT
 translate calling 16
 translate called 15
voice-card 0
 no dspfarm

username xxx privilege 15 password 0 xxxxxxxx
 log config
no ip ftp passive
translation-rule 20
 Rule 1 ^.% 00 national national
 Rule 2 ^.% 000 international international
 Rule 3 ^.% 0 subscriber subscriber
translation-rule 5
 Rule 1 8686.% 012348686 subscriber subscriber
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface BRI0/0/0
 description TCom1
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 2000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn incoming-voice voice
 isdn static-tei 0
 trunk-group rup
interface BRI0/0/1
 description TCom2
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 2000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn incoming-voice voice
 isdn static-tei 0
 trunk-group rup
interface BRI0/1/0
 description TCom3
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 2000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn static-tei 0
 trunk-group rup
interface BRI0/1/1
 description TCom4
 no ip address
 isdn switch-type basic-net3
 isdn overlap-receiving T302 2000
 isdn point-to-point-setup
 isdn static-tei 0
 trunk-group rup
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:/gui
tftp-server flash:S00105000300
tftp-server flash:/firm/P00308000600.bin alias P00308000600.bin
tftp-server flash:/firm/P00308000600.sb2 alias P00308000600.sb2
tftp-server flash:/firm/P00308000600.loads alias P00308000600.loads
tftp-server flash:/firm/P00308000600.sbn alias P00308000600.sbn
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.html
tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.js
tftp-server flash:gui/CiscoLogo.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/Delete.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/dom.js
tftp-server flash:gui/downarrow.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/ephone_admin.html
tftp-server flash:gui/logohome.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/normal_user.html
tftp-server flash:gui/normal_user.js
tftp-server flash:gui/Plus.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/sxiconad.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/Tab.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/telephony_service.html
tftp-server flash:gui/uparrow.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/xml-test.html
tftp-server flash:gui/xml.template
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/DistinctiveRingList.xml alias DistinctiveRingList.xml
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/RingList.xml alias RingList.xml
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Analog2.raw alias Analog2.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/AreYouThere.raw alias AreYouThere.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/AreYouThereF.raw alias AreYouThereF.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Bass.raw alias Bass.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/CallBack.raw alias CallBack.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Chime.raw alias Chime.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Classic1.raw alias Classic1.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Classic2.raw alias Classic2.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/ClockShop.raw alias ClockShop.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Drums1.raw alias Drums1.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Drums2.raw alias Drums2.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/FilmScore.raw alias Filmscore.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/HarpSynth.raw alias HarpSynth.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Jamaica.raw alias Jamaica.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/KotoEffect.raw alias KotoEffect.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/MusicBox.raw alias MusicBox.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Piano1.raw alias Piano1.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Piano2.raw alias Piano2.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Pop.raw alias Pop.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Pulse1.raw alias Pulse1.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring1.raw alias Ring1.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring2.raw alias Ring2.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring3.raw alias Ring3.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring4.raw alias Ring4.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring5.raw alias Ring5.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring6.raw alias Ring6.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring7.raw alias Ring7.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Sax1.raw alias Sax1.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Sax2.raw alias Sax2.raw
tftp-server flash:ringtones/Vibe.raw alias Vibe.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog1.raw alias Analog1.raw
tftp-server flash:ata030203sccp051201a.zup
voice-port 0/0/0
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom1
 bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 0/0/1
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom2
 bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 0/1/0
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom3
 bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 0/1/1
 translate calling 20
 echo-cancel coverage 32
 compand-type a-law
 cptone DE
 description TCom4
 bearer-cap Speech
dial-peer voice 1 pots
 description RuP IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern 0T
 incoming called-number 0T
 port 0/0/0
dial-peer voice 2 pots
 description RuP IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern 0T
 incoming called-number 0T
 port 0/0/1
dial-peer voice 3 pots
 description RuP IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern 0T
 incoming called-number 0T
 port 0/1/0
dial-peer voice 4 pots
 description RuP IN
 translation-profile incoming IN
 destination-pattern 0T
 incoming called-number 0T
 port 0/1/1
dial-peer voice 5 pots
 trunkgroup rup
 description RuP OUT
 translation-profile outgoing OUT
 destination-pattern 0T
 forward-digits all
no dial-peer outbound status-check pots
 timer receive-rtp 1200
 no auto-reg-ephone
 load 7914 S00105000300
 load 7960-7940 P00308000600
 load ata ata030203sccp051201a
 max-ephones 42
 max-dn 144
 ip source-address port 2000
 timeouts interdigit 3
 system message xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 url directories
 url authentication tel pw4me
 cnf-file perphone
 user-locale DE
 network-locale DE
 time-zone 23
 time-format 24
 date-format dd-mm-yy
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 multicast moh port 2000
 web admin system name xxx secret 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 transfer-system full-consult
 secondary-dialtone 0
 after-hours pstn-prefix 4 4
 night-service code *1234
 night-service day Sun 00:00 23:59
 night-service day Mon 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Tue 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Wed 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Thu 17:00 08:00
 night-service day Fri 17:00 07:00
 night-service day Sat 00:00 23:59
 create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Apr 28 2010 09:23:15
ephone-template  1
ephone-dn  1
ephone  1
 mac-address 001A.6D0F.A386
 type 7960
 button  1:1
ephone  2
 mac-address 001A.6D3F.D1C9
 type 7960
 button  1:2
ephone  3
 mac-address 0019.2F73.D635
 type 7960 addon 1 7914
 button  1:3 2:12 7m7 8m2
 button  9m4 10m8
ephone  4
 mac-address 0016.4718.58F3
 type 7960
 button  1:4
ephone  5
 mac-address 001A.6D3F.D1DC
 type 7960
 button  1:5
ephone  6
 mac-address 001A.6D3F.D232
 type 7960
 button  1:6
ephone  7
 mac-address 001A.6D3F.D19B
 type 7960
 button  1:7
ephone  8
 mac-address 0016.4718.5692
 type 7960
 button  1:8
ephone  9
 mac-address 0016.47FB.3FB2
 type 7960
 button  1:9
ephone  10
 mac-address 16C8.98B2.3401
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:23
ephone  11
 mac-address 0016.47CB.F910
 type 7960
 button  1:11
ephone  12
 mac-address 0017.59CB.7B57
 type 7960 addon 1 7914
 button  1:12 2m1 7m7 8m2
 button  9m4 10m8
ephone  13
 mac-address 0016.46D2.A7D4
 type 7960
 button  1:13
ephone  14
 mac-address 0016.46D2.A7AF
 type 7960
 button  1:14
ephone  15
 mac-address 001A.6D3F.D1A3
 type 7960 addon 1 7914
 button  2m1 7m7 8m2 9m4
 button  10m8
ephone  16
 mac-address 0004.F2E2.5CA7
 type 7936
 button  1:16
ephone  17
 mac-address 001A.6D0F.A3A7
 type 7960
 button  1:15 6:24
ephone  18
 mac-address 0019.2F74.BF5B
 type 7960
 button  1:20
ephone  19
 mac-address 0016.46D2.A36B
 type 7960
 button  1:19
ephone  20
 mac-address 0016.4736.8CE6
 type 7960
 button  1:18
ephone  21
 mac-address 0019.2F73.D69B
 type 7960
 button  1:10
ephone  22
 mac-address 0030.6ED7.04F4
 type CIPC
 button  1:21 8:24
ephone  23
 mac-address 0016.C898.B234
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "Fax1"
 type ata
 button  1:22
ephone  24
 mac-address 001B.0C96.3873
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:8
ephone  25
 mac-address 1B0C.9638.7301
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:11
ephone  26
 mac-address 001B.0C96.390F
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:10
ephone  27
 mac-address 1B0C.9639.0F01
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:25
ephone  28
 mac-address 0019.2FE3.8D21
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:15
ephone  29
 mac-address 192F.E38D.2101
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:26
ephone  30
 mac-address 0017.94B8.39AD
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:21
ephone  31
 mac-address 1794.B839.AD01
 max-calls-per-button 2
 type ata
 button  1:27
ephone  32
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 login local
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp update-calendar
ntp server maxpoll 12 minpoll 8 source FastEthernet0/0

Debug isdn q931 (gewählte Nr.868624):

May  1 16:05:59.576: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x01 
Bearer Capability i = 0x9090A3 
Standard = CCITT 
Transfer Capability = 3.1kHz Audio 
Transfer Mode = Circuit 
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s 
Channel ID i = 0x89 
Exclusive, B1 
Progress Ind i = 0x8283 - Origination address is non-ISDN  
Calling Party Number i = 0x2183, '12343015685' 
Plan:ISDN, Type:National 
Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '[COLOR="Blue"]86862[/COLOR]' 
Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
May  1 16:05:59.584: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: TX -> SETUP_ACK pd = 8  callref = 0x81 
Channel ID i = 0x89 
Exclusive, B1
May  1 16:05:59.736: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: RX <- INFORMATION pd = 8  callref = 0x01 
Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '[COLOR="blue"]4[/COLOR]' 
Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
May  1 16:06:08.132: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x01 
Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
Progress Ind i = 0x8283 - Origination address is non-ISDN 
May  1 16:06:08.136: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x81 
Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing
May  1 16:06:08.208: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x01
May  1 16:06:08.208: ISDN BR0/1/0 **ERROR**: host_disconnect_ack: VOICE ERROR: Bearer capability not available(0x3A): b channel 0, call id 0x36D

ccapi Trace (ich hoffe das ist was du gemeint hast Tweety)(mehrere Wählversuche):

May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields:
   ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
   cisco-redirectreason=-1   fwd_final_type =0
   final_redirectNumber =
   hunt_group_timeout =0

May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Interface=0x47E00840, Call Info(
   Calling Number=0012343015685,(Calling Name=)(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=868624(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN),
   Calling Translated=TRUE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE,
   Incoming Dial-peer=1, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Calling IE Present=TRUE,
   Source Trkgrp Route Label=rup, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Interface Type=6, Protocol=0
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   In: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Calling Party number is Network Provided
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Out: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:07:18.113: //6662/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=0, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:18.113: //6662/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:18.113: :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:18.113:  cc_get_feature_vsa count is 1
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:18.113: :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1237787592,feature_id:8327
May  1 16:07:18.113: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_init_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:18.117:  call_init_entry calle is 49AD6D90,callid is 6662
May  1 16:07:18.117: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_insert_guid_pod_entry:
   Incoming=TRUE, Call Id=6662
May  1 16:07:18.117: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Set Up Event Sent;
   Call Info(Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=868624(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN))
May  1 16:07:18.117: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind:
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup:
   Matching Parameters; Called Number=868624, Call Transfer Consult Id=
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search:
   Searching Node;
   Called Number=868624, Call Transfer Consult Id=
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:18.117: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x50 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:18.117: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x12 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search:
   Try with the demoted called number 868624
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:18.117: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x50 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:18.117: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x12 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:18.117: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup:
   No Matching Node
May  1 16:07:18.121: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext:
May  1 16:07:18.121: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind:
   >>>>CCAPI handed cid 6662 with tag 1 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Default"
May  1 16:07:18.121: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetupAck:
   Call Id=6662
May  1 16:07:18.121: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number=, Transfer Reason=0x0
May  1 16:07:18.121: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info:
   Call Transfer Reset
May  1 16:07:18.125: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:
   Destination=, Calling IE Present=TRUE, Mode=0,
   Outgoing Dial-peer=20017, Params=0x49AFAA30, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3)
May  1 16:07:18.125: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   In: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:07:18.125: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Calling Party number is Network Provided
May  1 16:07:18.125: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Out: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:07:18.125: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:
   Destination Pattern=24$, Called Number=24, Digit Strip=TRUE
May  1 16:07:18.125: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:
   Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=24(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN),
   Redirect Number=, Display Info=
   Account Number=, Final Destination Flag=TRUE,
   Guid=73411610-5472-11DF-835C-0015627F48C0, Outgoing Dial-peer=20017
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields:
   ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
   cisco-redirectreason=-1   fwd_final_type =0
   final_redirectNumber =
   hunt_group_timeout =0

May  1 16:07:18.129: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:
   Interface=0x497041D0, Interface Type=6, Destination=, Mode=0x0,
   Call Params(Calling Number=0012343015685,(Calling Name=)(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=24(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN), Calling Translated=TRUE,
   Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE, Outgoing Dial-peer=20017, Call Count On=FALSE,
   Source Trkgrp Route Label=rup, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, tg_label_flag=1, Application Call Id=)
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6663/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=FALSE)
May  1 16:07:18.129: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:18.129: :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
May  1 16:07:18.129: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:18.129:  cc_get_feature_vsa count is 2
May  1 16:07:18.129: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:18.129: :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1237787368,feature_id:8328
May  1 16:07:18.129: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_init_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:18.129:  call_init_entry calle is 49AD5700,callid is 6663
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_peer_bind:
   Bind=TRUE, Binder Call Id=6662, Bindee Call Id=6663
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_insert_guid_pod_entry:
   Incoming=FALSE, Call Id=6663
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_set_voice_port_value:
   CC_IF_TELEPHONY: Echo=0, Playout=0
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:
   SPI Call Setup Request Is Success; Interface Type=6, FlowMode=1
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:exit@2448
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext:
May  1 16:07:18.129: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccSaveDialpeerTag:
   Outgoing Dial-peer=20017
May  1 16:07:18.137: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_update_call_info:
   Interface=0x497041D0, Call Id=0x1A07
May  1 16:07:18.137: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_update_call_info:exit@4109
May  1 16:07:18.141: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_proceeding:
   Interface=0x497041D0, Progress Indication=NULL(0)
May  1 16:07:18.141: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_proceeding:exit@6917
May  1 16:07:18.141: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_alert:
   Interface=0x497041D0, Progress Indication=NULL(0), Signal Indication=SIGNAL RINGBACK(1)
May  1 16:07:18.141: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_alert:
   Call Entry(Retry Count=0, Responsed=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:18.149: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallProceeding:
   Progress Indication=NULL(0)
May  1 16:07:18.153: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallAlert:
   Progress Indication=NULL(0), Signal Indication=SIGNAL RINGBACK(1)
May  1 16:07:18.153: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallAlert:
   Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Alert Sent=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:18.157: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallFeature:
   Feature Type=25, Call Id=6663
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disc_prog_ind:
   Cause Value=16, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Interface=0x47E00840
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disc_prog_ind:
   Converting Disconnect PI To Disconnect
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disc_prog_ind:
   Event(Progress Indication=0x0), Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccGenerateToneInfo:
   Stop Tone On Digit=FALSE, Tone=Null,
   Tone Direction=Network, Params=0x0, Call Id=6662
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Start Calling Accounting;
   Call Entry(Incoming=FALSE)
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=0)
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
May  1 16:07:30.081: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
May  1 16:07:30.085: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:30.085: //6663/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_request_rt_packet_stats_done:
   CALL_ERROR_INFORMATIONAL; tag not properly returned from SPI
May  1 16:07:30.097: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Disposition=0, Interface=0x497041D0, Tag=0x0, Call Id=6663,
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
May  1 16:07:30.097: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Prefix Is Not Defined From Peer; Peer=20017, Called Number=24
May  1 16:07:30.097: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Call Disconnect Event Sent
May  1 16:07:30.097: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_guid_pod_entry:
May  1 16:07:30.097: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:30.097: :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 49C722E0
May  1 16:07:30.097: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:30.097:  vsacount in free is 1
May  1 16:07:30.097: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=FALSE)
May  1 16:07:30.097: //6663/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Deleting profileTable[0x498EA3C8]
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6663/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_call_entry:
   Call Entry Is Not Found
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=16)
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Start Calling Accounting;
   Call Entry(Incoming=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16)
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16)
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
May  1 16:07:30.101: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
May  1 16:07:30.105: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disc_cause_update:
   Cause Value=16
May  1 16:07:30.105: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disc_cause_update:
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16)
May  1 16:07:30.105: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Disposition=0, Interface=0x47E00840, Tag=0x0, Call Id=6662,
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
May  1 16:07:30.109: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Call Disconnect Event Sent
May  1 16:07:30.109: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_guid_pod_entry:
May  1 16:07:30.109: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:30.109: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:30.109: :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 49C723C0
May  1 16:07:30.109: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:30.109:  vsacount in free is 0
May  1 16:07:30.109: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:30.109: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=0
May  1 16:07:30.109: //6662/73411610835C/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Deleting profileTable[0x498E9E50]
May  1 16:07:41.753: //-1/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields:
   ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
   cisco-redirectreason=-1   fwd_final_type =0
   final_redirectNumber =
   hunt_group_timeout =0

May  1 16:07:41.753: //-1/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Interface=0x4761EC28, Call Info(
   Calling Number=0012343015685,(Calling Name=)(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=86862(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN),
   Calling Translated=TRUE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE,
   Incoming Dial-peer=2, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Calling IE Present=TRUE,
   Source Trkgrp Route Label=rup, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Interface Type=6, Protocol=0
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   In: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Calling Party number is Network Provided
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Out: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:07:41.757: //6664/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=0, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:41.757: //6664/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:41.757: :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:41.757:  cc_get_feature_vsa count is 1
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:41.757: :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1179955144,feature_id:8329
May  1 16:07:41.757: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_init_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:41.757:  call_init_entry calle is 49AD4070,callid is 6664
May  1 16:07:41.757: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_insert_guid_pod_entry:
   Incoming=TRUE, Call Id=6664
May  1 16:07:41.757: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Set Up Event Sent;
   Call Info(Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=86862(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN))
May  1 16:07:41.761: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind:
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup:
   Matching Parameters; Called Number=86862, Call Transfer Consult Id=
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search:
   Searching Node;
   Called Number=86862, Call Transfer Consult Id=
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:41.761: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x50 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:41.761: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x12 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search:
   Try with the demoted called number 86862
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:41.761: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x50 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:07:41.761: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x12 and 0x0
May  1 16:07:41.761: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup:
   No Matching Node
May  1 16:07:41.761: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext:
May  1 16:07:41.761: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind:
   >>>>CCAPI handed cid 6664 with tag 2 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Default"
May  1 16:07:41.761: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCallSetupAck:
   Call Id=6664
May  1 16:07:41.765: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number=, Transfer Reason=0x0
May  1 16:07:41.765: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info:
   Call Transfer Reset
May  1 16:07:41.769: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:41.769: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=1, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
May  1 16:07:41.769: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Start Calling Accounting;
   Call Entry(Incoming=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:41.769: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=1, Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=0)
May  1 16:07:41.769: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=1, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=1)
May  1 16:07:41.769: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
May  1 16:07:41.885: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Disposition=0, Interface=0x4761EC28, Tag=0x0, Call Id=6664,
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=1, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
May  1 16:07:41.885: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Call Disconnect Event Sent
May  1 16:07:41.885: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_delete_guid_pod_entry:
May  1 16:07:41.885: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
May  1 16:07:41.885: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:41.885: :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 4654AFC0
May  1 16:07:41.885: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:07:41.889:  vsacount in free is 0
May  1 16:07:41.889: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=TRUE)
May  1 16:07:41.889: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=0
May  1 16:07:41.889: //6664/815851BE835D/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Deleting profileTable[0x498E8578]
May  1 16:08:31.234: //-1/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields:
   ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
   cisco-redirectreason=-1   fwd_final_type =0
   final_redirectNumber =
   hunt_group_timeout =0

May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Interface=0x47E00840, Call Info(
   Calling Number=0012343015685,(Calling Name=)(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=86862(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN),
   Calling Translated=TRUE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE,
   Incoming Dial-peer=1, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Calling IE Present=TRUE,
   Source Trkgrp Route Label=rup, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Interface Type=6, Protocol=0
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   In: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Calling Party number is Network Provided
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
   Out: Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed)
May  1 16:08:31.238: //6665/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=0, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=TRUE)
May  1 16:08:31.238: //6665/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:08:31.238: :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:08:31.238:  cc_get_feature_vsa count is 1
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:08:31.238: :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1237787592,feature_id:8330
May  1 16:08:31.238: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_init_call_entry:
May  1 16:08:31.238:  call_init_entry calle is 49ADA5F8,callid is 6665
May  1 16:08:31.238: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_insert_guid_pod_entry:
   Incoming=TRUE, Call Id=6665
May  1 16:08:31.238: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
   Set Up Event Sent;
   Call Info(Calling Number=0012343015685(TON=National, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Network, Presentation=Allowed),
   Called Number=86862(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN))
May  1 16:08:31.242: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind:
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup:
   Matching Parameters; Called Number=86862, Call Transfer Consult Id=
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search:
   Searching Node;
   Called Number=86862, Call Transfer Consult Id=
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:08:31.242: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x50 and 0x0
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:08:31.242: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x12 and 0x0
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search:
   Try with the demoted called number 86862
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:08:31.242: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x50 and 0x0
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_compare:
May  1 16:08:31.242: Comparing SSOpCode; 0x12 and 0x0
May  1 16:08:31.242: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup:
   No Matching Node
May  1 16:08:31.242: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext:
May  1 16:08:31.242: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind:
   >>>>CCAPI handed cid 6665 with tag 1 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Default"
May  1 16:08:31.246: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCallSetupAck:
   Call Id=6665
May  1 16:08:31.246: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number=, Transfer Reason=0x0
May  1 16:08:31.246: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info:
   Call Transfer Reset
May  1 16:08:31.250: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_call_entry:
May  1 16:08:31.254: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=1, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
May  1 16:08:31.254: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Start Calling Accounting;
   Call Entry(Incoming=TRUE)
May  1 16:08:31.254: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=1, Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=0)
May  1 16:08:31.254: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=1, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=1)
May  1 16:08:31.254: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
May  1 16:08:31.362: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Disposition=0, Interface=0x47E00840, Tag=0x0, Call Id=6665,
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=1, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
May  1 16:08:31.366: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Call Disconnect Event Sent
May  1 16:08:31.366: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_delete_guid_pod_entry:
May  1 16:08:31.366: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
May  1 16:08:31.366: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:08:31.366: :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 49C723C0
May  1 16:08:31.366: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_free_feature_vsa:
May  1 16:08:31.366:  vsacount in free is 0
May  1 16:08:31.366: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=1, Call Entry(Call Count On=FALSE, Incoming Call=TRUE)
May  1 16:08:31.366: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Total Call Count=0
May  1 16:08:31.366: //6665/9ED67EB78360/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry:
   Deleting profileTable[0x498E9E50]
Hast eine PM :)
passe erstmal deine dial-peers an - die incomming called number auf den POTS sollte nicht auf 0T stehen - sonst werden die Dial-Peers immer durchlaufen. Da sollte eigentlich 8686.. drin stehen. Dann brauchst Du ein Dial-Peer für deine Zentrale und eines, falls mal eine Rufnummer unterdrückt reinkommt. Ich dneke dein Problem liegt nur an deinen dialpeers. evtl. würde ich noch den t302 timer auf 6000 ändern... mache ich zumindest immer und hatte damit noch nie probleme.
und gibt es einen grund warum du die voiceports alle mit einem eigenen dialpeer ansprichst? ich würde die alle in eine trunkgroup stecken und erstmal die dialpeers löschen, die du dir dann einsparst...
dann deine rules...
so nicht!
voice translation-rule 10
rule 1 /^86860/ /14/
rule 2 /^8686\([1-9].\)/ /\1/

voice translation-rule 10
rule 1 /^86860$/ /14/
rule 2 /^8686\([1-9].\)$/ /\1/
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hallo, um das thema noch mal aufzufrischen. hast du eine lösung für dein problem gefunden?

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