Dann taucht der Eintrag beginnend mit 00-1D-4F doppelt auf ?
Oben im verpixelten Bereich und unten in der IP-freien Liste ?
Falls VMware zum Einsatz kommt, ist
dieser Hinweis interessant:
Changing the MAC Address of a Virtual Machine
When a virtual machine is powered on,
VMware Workstation automatically assigns it a MAC address. The software guarantees that virtual machines will be assigned unique MAC addresses within a given host system. However, the software does not guarantee that a given virtual machine will be assigned the same MAC address every time it is powered on. In addition, VMware Workstation does its best, but cannot guarantee, to automatically assign unique MAC addresses for virtual machines running across multiple host systems.
If you want to guarantee that the same MAC address is assigned to a given virtual machine every time, or want to guarantee a unique MAC address for each virtual machine within a networked environment, you can assign it manually instead of allowing VMware Workstation to assign it automatically. It is possible to manually assign the same, unique MAC address to any virtual machine by adding the following line to its configuration file:
ethernet0.address = 00:50:56:XX:YY:ZZ
where XX is a valid hex number between 00h and 3Fh, and YY and ZZ are valid hex numbers between 00h and FFh. VMware Workstation virtual machines do not support arbitrary MAC addresses, hence the above format must be used.
Note: As long as you choose XX:YY:ZZ so it is unique among your hard-coded addresses (where XX is a valid hex number between 00h and 3Fh, and YY and ZZ are valid hex numbers between 00h and FFh), conflicts between the automatically assigned MAC addresses and the manually assigned ones should never occur.