Sinus W 500V - brick !!! :(


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2 Dez 2008
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Hello ALL
At the beginning I want to apologize that I don't write in German.
Today I wanted to upgrade firmware in my Sinus W 500V, while I was upgrading I turned off by mistake wrong power cord, unfortunately my Sinus was plugged in. Now it's not working, when I turn on only POWER/T-DSL led is blinking few times and then all leds flash once and POWER/T-DSL is blinking again. Can anyone help me solve my problem ?
Hi here on the ipff... ;)
For shure, there are several ways...
Connect the box NOT directly to the nic of any pc. use a hub or switch between it. ( because of problems with to slow mediasensing, connecting directly )

I could only describe my one with linux.
Download original firmware. extract the file
with tar -xf filename. change into /var/tmp.
Set up a fixed ip in 192.168.178.n NOT
create an empty file named "empty"
Put in the power plug of the sinus.
Within sec 2-5 after poweron open a ftp session to if you get no loginpromt, try again.
user adam2 pass adam2
then KEYSENSITVE theses commands
quote MEDIA FLSH  <- no "A" MISSSING
put kernel.image mtd1
put empty mtd3
put empty mtd4
quote REBOOT

the are other way's even with windows... sorry, but i don't know how...

correct some mistakes. thxs ernest015
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
And the "Windows-solution":

You now have a state called "reboot-loop". This happens, if the uploaded firmware is incomplete or the environment is damaged.

To solve the problem: The script has an option to build a recover firmware (fourth option from above in the menu). Select this option and deselect the next one (Push firmware to box via FTP).

Then, set the "Hardware type" to your Speedport-model, exit, save the configuration and let the script work. It takes a little longer than a normal run.

The script will now build an image (in the directory) which has an .exe at the end. This file is a Windows-executable, so you have to run it directly as a normal Windows-program.

But it is necessary to set a fixed IP-adress in the network:


With this fixed adresses, reboot the computer an run the recover-program. Perhaps another reboot is necessary because "media sensing" has to be switched off. Then, follow the instructions on the screen, the program is self explaining.

@ byteeater

Set up a fixed ip in 192.168.2.n NOT

Normalerweise wäre die FTP-Adresse, der Adressbereich würde in dem Fall nicht passen. Die meisten Bootloader (aber nicht alle) setzen die FTP-Adresse dann auf, wenn mtd3 und mtd4 mit einer leeren Datei (empty) überschrieben worden sind. Das ist hier ja noch nicht passiert, es müssten also beide Möglichkeiten probiert werden.

Dann noch zur Schreibweise: Je nach verwendetem FTP-Programm werden die Kommandos:

TYPE I (...set to binary)
PASV  (passive mode)
MEDIA FLSH (start of flashing mode)

PUT kernel.image mtd1 (upload of the kernel.image)
PUT empty mtd3 (deleting mtd3)
PUT empty mtd4 (deleting mtd4)

SETENV firmware_version avm (important, incorrect branding causes reboot)
REBOOT (new start of the box)

nur akzeptiert, wenn sie alle in Grossbuchstaben stehen.

Beim Sinus W500V müßt ihr auch noch aufpassen, welche Firmware geflasht wurde, bzw. welche drauf war! Erst mit FW >= xx.04.30 paßt Eure Flashaufteilung. Bei allem < .30 ist es gefährlich, mtd3+4 zu löschen. Dort steht auch das "OS" in mtd0 und nicht in mtd1.

Happy computing!
OK I Fixed it :) Thank you all for your support and your precious time :) I think this topic will be useful for non German speaking/writing people :)
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