Probleme mit Faxübertragung zwischen 4638 und 4960


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13 Mrz 2007
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Ich bin grade dabei unsere Asterisk von Digium Karten auf Smartnodes umzustellen.
Konkret geht es um:

-eine 4960 für den S2M zum Amt
-eine 4114 um ein Faxgerät und evtl. später Modems anzuschließen
-eine 4638 für ISDN Einwahlen und Faxserver

Verbunden sind die Smartnodes über einen handelsüblichen No-Name Gigabit-Switch.

Telefonie und ISDN Einwahl laufen bisher wirklich schmerzfrei! :)

Probleme bereitet mir allerdings die Faxübertragung zwischen 4960 <-> 4638.
An der 4638 hängt ein Hylafaxserver mit einer Eicon Diva.

Das Faxprotokoll meiner Wahl wäre eigentlich T.38.
Ist meiner Meinung nach eigentlich die sauberere Lösung und sollte zwischen 2 Smartnodes wohl auch funktionieren.
Wie man sieht habe ich auch schon mit einige T.38 Parametern (dejitter-max-delay,redundancy,detection,ced-retransmission) experimentiert.
Allerdings ohne Erfolg :-(

Mittlerweile kommen hier keine Fax mehr an und es passieren seltsame Dinge zwischen 4638 und der Eicon.
Hier im Divalog sieht es so aus als würden für ein Fax ingesamt 3 B-Kanäle geöffnet?!

Und die Faxe kommen natürlich am Hylafax nicht sauber (sondern leer) an. :-(

Im /var/log/hylafax/capi4hylafax steht:
Fax received and calling '/var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax05638.tif" "faxCAPI12" "00017341" "Connection was established but no fax data was received." "+49.XXXX.XXX.XXX " "" "270"'.

Diva D-Kanal Log:
DTRC:00 87 01 11
DTRC:02 87 01 17
DTRC:02 87 01 11
DTRC:00 87 01 17
DTRC:02 FF 03 08 01 03 05 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 89 1E 02 81 83 6C 0D 00 80 30 30 32 39 33 32 36 32 39 37 30 70 04 80 32 37 30
SIG-R(037) 08 01 03 05 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 89 1E 02 81 83 6C 0D 00 80 30 30 32 39 33 32 36 32 39 37 30 70 04 80 32 37 30
                     Q.931  CR03 SETUP
                            Bearer Capability 90 90 a3
                            Channel Id 89
                            Progress Indicator 81 83
                            Calling Party Number 00 80 '00XXXXXXXXX'
                            Called Party Number 80 '270'
SIG-X(011) 08 01 83 07 4C 05 00 80 32 37 30
                     Q.931  CR83 CONN
                            Connected Number 00 80 32 37 30
SIG-x(007) 08 01 83 0D 18 01 89
                     Q.931  CR83 SETUP_ACK
                            Channel Id 89
DTRC:00 87 16 10 08 01 83 0D 18 01 89
DTRC:00 87 01 18
DTRC:00 87 18 10 08 01 83 07 4C 05 00 80 32 37 30
DTRC:00 87 01 1A
DTRC:02 87 10 1A 08 01 03 0F
DTRC:02 87 01 12
SIG-R(004) 08 01 03 0F
                     Q.931  CR03 CONN_ACK
DTRC:00 87 01 13
DTRC:02 87 01 1B
DTRC:02 87 01 13
DTRC:00 87 01 1B
DTRC:00 87 01 13
DTRC:00 87 01 1B
DTRC:02 87 01 1B
DTRC:02 87 01 13
DTRC:00 87 01 13
DTRC:00 87 01 1B
SIG-X(008) 08 01 83 45 08 02 80 90
                     Q.931  CR83 DISC
                            Cause 80 90 'Normal call clearing'
DTRC:00 87 1A 12 08 01 83 45 08 02 80 90
SIG-X(022) 08 01 02 05 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 83 6C 02 00 80 70 04 80 32 37 30
                     Q.931  CR02 SETUP
                            Bearer Capability 90 90 a3
                            Channel Id 83
                            Calling Party Number 00 80 ''
                            Called Party Number 80 '270'
DTRC:00 87 01 1C
DTRC:00 87 1C 12 08 01 02 05 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 83 6C 02 00 80 70 04 80 32 37 30
DTRC:00 87 01 1E
DTRC:02 87 12 1E 08 01 03 4D 08 02 80 90
DTRC:02 87 01 14
SIG-R(008) 08 01 03 4D 08 02 80 90
                     Q.931  CR03 REL
                            Cause 80 90 'Normal call clearing'
SIG-x(004) 08 01 83 5A
                     Q.931  CR83 REL_COM
DTRC:00 87 1E 14 08 01 83 5A
DTRC:02 FF 03 08 01 04 05 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 88 70 04 80 32 37 30
SIG-R(018) 08 01 04 05 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 88 70 04 80 32 37 30
                     Q.931  CR04 SETUP
                            Bearer Capability 90 90 a3
                            Channel Id 88
                            Called Party Number 80 '270'
DTRC:00 87 01 20
SIG-X(011) 08 01 84 07 4C 05 00 80 32 37 30
                     Q.931  CR84 CONN
                            Connected Number 00 80 32 37 30
SIG-x(004) 08 01 84 0D
                     Q.931  CR84 SETUP_ACK
DTRC:00 87 20 14 08 01 84 0D
DTRC:02 87 14 20 08 01 82 0D 18 01 8A
SIG-R(007) 08 01 82 0D 18 01 8A
                     Q.931  CR82 SETUP_ACK
                            Channel Id 8a
DTRC:02 87 01 16
DTRC:00 87 01 22
DTRC:00 87 22 16 08 01 84 07 4C 05 00 80 32 37 30
DTRC:00 87 01 24
DTRC:02 87 16 24 08 01 04 0F 18 01 89
DTRC:02 87 01 18
SIG-R(007) 08 01 04 0F 18 01 89
                     Q.931  CR04 CONN_ACK
                            Channel Id 89
DTRC:02 87 18 24 08 01 82 07 4C 05 00 80 32 37 30
DTRC:02 87 01 1A
SIG-R(011) 08 01 82 07 4C 05 00 80 32 37 30
                     Q.931  CR82 CONN
                            Connected Number 00 80 32 37 30
SIG-X(004) 08 01 02 0F
                     Q.931  CR02 CONN_ACK
DTRC:00 87 24 1A 08 01 02 0F
DTRC:00 87 01 26
DTRC:02 87 01 27
DTRC:02 87 01 1B
DTRC:00 87 01 1B
DTRC:00 87 01 27
DTRC:02 87 01 27
DTRC:02 87 01 1B
SIG-X(008) 08 01 84 45 08 02 80 90
                     Q.931  CR84 DISC
                            Cause 80 90 'Normal call clearing'
DTRC:00 87 26 1A 08 01 84 45 08 02 80 90
DTRC:00 87 01 28
DTRC:02 87 1A 28 08 01 82 45 08 02 81 90 1E 02 81 88
DTRC:02 87 01 1C
SIG-R(012) 08 01 82 45 08 02 81 90 1E 02 81 88
                     Q.931  CR82 DISC
                            Cause 81 90 'Normal call clearing'
                            Progress Indicator 81 88
SIG-X(004) 08 01 02 45
                     Q.931  CR02 DISC
SIG-x(004) 08 01 02 4D
                     Q.931  CR02 REL
DTRC:00 87 28 1C 08 01 02 4D
DTRC:00 87 01 2A
DTRC:02 87 1C 2A 08 01 82 5A 08 02 80 90
DTRC:02 87 01 1E
SIG-R(008) 08 01 82 5A 08 02 80 90
                     Q.931  CR82 REL_COM
                            Cause 80 90 'Normal call clearing'
DTRC:02 87 1E 2A 08 01 04 4D 08 02 80 90
DTRC:02 87 01 20
SIG-R(008) 08 01 04 4D 08 02 80 90
                     Q.931  CR04 REL
                            Cause 80 90 'Normal call clearing'
SIG-x(004) 08 01 84 5A
                     Q.931  CR84 REL_COM
DTRC:00 87 2A 20 08 01 84 5A

Config der SN4638:
sn4638(q921)[0/0]#show running-config
#                                                                #
# SN4638/5BIS/UI                                                 #
# R4.2 2008-07-11 H323 SIP BRI                                   #
# 1970-01-04T23:09:11                                            #
# SN/00A0BA03D763                                                #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
clock local offset +02:00
dns-client server
webserver port 80 language de
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
system hostname sn4638


  ic voice 0
    low-bitrate-codec g729

  clock-source 1 bri 0 0
  clock-source 2 bri 0 1
  clock-source 3 bri 0 2
  clock-source 4 bri 0 3
  clock-source 5 bri 0 4

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 transparent rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  rtp traffic-class default
  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  fax dejitter-max-delay 400

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface LAN
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_BRI
    route 2.. dest-interface BRI0 MAP_ALL_TO_3K1AUDIO
    route 20[4-6] dest-interface BRI1
    route 20[7-9] dest-interface BRI2
    route default dest-interface SIP_4960_1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 REMOVE_FIRST_0
    map 0(.%) to \1

  mapping-table itc to itc MAP_ALL_TO_3K1AUDIO
    map default to 3k1-audio

  interface isdn BRI0
    route call dest-table RT_BRI

  interface isdn BRI1

  interface isdn BRI2

  interface isdn BRI3

  interface isdn BRI4

  interface sip SIP_4960_1
    bind gateway GW_SIP_1
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_BRI
    remote 5062
    address-translation outgoing-call calling-remote-party-id-header user-part fix 200 host-part call

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP_1
  call-signaling-port 5062
  bind interface LAN router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP_1
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface LAN router
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip

port bri 0 0
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface BRI0 switch

port bri 0 0
  no shutdown

port bri 0 1
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 0 1

port bri 0 2
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 0 2

port bri 0 3
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 0 3

port bri 0 4
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 0 4

Config der SN4960:
sn4960(cfg)#show running-config
#                                                                #
# SN4960/1E15V/UI                                                #
# R4.2 2008-07-11 H323 RBS SIP                                   #
# 2008-10-06T10:17:00                                            #
# SN/00A0BA030FAB                                                #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
clock local offset +02:00
dns-client server
webserver port 80 language de
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
system hostname sn4960


  ic voice 0

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k
  modem bypass-method v150-vbd

profile voip isdn
  codec 1 transparent rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  rtp traffic-class default
  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  fax dejitter-max-delay 400

profile voip fxs
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  rtp traffic-class local-default
  fax transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface LAN
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_INCOMING
    route default dest-interface SIP_ASTERISK_1
    route 2.. dest-interface SIP_4638_1
    route .T dest-interface SIP_ASTERISK_1
    route 201 dest-interface SIP_4114_1
    route 202 dest-interface SIP_4114_1
    route 203 dest-interface SIP_4114_1
    route 0 dest-interface SIP_ASTERISK_1
    route 0(.%) dest-interface S2M_VERSATEL DROP_LEADING_0
    route 111 dest-interface S2M_VERSATEL MAPPINGS

  routing-table calling-e164 RT_SET_CALLERID
    route default dest-table RT_INCOMING MAP_ADD_LEADING_00

  mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MAP_ADD_LEADING_00
    map (.%) to 00\1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 DROP_LEADING_0
    map 0(.%) to \1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAPPINGS
    map 111 to 0176XXXXXX

  interface isdn S2M_VERSATEL
    route call dest-table RT_SET_CALLERID

  interface sip SIP_ASTERISK_1
    bind gateway GW_SIP_VOICE
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_INCOMING

  interface sip SIP_4114_1
    bind gateway GW_SIP_FXS_1
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_INCOMING
    remote 5064
    use profile voip fxs

  interface sip SIP_4638_1
    bind gateway GW_SIP_DATA
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_INCOMING
    remote 5062
    use profile voip isdn

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP_VOICE
  bind interface LAN router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP_VOICE
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP_DATA
  call-signaling-port 5062
  bind interface LAN router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP_DATA
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP_FXS_1
  call-signaling-port 5064
  bind interface LAN router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP_FXS_1
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface LAN router
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip

port e1t1 0 0
  port-type e1
  clock auto
  framing crc4
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface S2M_VERSATEL switch

port e1t1 0 0
  no shutdown

Habe bisher mit "debug gateway sip ..." und "debug media-gateway all" versucht dem ganzen auf die Schliche zukommen.
Hat leider alles nix gebracht.
Falls mir jemand einen Tipp geben könnte wär ich wirklich sehr dankbar!

Der aktuelle Stand ist:

Nachdem ich auf der 4960 noch die Taktquelle angegeben haben tritt das Problem nur noch selten auf. Kommt aber leider immer noch vor :-(

  clock-source 1 e1t1 0 0

Ich wäre für jeglichen Input sehr dankbar...


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