Sipgate pioneers countrywide VoIP line coverage

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Mitglied seit
20 Aug 2004
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Sipgate pioneers countrywide VoIP line coverage

Duesseldorf (indigo) - Following up today's announcement Sipgate has released its enhanced VoIP service. Sipgate now provides 01 and 02 phone numbers out of more than 600 area codes along with its VoIP offering covering almost the entire UK. Some 40 remaining area codes in rural areas will be added in the coming weeks according to company information.

Broadband subscribers may opt for a free VoIP line provided by Sipgate along with a real phone number matching their location. Sipgate is available either as a replacement for an existing land line or as a second line at the consumers disposal. Sipgate provides its line service free of charge. Also, calls among Sipgate subscribers worldwide are free of charge, as are calls to about 1 million VoIP subscribers of its eleven national and international partner networks. Calls to traditional land lines are available for as low as 0.59 pence a minute.

Since starting out in January 2004, Sipgate has provisioned more than 60,000 lines in Europe and strives to gain a significant market share in the European VoIP market. Sipgate welcomes the open approach to the new VoIP technology as taken by Ofcom, the regulatory authority overseeing the telecom industry, but is wary of anti-competitive measures installed by incumbent players. "As long as British Telecom keeps force-feeding land lines along with its broadband services, competition will be stifled," says Thilo Salmon, Managing Director of Indigo Networks, the corporation behind Sipgate. Says Salmon: "In order for the consumers to benefit from the promising new VoIP technology, authorities need to level the playing field to promote competition in this emerging market."

Quelle: Pressemitteilung

About Sipgate:

Indigo Networks GmbH has been offering VoIP services under the brand name "sipgate" since January 2004. Sipgate facilitates free phone calls over the internet (VoIP). Agreements with eleven partner services worldwide
allow sipgate subscribers to call about 1 million VoIP subscribers free of charge. Sipgate provides its services free of charge - no monthly fee, monthly minimum and no set-up charges.

Sipgate supports from traditional fixed or mobile phones by supplying a free 01 or 02 number according to a users location. In addition, subscribers may opt for free 0845 or 0870 numbers.

Sipgate relies on subscriber supplied broadband service which is not included with its VoIP services. Calls may be placed through internet phones or regular phones connected to an adapter both of which are ailable from Sipgate. Subscribers may also choose to try out Sipgate by means of free software phones.

For more information:
Zusatz: Eine deutsche Übersetzung gibt es hier.
Na toll ... ich hätte erst das zweite Posting lesen sollen :)

Aber wie dem auch sei:
Schön, dass sie expandieren.
Schade, dass sie es in dieser Form nicht auf dem deutschen Markt tun.
Schön, dass sie großflächig (evtl. bald EU-Weit) gegen die Bündelung von Breitbandanschlüssen mit Telefonleitungen kämpfen.
Noch besser waere es allerdings, wenn auch in Berlin die Sprachqualitaet bei Sipgate wieder stimmen wuerde (siehe meinen anderen Thread!) ;-)
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