S685IP: Absturz bei aktiviertem Netzanrufbeantworter


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Viele Grüße,

Firmware version: 021230000000 / 043.00

I have a S685IP base station with 6 handsets (3 S67H/S68H, 1 SL56, 1 4000 Comfort, 1 3000) connected to an Asterisk PBX (1.6.0).

Each of the handsets has it's own VoIP account configured and assigned. Asterisk has a single voicemail account, which is configured for 4 of the 6 handsets (the S67H/S68H and the SL56) as the "network mailbox".

When all of those network mailboxes are set to "active", the S685IP will crash during boot and thus stay in a reboot loop. This seems to happen when Asterisk sends the initial NOTIFYs for the mailboxes.

In the asterisk log file, I can see this

[Oct 12 13:20:06] WARNING[3005] chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '[email protected]'. Giving up.
[Oct 12 13:20:06] WARNING[3005] chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '[email protected]'. Giving up.
[Oct 12 13:20:06] WARNING[3005] chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '[email protected]'. Giving up.
[Oct 12 13:20:06] WARNING[3005] chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '[email protected]'. Giving up.

The only way to exit the crash-o-loop is by shutting down asterisk, disabling the network mailboxes, restarting asterisk, let the S685IP register and *then* reenable the network mailboxes one by one. Irritatingly, this works.

It looks to me as if there is some race condition in the S685IP's startup process, causing it to nuke when receiving NOTIFYs while still be in startup.
Und, wie immer sehr schnell, die Antwort:

Dear Mr. Wagner,

thank you very much for your attention at Gigaset Customer Care. You have a question about the Gigaset S685IP to implicate with a VoIP-Server Asterisk.

In this case please wait of the new firmware for the Gigaset S685IP. Our development department is working on a new firmware version. This appears likely in November.

We hope that we could answer your question like desired.
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