question on FW 3.99a vs 3.99c vs 3.99d for dp-l10


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13 Nov 2008
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Hello, everybody!

I have just bought Arcor twintel phone with the firmware version 3.99a. According to the Arcor site, 3.99c is the latest, while Pirelli version is 3.99d.

Could anyone please summarise briefly the difference between these three firmware versions? After searching the forum I've got an impression that the main difference between c and d is due to different langpacks and multiple sip profiles available in d versus only one in c. Is it true? Anything else worth mentioning? What is the difference between a and c?

How safe is the firmware update process? If something goes wrong, is there any way to recover the device which does not start?

Thanks in advance!
Could anyone please summarise briefly the difference between these three firmware versions?

Is it true?

How safe is the firmware update process?
If something goes wrong, is there any way to recover the device which does not start?

-see wiki-link in my signature

-no, any *.img file version firmware can be disassembled in files with tc300ex software, but not the several file versions from or

-unsafe, but total failure is not often.

Beware You cannot use firmwares from sipgate, new series of DP-L10 with new series of flashrom-chip. could kill old series tc300/twintels/pirelli-old. Read the devices.txt file in extracted firmware packages for support of both or the correct format flashrom chip before trying to download the firmware to the device!
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Thanks a lot for the tips. The webpage wiki... is just perfect! Thanks a lot again! May I ask just a few more short questions.

1) I have original 3.99a with English/German langpac. I wonder if it has the same features as the French version mentioned at the wiki page? Any info on the problems with this FW version?

2) Is there any way to download the firmware directly from the phone?
If not, is the version 3.99a still available online? This is just in case I shall need to recover the original status of the phone.

3) To modify the firmware I am to split it with tc300ex tool, to modify ini files and to construct a new img file with the MobileCustomizer. Am I right?

4) How do I know what chip I have in my phone and whether it is compatible with a given img file? I have a dp-l10 with a genuine Arcor firmware 3.99a. Does it automatically means that the upgrade to the FW version 3.99c taken from Arcor website is safe for me and no problem with chip incompatibility will occur?

5) If I make a mistake when modifying ini files concerning the wifi module (opening more SIP account, for example), will the phone start? What is the minimal functionality I need from the phone to upload back the original firmware and thus to recove the device?

6) The firmware upgrade process consists of two parts: I upload the firmware to the phone first and then the phone updates itself. The firmware file is around 5Mb and the phone seems to have not enough free memory to fit the firmware file without erasing something. If something goes wrong, can I cancel the upgrade process after the first stage or I have to go on till the very end?

Thanks in advance for the help!
Just one more question. Is there any description of the Engineering Menu? If I change something in this menu, will changes survive the phone restart?

Thank you!
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