Smartnode 1400 : Anonyme Anrufe erscheinen als 00


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Mitglied seit
6 Okt 2006
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hallo Zusammen,

hoffe Jemand kann mir hier weiterhelfen.
Habe mein Smartnode 1400 Konfiguriert und ein ISDN-Telefon daran angeschlossen.
Da ich anonyme Anrufe (Nummer Unterdrückt) sperren möchte, habe ich diesen Dienst via Telefon mit *94 aktiviert.
Nur gibts hierbei ein Problem :
Unterdrückte Nummern erscheinen im Display mit "00" somit funktioniert dies nicht richtig. Anbei gebe ich Euch meine ganze Konfigutation an :

Edit Guard-X: Bitte Code-Tags verwenden!

#                                                                #
# SN1400                                                         #
# R3.20 2006-07-27 SIP                                           #
# 2006-10-06T20:26:44                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
gui type basic
administrator administrator password o0kB+pCEcK2zSmIyBzHi2A== encrypted
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
sntp-client server secondary port 123 version 4
sntp-client local-clock-offset
sntp-client gmt-offset + 01:00:00
system hostname voip-router


  ic voice 0

  permit 1 ip any any

  deny 1 tcp any any eq 23
  deny 2 tcp any any eq 80
  deny 3 udp any any eq 161
  permit 4 ip any any

  deny 1 tcp any any eq 23
  deny 2 tcp any any eq 80
  deny 3 udp any any eq 161
  permit 4 ip any any

profile service-policy SP_WAN_OUT
  rate-limit 100000 header-length 18 voice-margin 0

  source traffic-class local-voice

  source traffic-class default

profile service-policy SP_WAN_IN
  rate-limit 100000 header-length 18 voice-margin 200

  source traffic-class local-voice

  source traffic-class default
    queue-limit 4

profile napt NAPT_WAN

profile ppp default

profile call-progress-tone US_DIAL_TONE
  play 1 0 350 -13 440 -13

profile call-progress-tone US_RB_TONE
  play 1 2000 440 -19 480 -19
  pause 2 4000

profile call-progress-tone US_BUSY_TONE
  play 1 500 480 -24 620 -24
  pause 2 500

profile call-progress-tone US_CONGESTION_TONE
  play 1 250 480 -24 620 -24
  pause 2 250

profile tone-set default

profile tone-set Europe

profile tone-set UnitedStates
  map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_DIAL_TONE
  map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_RB_TONE
  map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_BUSY_TONE
  map call-progress-tone release-tone US_BUSY_TONE
  map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_CONGESTION_TONE

profile voip default
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

profile voip VOIP
  codec 1 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 3 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  dejitter-mode static
  dejitter-max-delay 120

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile dhcp-server DHCPS_LAN
  include 1
  lease 2 hours
  default-router 1
  domain-name multimedia.home
  domain-name-server 1

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface IF_IP_WAN
    ipaddress dhcp
    use profile acl ACL_WAN_PERMIT_ALL_MGMT in
    use profile service-policy SP_WAN_IN in
    use profile service-policy SP_WAN_OUT out
    use profile napt NAPT_WAN
    tcp adjust-mss rx 582
    tcp adjust-mss tx 1440

  interface IF_IP_LAN
    icmp router-discovery

    hostname wildcard
    authentication login passwort
    service dynamic

context ip router
  dhcp-server use DHCPS_LAN

subscriber ppp SUB_PPPOE
  dial out
  authentication chap
  authentication pap
  bind interface IF_IP_WAN router

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_SPEED_DIAL
    route T dest-table RT_NR_BLOCKING MT_SPEED_DIAL

  routing-table called-e164 RT_NR_BLOCKING
    route default dest-table RT_CALL_ROUTING MT_SET_CNPN

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CALL_ROUTING
    route default dest-service SER_HG_PSTN_FALLBACK

  routing-table called-e164 RT_INCOMING
    route default dest-interface IF_S0_01 MT_NR_TRANSLATION

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_SPEED_DIAL
    map 1 to ??????????
    map 2 to ??????????

  mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MT_SET_CNPN

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_NR_TRANSLATION

  interface isdn IF_S0_00
    route call dest-table RT_INCOMING

  interface isdn IF_S0_01
    route call dest-table RT_SPEED_DIAL
    use profile tone-set Europe

  interface isdn IF_DEV0

  interface sip IF_SIP_SERVICE
    bind gateway GW_SIP
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_INCOMING
    address-translation outgoing-call from-header user-part fix ??????????? host-part call
    use profile voip VOIP

  service hunt-group SER_HG_PSTN_FALLBACK
    timeout 6
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    drop-cause no-route-to-destination
    route call 1 dest-interface IF_SIP_SERVICE
    route call 2 dest-interface IF_S0_00

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP
  bind interface IF_IP_WAN router

  service default
    authentication ??????????? password (password) default
    default-server loose-router
    user ??????????? display-name ???????????

gateway sip GW_SIP
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium 10 half
  bind interface IF_IP_WAN router


    session SES_PPPOE
      bind subscriber SUB_PPPOE

port ethernet 0 0
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium 10 half
  bind interface IF_IP_LAN router
  no shutdown

port bri 0 0
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pmp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_S0_00 switch

port bri 0 0
  no shutdown

port bri 0 1
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pmp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_S0_01 switch

port bri 0 1
  no shutdown
Danke für Eure Hilfe und Gruss Morphy
Hallo Morphy,

erstmal herzlich Willkommen hier im Forum!

Erzähl noch mal ein bischen über die externe Anbindung.

Das kannst du schon mal einfügen:

context cs switch
national-prefix 0
international-prefix 00

Sehe in deiner Konfiguration, das du aus der Schweiz kommst. Ist das richtig?

mfg Guard-X
Hallo Guard-X

vielen Dank für die herzliche Begrüssung.
Du hast es richtig gesehen, bin aus der Schweiz.
Ich benutze mein Smartnode 1400 rein um über VOIP zu telefonieren. zZ. habe ich zwei Nummern sowie werden noch zwei zu diesem Provider portiert.

Die Präfix betr. Anonymer Anruf hatte ich schon versucht, hat leider nicht funktioniert. Wenn ich zB. mit meinem Mobile mit unterdrückter Nummer anrufe, erscheint immer noch anstatt "Nummer underdrückt" bzw. "Anonym" die Nummer "00"

Zusätzlich hätte ich noch folgende Frage :

Eine Nummer habe ich problemlos zum laufen gebracht und möchte die andere auch implementieren, mit der Möglichkeit via ISDN-Telefon die abgehende MSN-Nummer auszuwählen. Leider bis jetzt ohne Erfolg.

Solltest Du noch mehr Angaben benötigen, lass es mich wissen, werde es selbstverstätlich posten.

MfG Morphy
Hast du schon mal einen Debug gemacht um zu sehen wie der Call reinkommt?

Poste mal die Ausgabe von...

debug call-control 5
debug call-router 5

...bei einem Anruf von dem Mobilteil (Rufnummer bitte raus-xen).

P.S.: Wenn zu SIP geroutet wird, wird "anonymous" als Caller-ID gesendet. Vielleicht wird das auch zu deinem ISDN-Telefon gesendet, das kann es aber nicht verarbeiten...

mfg Guard-X

hier mal der Teil des call-control :

Edit Guard-X: Nochmal Code-Tags eingefügt!
voip-router#debug call-control detail 5
voip-router#18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg p
roperty: Network -> GW_SIP
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: E16
4-Number -> 00
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: URI
 -> sip:[email protected]
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Typ
e-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Num
bering-Plan -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Pre
sentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Nam
e ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Scr
eening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Sup
ports Overlap-Sending -> true
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Sup
ported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20], G.729A[20/20]
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Uni
que Identifier -> [email protected]
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: IP-
Address ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Cal
l-Leg-ID -> 0x007f4338
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Sta
18:01:14  CC    > Acquired datapath context 0000000f
18:01:14  CC    > Started datapath context tracking 0000000f
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f49c0] Set call property: Context -> 0x0000000f
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f49c0] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capabi
lity -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f49c0] Set call property: Hops -> 0x00000010
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Dial to provider router (I
F_SIP_SERVICE-precall-service) using call 007f49c0
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Accept call 007f49c0
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 41555112555
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-N
umber -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering
-Plan -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: URI -> si
p:[email protected]:5060
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -
> router
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-
ID -> 0x007f5910
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0] Start route-lookup
18:01:14  CR    > [switch] Routing-Lookup:
18:01:14  CR    >   Execute all entries in table IF_SIP_SERVICE-precall-service
18:01:14  CR    >   Find best-matching called-entry in table RT_INCOMING
18:01:14  CR    >     Selecting default entry
18:01:14  CR    >   Find best-matching called-entry in table MT_NR_TRANSLATION
18:01:14  CR    >     Selecting default entry
18:01:14  CR    >     Execute String: called-e164 changed to '0555112555'
18:01:14  CR    >   Execute all entries in table IF_S0_01-dest
18:01:14  CR    >   Execute all entries in table route-found-place-call
18:01:14  CR    >   Lookup result: Route found; place call (timeout=0)
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0] Route found; immediately place call
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0] Route to provider 'IF_S0_01'
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 00
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: URI -> si
p:[email protected]
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-N
umber -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering
-Plan -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentat
ion-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening
-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports
Overlap-Sending -> true
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supported
 Codecs -> Voice: G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20], G.729A[20/20]
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Id
entifier -> [email protected]
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: IP-Addres
s ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -
> router
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-
ID -> 0x007f8868
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f8750] Set call property: Context -> 0x0000000f
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f8750] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capabi
lity -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f8750] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Dial to provider IF_S0_01 () usi
ng call 007f8750
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Accept call 007f8750
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 0555112555
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-N
umber -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering
-Plan -> Unknown
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: Name ->
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: URI -> si
p:[email protected]:5060
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: Network -
> IF_S0_01
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-
ID -> 0x00ab80e8
18:01:14  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:14  CC    > [Call 007f49c0] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
18:01:14  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 0555112555
18:01:15  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0] Routing succeeded
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Transfer call 007f8750 to 007f49
c0 ==> conference
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Drop call 007f49c0
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause ->
Normal call clearing
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/incoming] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Drop call 007f8750
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause ->
Normal call clearing
18:01:15  CC    > [EP router-007f48e0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Drop call 007f49c0
18:01:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Cau
se -> Normal call clearing
18:01:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a64928/active] Set call-leg property: Sta
18:01:23  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Drop call 007f49c0
18:01:23  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: Cause ->
Normal call clearing
18:01:23  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-007f6860/active] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:01:23  CC    > Stopped datapath context tracking 0000000f
18:01:23  CC    > Released datapath context 0000000f

und hier der Teil des call-routers :
voip-router#debug call-router detail 5
voip-router#18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg p
roperty: Network -> GW_SIP
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: E16
4-Number -> 00
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: URI
 -> sip:[email protected]
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Typ
e-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Num
bering-Plan -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Pre
sentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Nam
e ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Scr
eening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Sup
ports Overlap-Sending -> true
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Sup
ported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20], G.729A[20/20]
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Uni
que Identifier -> [email protected]
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: IP-
Address ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Cal
l-Leg-ID -> 0x007f3b30
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Sta
18:10:30  CC    > Acquired datapath context 0000000f
18:10:30  CC    > Started datapath context tracking 0000000f
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f41d0] Set call property: Context -> 0x0000000f
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f41d0] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capabi
lity -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f41d0] Set call property: Hops -> 0x00000010
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Dial to provider router (I
F_SIP_SERVICE-precall-service) using call 007f41d0
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Accept call 007f41d0
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 41555112555
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-N
umber -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering
-Plan -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: URI -> si
p:[email protected]:5060
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -
> router
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-
ID -> 0x007f5860
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0] Start route-lookup
18:10:30  CR    > [switch] Routing-Lookup:
18:10:30  CR    >   Execute all entries in table IF_SIP_SERVICE-precall-service
18:10:30  CR    >   Find best-matching called-entry in table RT_INCOMING
18:10:30  CR    >     Selecting default entry
18:10:30  CR    >   Find best-matching called-entry in table MT_NR_TRANSLATION
18:10:30  CR    >     Selecting default entry
18:10:30  CR    >     Execute String: called-e164 changed to '0555112555'
18:10:30  CR    >   Execute all entries in table IF_S0_01-dest
18:10:30  CR    >   Execute all entries in table route-found-place-call
18:10:30  CR    >   Lookup result: Route found; place call (timeout=0)
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0] Route found; immediately place call
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0] Route to provider 'IF_S0_01'
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 00
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: URI -> si
p:[email protected]
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-N
umber -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering
-Plan -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentat
ion-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening
-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports
Overlap-Sending -> true
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supported
 Codecs -> Voice: G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20], G.729A[20/20]
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Id
entifier -> [email protected]
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: IP-Addres
s ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -
> router
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-
ID -> 0x007f8bf0
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f8ad8] Set call property: Context -> 0x0000000f
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f8ad8] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capabi
lity -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f8ad8] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Dial to provider IF_S0_01 () usi
ng call 007f8ad8
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Accept call 007f8ad8
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 0555112555
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-N
umber -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering
-Plan -> Unknown
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: Name ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: URI -> si
p:[email protected]:5060
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: Network -
> IF_S0_01
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-
ID -> 0x00ab8028
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:30  CC    > [Call 007f41d0] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Numb
er -> 0555112555
18:10:30  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0] Routing succeeded
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Transfer call 007f8ad8 to 007f41
d0 ==> conference
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Drop call 007f41d0
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause ->
Normal call clearing
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/incoming] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Drop call 007f8ad8
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause ->
Normal call clearing
18:10:30  CC    > [EP router-007f40c0/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:34  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Drop call 007f41d0
18:10:34  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Cau
se -> Normal call clearing
18:10:34  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_SERVICE-00a66580/active] Set call-leg property: Sta
18:10:34  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Drop call 007f41d0
18:10:34  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: Cause ->
Normal call clearing
18:10:34  CC    > [EP IF_S0_01-00ab6620/active] Set call-leg property: State ->
18:10:34  CC    > Stopped datapath context tracking 0000000f
18:10:34  CC    > Released datapath context 0000000f
habe hier gesehen URI sowie E164 erhält --> 00

Gruss Morphy
Morphy, bitte benutze doch nächstes Mal die Code-Tags.

So wie das aussieht, sendet dein Provider "00" und "00None". Das kannst du als Auswahlkriterium nehmen und dies im Routing zum Telefon rauslöschen.

mfg Guard-X
Hallo Guard-x

sorry bin leider noch ein blutiger Anfänger, was die Programmierung des SN's betr.
Was muss ich genau wo eintragen?

Gruss Morphy
Dürfte kein grosses Problem sein. Ich hoffe das reicht zu Montag...
Hallo Guard-X

sorry für die späte Antwort.
Vielen Dank für Deine Bemühungen. Freue mich darauf.

Gruss Morphy
Hi Morphy,

wie versprochen hier mal ein paar Möglichkeiten!

Funktioniert glaube ich nicht bei VoIP, aber bitte trotzdem mal testen:

mapping-table calling-pi to calling-e164 mod_restricted
        map restricted to
routing-table called-e164 RT_INCOMING
    [b]route default dest-interface IF_S0_01 mod_restricted[/b]

...oder dies hier müsste auf jeden Fall erstmal funktionieren:

mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 mod_restricted
        map 00 to
routing-table called-e164 RT_INCOMING
    [b]route default dest-interface IF_S0_01 mod_restricted[/b]

Mal gucken wie das ISDN Telefon reagiert!

mfg Guard-X
Hallo Guard-X

vielen Dank für die Beispiele. Leider haben beide nicht funktioniert, da nach dem Eintragen keine ankommende Anrufe mehr möglich waren. Aber habe ich damit einen guten Anhaltspunkt erhalten und werde in dieser Richt weitermachen. Sobald ich die Lösung habe, werde ich mich wieder melden, ausser Du hast vor mir die Lösung

Gruss Morphy
Zeig doch mal, wie du das 2. Beispiel eingetragen hast...
Hallo Guard-X,

sorry für die späte Antwort, leider konnte ich nicht schneller Antworten.
Ich werde nochmals Deine Einstellung probieren.
Jedenfalls hat Mein SIP-Provider mitgeteilt, es werde nächstens eine neue Hardware installiert, womit es möglich sein sollte Anonyme Anrufe auch wirklich als Anonym zu senden.

MfG Morphy

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