reboot and asterisk is gone


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24 Jul 2009
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hi. i managed to install asterisk on a usb flash disk in a FBF7140.
the problem is that after a reboot/powerloss i am getting the following error:
# cd /var/media/NEW_LINK/addons/
# ./cfg_asterisk14 start r
Error: executable /bin/asterisk not found. You need to run first
"cfg_asterisk14 usb_install | install"

and it is loosing all the asterisk files from the /etc/
any ideas on what to do?
Is your debug.cfg like this one?
debug.cfg schrieb:
# # # # # Warten bis USB-Stick gemountet ist
while [ $i -lt $max ]; do
if mount | grep " on /var/media/ftp/" > /dev/null; then
let i=$i+1
sleep 10
# # # # # ENDE USB-Stick Warteschleife

/var/media/ftp/U*/cfg_asterisk14 -x usb_install

the problem is that with every reboot you first have to do a "cfg_asterisk14 usb_install".

You know with that option all symlinks are created and so on.
This will not change / overwrite your configuration files...
After that you can first start asterisk and afterwards you can connect to the console...
loosing asterisk after reboot in fritzbox

asterisk is running in my fritzbox 7140 and i do have an issue.
fritzbox looses asterisk after each reboot. also the fritzbox is not on the internet.
is there any way to survive reboots without loosing asterisk?

sorry for opening a new post but for some strange reason i cannot edit the (
admins please delete this post if there is an issue.

[rentier-s: moved here]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Please delete your new topic as it is fully the same. =>
You can do this via Options of the topic.

Lets do the progress here. How do you acutally run asterisk on your box and which version dou you use?
hi. iam running through a usb stick (2GB) on a unmodified version of fritxbox 7140 and an identical in a 7170. bot run asterisk 1.6 and i am using the abovementioned script configured for asterisk 1.6 and not 1.4 as it is stated at the beginning of this thread. i am not using Internet at all on this box.
Because your box has no internet connection some things habe to be downloaded to the usb stick

Please get following and put it on the USB stick

You see the note in the cfg_asterisk16 script when opening via editor:
# cfg.common and cfg.customize are downloaded from $server and
# firmware version specific files are downloaded from $server${uclibc#/0.9.28}$svrsub
# ( kernel 2.6/uClibc-0.9.28 and 0.9.29 beta );
# default sub directories are /26, /26-ar7, /26-ur8.
OK i have downloaded the 2 files in the usb stick. what do i have with the script of the cfg_asterisk16 that you mentioned?

my cfg.customize has the following

let i=1
while [ $i -lt 6 ];do
if [ -d $usb/addons ];then
INST_DIR=$usb $usb/addons/cfg_asterisk16 -x usb_install
$usb/addons/cfg_asterisk16 start
let i+=1
sleep 5

which part do i have to alter? i ma getting the following error, after each reboot
# /var/media/ftp/Generic-FlashDisk-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 start r
Error: executable /bin/asterisk not found. You need to run first
"cfg_asterisk16 usb_install | install"

sorry for the confusion but i have moved to asterisk 1.6
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
i only wanted to mention that the download location is written in the cfg_asterisk16 script.
But if you have all on the USB stick in the right directories you should also be able to use the script and your asterisk installation also in "offline mode" as you have.

But you first need to do after each reboot a "cfg_asterisk16 usb_install" and as a second step you can run asterisk.

Have you used the good debug.cfg enties as mentioned in post #2?
dear WALDOO, thanks a lot for the reply.
i have tried so many times without success. the post #2 is the first that i have tried.
i will try to reset to factory defaults everything/format usb and come back with a clean install.
i will let you now during the day.
no big need to do a factory reset

please attach the logfile while doing the steps manual after reboot.
if we can see whats going on it would be maybee easier to help you.
i have done a clean install and i am facing the same problems.
here is what i have done:
cd /var
chmod +x ./cfg_asterisk16
./cfg_asterisk16 usb_install
in the /var/flash/debug.cfg i have the following:
# # # # # Wait for the USB to get mounted
while [ $i -lt $max ]; do
if mount | grep " on /var/media/ftp/" > /dev/null; then
let i=$i+1
sleep 10
# # # # # END of USB mount

/var/media/ftp/U*/cfg_asterisk16 -x usb_install
after the reboot, it asks for an installation of asterisk.
what am i missing?

[Post 2:]

sorry which logfile?
after the reboot i cannot see anything, up to the moment i am asking asterisk to start and it says to install it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
so in prinzipal asterisk is working on your fritzbox?
=> The only issue is that after a restart of the fritzbox "it is not starting alone"

Please do following steps:
1.) clean the debug.cfg
2.) reboot fritzbox
3.) login via telnet/ssh to the box and wait until your USB stick is present.
=> note how long it will take (in seconds) that the usb stick is present for the system and what Name the USB stick has.
=> check with "mount" command is enough
4.) make manual the usb installation via the script
/var/media/ftp/U*/cfg_asterisk16 -x usb_install
5.) start manually asterisk

Please collect the logfile from the telnet/ssh session that i get an overview what is working an what not.

my assumption is that you have the problem that your USB stick is not ready when the debug.cfg is running.
=> this could be solve with f.example: debug.cfg content:
#wati 2 minutes while reboot
sleep 120
#make asterisk usb installation
/var/media/ftp/U*/cfg_asterisk16 -x usb_install
#start asterisk
i do have a success.
the script needs to be
#wait 1 1/2 minutes while reboot
sleep 90
#make asterisk usb installation
/var/media/ftp/Generic-FlashDisk-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 -x usb_install
#start asterisk
/var/media/ftp/Generic-FlashDisk-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 enable
/var/media/ftp/Generic-FlashDisk-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 start

now after every reboot i get asterisk to work.
if i want to start it i have to type
/var/media/ftp/Generic-FlashDisk-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 start r (it can be altered with symlinks).

now what about the case where i do not have internet. how do i survive the reboot?
now please follow posting #7 and download all files to the usb stick in the addons + addons/asterisk16 directory.
i have seen that, but in post #8, i am asking what to alter in the script.
just leave the script as it is and download the files to the dirs.
please try it in that way

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