Smartnode - Mit G.729a nur sehr lautes Knistern und Rauschen nach Wählen


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6 Feb 2006
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Hallo Forengemeinde.

Ich habe ein Problem mit der Smartnode.

Es stellt sich folgendermaßen dar:
Bei ausgehenden Rufen (von einer Nebenstelle der TK-Anlage) tritt gleichzeitig mit dem ersten Rufton (nach dem Wählen) ein sehr lautes Rauschen und Knistern auf. Wenn der Ruf von der Gegenstelle beantwortet wird ist die Sprache unverständlich.

Eingehend (von einem Handy) ist der Rufton normal, nach Abheben an der Nebenstelle der TK-Anlage ist die Sprache unverständlich.

Was hab ich getestet:
- Firmware Up- und Downgrade
- Reset
- 2 verschiedene Carrier getestet
- Probleme treten nur in Verbindung mit G.729a auf
- an Patton ist auch Amt angeschlossen, hierüber ist die Telefonie fehlerfrei (ein- und ausgehend)

Fakten zur Smartnode:
Smartnode 4635
FW 5.3 (Downgrade als Versuch der Fehlerbehebung, davor 5.4)
Aubau: SIP Carrier <-> Patton <-> TK-Anlage im PP-Betrieb

Ich hoffe mir kann jmd helfen... ich suche seit gestern nachmittag nach dem Fehler und komme nicht drauf :(

Gruss aus Tirol

Die Running-Config:
#                                                                #
# SN4635/3BIS                                                    #
# R5.3 2009-05-20 H323 SIP BRI                                   #
# 2009-10-20T09:53:07                                            #
# SN/00A0BA04CE86                                                #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
administrator administrator password xxx
dns-client server
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4


  ic voice 0

  clock-source 1 bri 0 0
  clock-source 2 bri 0 1
  clock-source 3 bri 0 2

profile napt NAPT_WAN

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile dhcp-server DHCPS_LAN
  include 1
  lease 2 hours
  default-router 1
  domain-name-server 1

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface IF_IP_WAN
    ipaddress 91.206.238.xx
    use profile napt NAPT_WAN
    tcp adjust-mss rx 582
    tcp adjust-mss tx 1440

  interface IF_IP_LAN

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_FROM_PSTN
    route T dest-interface IF_S0_00 MT_ADD_0

  routing-table called-e164 RT_FROM_SIP
    route T dest-interface IF_S0_00 MT_SIP

  routing-table called-e164 RT_FROM_ISDN
    route 1.. dest-interface IF_S0_01
    route .+ dest-interface IF_S0_01
    route 9...+ dest-interface IF_SIP_CARRIER MT_DEL_PREF_9

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_ADD_0
    map $ to 0

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_DEL_TEST
    map 43528872610 to 0

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_DEL_PREF_9
    map 9(.%) to 0\1

  complex-function MT_SIP
    execute 1 MT_DEL_TEST
    execute 2 MT_ADD_0

  interface isdn IF_S0_00
    route call dest-table RT_FROM_ISDN

  interface isdn IF_S0_01
    route call dest-table RT_FROM_PSTN

  interface sip IF_SIP_CARRIER
    bind context sip-gateway GW_CARRIER
    route call dest-table RT_FROM_SIP
    remote 91.206.239.xx

context cs switch
  no shutdown

authentication-service AUTH_USER_WNT
  username 43528872610 password xxx

location-service SER_LOC_WNT
  domain 1 91.206.239.xx

  identity-group default

    authentication outbound
      authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_USER_WNT username 43528872610

  identity 43528872610

    authentication outbound
      authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_USER_WNT username 43528872610

    registration outbound
      registrar 5060
      lifetime 60
      register auto
      retry-timeout on-system-error 10
      retry-timeout on-client-error 10
      retry-timeout on-server-error 10

context sip-gateway GW_CARRIER

  interface IF_WAN
    bind interface IF_IP_WAN context router port 5060

context sip-gateway GW_CARRIER
  bind location-service SER_LOC_WNT
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium 10 half
  bind interface IF_IP_WAN router
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium 10 half
  bind interface IF_IP_LAN router
  no shutdown

port bri 0 0
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_S0_00 switch

port bri 0 0
  no shutdown

port bri 0 1
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_S0_01 switch

port bri 0 1
  no shutdown

port bri 0 2
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn

port bri 0 2

Logauszug eines ausgehenden Calls mit unverständlicher Sprache:
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/outgoing] Dial to provider IF_SIP_CARRIER () using call 00fa2fd8
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Accept call 00fa2fd8
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 06648587023
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Name ->
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> GW_CARRIER
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00fa23d0
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.729A[20/20]
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> GW_CARRIER/91.206.238.xx
10:54:13  CC    > [Call 00f772a0] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00f8e9d0/incoming] Drop call 00f79248
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00f8e9d0/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00f8e9d0/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.50, DS0
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 06648587023
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.729A[20/20]
10:54:13  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING
10:54:13  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING
10:54:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.40, RTP, (undefined) (0ms), Local: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:14  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
10:54:14  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
10:54:14  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.40, RTP, (undefined) (0ms), Local: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:17  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 1.45, RTP, G.729A (20ms), Local: Rx 162 pkts, 3240 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 337 ms, Tx 321 pkts, 12840 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:17  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 1.45, RTP, G.729A (20ms), Local: Rx 162 pkts, 3240 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 337 ms, Tx 321 pkts, 12840 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:20  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> ALERTING
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00] Routing succeeded
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Transfer call 00fa2fd8 to 00f772a0 ==> conference
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Drop call 00f772a0
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/outgoing] Drop call 00fa2fd8
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
10:54:20  CC    > [EP router-00a34a00/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
10:54:22  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 1.74, RTP, G.729A (20ms), Local: Rx 410 pkts, 8200 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 301 ms, Tx 821 pkts, 32840 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 646 ms, Tx 249 pkts, 4980 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 3.11, RTP, G.729A (20ms), Local: Rx 419 pkts, 8380 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 167 ms, Tx 839 pkts, 33560 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 646 ms, Tx 249 pkts, 4980 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 5d2c75ac3eafb822
10:54:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: IP-Address -> 91.206.239.xx
10:54:23  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
10:54:23  CC    > [EP IF_S0_00-00a03c78/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
10:54:27  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 1.00, RTP, G.729A (20ms), Local: Rx 660 pkts, 13200 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 822 ms, Tx 1321 pkts, 52840 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 566 ms, Tx 498 pkts, 9960 bytes, rtt 0 ms
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_S0_00-00a03c78/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_S0_00-00a03c78/active] Set call-leg property: State -> DISCONNECTING
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_S0_00-00a03c78/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Drop call 00f772a0
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_CARRIER-00fa38c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_S0_00-00a03c78/active] Drop call 00f772a0
10:54:32  CC    > [EP IF_S0_00-00a03c78/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

Anmerkung zum Edit:
Ich schrieb das die Calls irgendwann gedropped werden... das hatte eine andere Ursache. Der Call bleibt aufrecht bis ich selber auflege.
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